A playful haunt at this 1830s-era inn has been known to hide guests’ belongings in odd places. For example, one guest’s missing lipstick turned up in a shoe. Cold spots and disembodied footsteps also have been reported, and psychic and ghost-hunting teams have determined that there are spirits of a little girl in the inn and a man in the basement.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 3158 State Road 2
Valparaiso, IN 46385
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 41.43925172094394, -87.1058752010498
- County:
- Porter County, Indiana
- Nearest Towns:
- Aberdeen, IN (0.3 mi.)
Shorewood Forest, IN (2.6 mi.)
Valparaiso, IN (3.3 mi.)
Lakes of the Four Seasons, IN (5.9 mi.)
Wheeler, IN (6.3 mi.)
South Haven, IN (7.3 mi.)
Winfield, IN (9.1 mi.)
Kouts, IN (9.4 mi.)
Hebron, IN (9.7 mi.)
Hobart, IN (10.0 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:
- http://www.innataberdeen.com/

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
A friend of mine lives out past the Inn and when we talk on the phone together she tells me that she is coming up to Aberdeen and the phone will disconnect but she will call me back. Sure enough the phone disconnects and she has to call me back every time. I just think this is quite a coincidence that it happens in this area and every time she drives by it!
It must be a dead zone… muahahahaha