Indiana University Bloomington is said to be haunted in several spots on campus. One is the Career Center, babies are heard crying, and at the Folklore Office a deceased department head has been seen. At the Indiana Memorial Union, suicide victims and a ghost dog roam, and apparitions have been seen and heard at the Lily Library. Reed Hall has the ghost of a murdered girl, and Read Dorm, the ghost of a resident advisor named Paula who threw herself down the stairs.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 107 S Indiana Ave
Bloomington, IN 47405
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 39.16485712774733, -86.52111715080537
- County:
- Monroe County, Indiana
- Nearest Towns:
- Bloomington, IN (0.3 mi.)
Ellettsville, IN (7.3 mi.)
Harrodsburg, IN (10.5 mi.)
Stinesville, IN (11.6 mi.)
Nashville, IN (14.8 mi.)
Gosport, IN (15.0 mi.)
Spencer, IN (15.4 mi.)
Paragon, IN (16.1 mi.)
Avoca, IN (17.5 mi.)
Oolitic, IN (18.2 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I lived in the Read dorm my sophomore and junior years. I firmly believe I encountered the Read ghost. I was taking a shower one night around finals time (which is when she is rumored to have killed herself). You have to have a key specific to the floor you live on to get into the bathroom, so I knew I was alone in there. So I’m taking my shower and I hear a woman softly call my name. I stopped, turned off the water, and listened for awhile. Nothing. A few minutes after I turn the water back on, I hear it again. So I threw my robe on and looked around the bathroom- there was no one in there with me- and the door was very heavy, I never heard it open or close. I walked into my friends’ room (the only people who would try to scare me) and was furious with them. They denied scaring me, and they’re the worst liars on the planet, so I believed them. Shortly after, I did some research and found out about the Read ghost who had killed herself in my hall.
Hi Keeley, I live in read right now and have been doing large amounts of research around the RA who killed herself. Her name was Paula, and she threw herself down the 6th story wing tip staircase in Landes. I’ve been asking RA’s to get more information, since I had a similar experience as you. I took a shower around 3 am a few weeks ago, and started to hear faint screams every few minutes. Now, you might be thinking these screams came from sex, but they definitely sounded like outcries. So much so that I thought someone was down on the street screaming. After my shower, I went to go look out the window but all of them were closed and latched, and the next cry I heard came from inside the building somewhere. Can I ask what shower this happened to you in? Mine was in Curry 3.
I lived in Read Hall for three and a half years, and I never had any encounters with the ghost, but I do remember the building did have weird noises and squeaks and pounding sounds every once in a while. I chalked them up to other dorm residents, but I guess it could have been something else paranormal.
There was a suicide on Beck 5 of Read Hall in 2012. I lived there in 2013-14 and heard some odd rustling, although it wouldn’t surprise me if it was a mouse. Also, there was one night where a dry-erase board hanging above my desk ended up falling off the wall and landing several feed away. It was hanging directly above my cabinet, but I only heard one bang as it hit the floor a bit away. This happened in my room on Beck 5 although it was at the other end of the hallway from the suicide.
I was reading this article and the comments in my room in Read, when the fire alarm went off at 1:30 am. It may have been nothing, but I have also witnessed the door to our room open and close all by itself multiple times. Our doors are rather heavy, and the door was either completely shut or completely open against the wall and slams shut. This I find very difficult to be the product of a light breeze from our fans.
wow u guys are so lucky
i have a had a horrible experience in IMU after I walked out of the late night Friday at 3 am. Outside the building in a dark shady area I tripped twice without any impact. My shoe lace were tied and I was completely sober as I had a test on Sunday. I didn’t know what tripped me there was nothing on the ground and I ran for my life. I don’t think I can go to the IMU in the night by myself. Please be careful.
I have enjoyed reading everyone’s comments! I am a writer working on a book for a well-known publisher, focusing on Indiana University, Bloomington, and Monroe County. If anyone would like to allow me to share their stories and be referenced in my upcoming book, I would greatly appreciate it. You may contact me at
Thanks in advance and please stay safe and healthy.
As a practicing Catholic, this all can be taken care of. Most of these incidents are due to the soul needing prayers or Masses said for them. Instead of treating it like a side show, any practicing Christian could say prayers for these lost souls or offer as a Catholic a Mass for the intentions can be offered up. Study the souls in purgatory, and you will learn more about this topic. I for one will be offering up for these intentions now that I am aware of them.
In the summer of ‘94 or ‘95, I was walking through one of the meadows. I think it was the one besides BW3 and the library?? Anyway, no one else was in the meadows and campus was quiet. I suddenly felt a large male hand touch my left shoulder, in a way that made me think that he needed directions, so I turned around to see what the guy needed. There was no one there. I look around that entire meadow and no one was there. Sometime later, I read that a visiting professor had been killed on the sidewalk right there.