Indiana State University

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At Indiana State University’s Burford Hall, a ghost named Barb is the spirit of a student who died of alcohol poisoning. Witnesses have heard her vomiting or crying in the bathroom. And in Cromwell Hall is a white cross under a 12th-floor window where a man jumped to his death, on the west side of the building at Room 1221. His footsteps and unexplained noises have been reported.

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Geographic Information

N 5th St
Terre Haute, IN
United States

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39.46917434001664, -87.40840626770631
Vigo County, Indiana
Nearest Towns:
Terre Haute, IN (0.3 mi.)
West Terre Haute, IN (2.2 mi.)
Toad Hop, IN (3.0 mi.)
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, IN (4.3 mi.)
North Terre Haute, IN (4.8 mi.)
Tecumseh, IN (6.5 mi.)
Seelyville, IN (7.7 mi.)
Riley, IN (8.0 mi.)
New Goshen, IN (8.3 mi.)
Shepardsville, IN (9.1 mi.)

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  1. I lived in Burford Hall at ISU during the 1990-1991 school year and never heard any story about or noises from a ghost named Barb. These stories are most likely told to scare underclassmen. I currently live near Gettysburg, PA and if people want to hear and see a ghost it would be more likely to happen here than in Burford Hall.

  2. I attended Indiana State from 2007-2012. I lived in Blumberg Hall which is next to Cromwell. I remember the cross on the side of the building and even facilities and grounds crew trying to remove it and it would always return. I had several friends who lived in Burford would hear the girl in the bathroom. It would really freak out the students who lived on that floor.

  3. I went to state 2004-2009, lived in Blumberg as well(Freshman year anyway), I heard a story of a freshman girl who committed suicide because she found out she was pregnant etc… you could hear the sounds of a baby crying late at night on the 7th floor (which is now like a common area) and random phones ringing- also the cross is on the side of Cromwell and has been for years and doubt it will go anywhere. There some weird stuff in the Quads too!!

  4. I know I’m late on commenting, but the quads and Jones Hall are also haunted. I currently attend ISU and going into my junior year. Jones js haunted by a spirit Michael who died from elevator hopping drunk. Honestly, during my stay in that dorm freshman year, I was freaked out because I heard knocking on my door when no one was there, and I would always hear footsteps on top of the elevator when I was alone. It was creepy, but let’s not forget the quads. At the quads my sophomore year I would hear laughter and footsteps that weren’t there when I was alone. I moved out of the quads midway because it got so bad that I felt someone touching my feet and pulling my blankets off. Never had experienced something like that, but I don’t know if anyone had the same experiences I did.

    • I lived in the quads for a couple years. I graduated in 2002. I never heard or felt anything while living there nor did anybody else that I knew that lived there. However, I cannot remember the name of the building but it’s where the TV and film department is located. While I was waiting for my computer to render the video project that I finished I heard somebody in the computer lab next-door. When I went next-door there was nobody there. I went back to the computer lab where I was working, of which was by myself, and then I heard somebody knocking on the door . I opened the door and nobody was there. Needless to say I quickly turned everything off and told the spirit not to bother me because I was leaving. I never went back by myself. I had another situation happen when I was in the library. It was the basement floor. I was researching something when I heard some books fall on the ground. I went over to help the person put the box back but I found the box on the floor but nobody was around. I felt like I was in the movie Ghostbusters from 1980 something lol I didn’t even wait for the elevator I used the stairs and ran as fast as I could.

  5. As far as the ghost of Jones Hall goes Kaylee, most nights you would have probably been right on target. However, I was there. Michael as you call him went by Mike to those who saw him in the dorm. To those who ran together, he was Duke. A shortened version of his last name.

    But you see, he would not have been drunk on the night he died because he had a major exam with one of the toughest professors in the school of aviation early the next morning. Duke, his roommate, and my roommate were all Pro Pilot majors. They studied all the time, pressed their clothes score and between classes in order to present a professional appearance.
    However, as driven as they were to succeed in their classes, when night came, we all put away a lot of beer. We lived on the 8th floor of Jones Hall and over the course of a few semesters of elevator surfing, we had graffiti’d the inside of both shafts with “The Jones Boys”. On the night that Duke was killed, he had been surfing and as time wore on, everyone went to bed and nobody called the elevator for over an hour. In those days, when the elevator was not being used, they went to the 10th floor as a standby. Duke and another young man he’d been stuck at the top of the shaft for quite some time. This was the first time the other fellow had been on top of the elevator, so duke said he would climb down the I-beams like he had so many times before to call the elevator down for him.
    Sometime between 2:00 and 3:00 in the morning, my roommate, (Duke’s best friend) came home. As he was riding up, Duke was climbing down and got caught between the top of the elevator and a steel I-beam. It’s my understanding that he was almost cut in half. My roommate was trapped inside the elevator for almost an hour as Duke bled out into the elevator and into the cross lounge floor in front of the shaft on both the 6th and 7th floors.
    Duke was a really nice guy who was friends with everyone he met. we all loved to be around him with the happy positive vibe he put off, a few of us even made weekend road trips to his home in the Florida panhandle or joined him at Mass on Saturday evenings.

    I don’t believe that he’s still roaming the halls of Jones Hall almost 30 years later. As a matter of fact, I’ll go so far as to say that while I don’t know for sure if there are ghosts walking among us or not, I do believe in them. However, the only one we need be concerned about is the one that will be waiting for us on our judgement day. He’ll be sitting right beside the Father and the Son.

  6. I have a friend who’s ex-girlfriend was going to ISU just last year, and something neither related to Barb or that other ghost happened. I live in Linton, IN, and my friend in Lyons. My friend was picking up her girlfriend, andwhen she was pulling in near a gate, some woman dressed in white with blood-soaked hair jumped on her car and screamed. She swerved into a nearby tree, and the woman got off her car, smiled, and walked into the trees. Freaked the fuck out, my friend drove away as fast as she could and found a different way in to pick up her gf at the time. She has a picture of the lady from far away, as she took one with her phone a while after she started walking into the trees, and I’m trying to get her to send it. I’ll post it here if she sends it to me.

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