Queen Lili’uokalani, who died of a stroke in 1917, is said to haunt her palace. A piano has been known to play by itself in the Blue Room, and the Queen’s locked bedroom door will open at night when no one is there. Also, folks have reported smelling the Queen’s cigar smoke and seeing a light in the tower, where no lights are installed. Voices and footsteps have been witnessed as well. Some were lucky enough to have seen the apparition of a lady in a black dress, who many believe to be the Queen’s ghost.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 364 S King St
Honolulu, HI 96813
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 21.306715, -157.85875999999996
- County:
- Honolulu County, Hawaii
- Nearest Towns:
- Honolulu, HI (0.0 mi.)
Halawa Heights, HI (6.1 mi.)
Halawa, HI (6.5 mi.)
Hickam Housing, HI (6.8 mi.)
'Aiea, HI (7.1 mi.)
Maunawili, HI (7.3 mi.)
Iroquois Point, HI (8.0 mi.)
Kane'ohe, HI (8.0 mi.)
Waimalu, HI (8.7 mi.)
He'eia, HI (9.0 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
We asked someone to take our picture in front of the back side of the Palace and it looks like they captured something else. No flash was used in this picture and the sun was to the our left. What do you think?
This picture was taken at the back of the Iolani Palace. No flash was needed. The sun was to our left. What do you think?
It’s from the light on the inside of the palace reflecting through the etched glass of the palace doors.
Years ago I worked across the street from the Iolani Palace. I would find different places to eat my sack lunch, and sometimes wandered into the park that surrounds the palace. One afternoon the grass was damp and I was wearing a light-colored skirt, so looked for a better place to sit. I sat on a rock wall. As I opened my bag to take out my sandwich, I felt the rocks trying to bump me off! I quickly stood up and saw the sign (which I’d initially overlooked) that read “KAPU,” meaning it was a forbidden area. Reading another marker, I learned that the wall surrounded the grave of a Hawaiian king. It is said that the kahunas (Hawaiian sorcerers) would imbue the spirits of the dead into pohaku (rocks) in sacred areas to guard and protect. I have no doubt that is what I felt. Further reading informed me that this grave had in centuries past been a very sacred place, an opening to a cave that supposedly went all the way to the other side of the island and was where dead Hawaiian royalty were kept. The missionaries wanted to seal it off, so a compromise was made when a king had a Christian burial at the mouth of the cave, and it was sealed. I never went back to the park around the palace again. I’d always noticed when I’d gone there was that the air seemed thick and heavy, even on sunny days, that there should have been more birds singing, and the traffic noises from the busy surrounding Honolulu business district were muted. The palace itself is lovely, and I have taken the tour, no strange vibes there. Where it gets weird is on some of the grounds around the palace–it can feel very strange.