In the administrative building of the chemical plant, the apparition of a tall pale man has been seen wandering the corridors. He is believed to be a former worker who died in an explosion here. Doors open and close by themselves, and night patrol staff have reportedly been followed by a small shadowy figure.
(Submitted by Callum Swift)
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 5451 Jefferson Chemical Rd
Conroe, TX
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 30.3137211, -95.38848439999998
- County:
- Montgomery County, Texas
- Nearest Towns:
- Cut and Shoot, TX (2.3 mi.)
Conroe, TX (4.0 mi.)
Woodloch, TX (6.8 mi.)
Panorama Village, TX (7.8 mi.)
Willis, TX (9.4 mi.)
Shenandoah, TX (10.1 mi.)
Oak Ridge North, TX (11.1 mi.)
Porter Heights, TX (11.9 mi.)
The Woodlands, TX (12.3 mi.)
Splendora, TX (14.7 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Montgomery texas. At 2:15 i was outside with my girlfriend sitting in my car drinking a few beers.. When i noticed a man wich appeared to be trying to break in to my neighbors storage Trailor. I went inside to grab my flashlight, when i pointed the light on the man it was i honestly was like wtf.. Only rational explanation was hes hidding behind it and hes moving fast before the light hits i get in my car and drive by the storage unit.. Nothing there… So i pull back in my driveway now looking into my neighbors driveway i see two small girls skipping.. This gives me chills just thinking about it, so before i go on remember its me and my girlfriend. . and she sees what im seeing so i know im not going crazy.. So i pull into my neighbors driveway and the girls disappear as soon as lights hit them.. So at this point we are like omg wtf is going on now.. Once we get back in my driveway is when we both swear what we saw as clear as day… 2 creatures out of a scary movie show there faces to us in my right side mirror..i drive off onto 1097.. We both are confused, scared and think we are going crazy.. I look down at the time its 3:00 am. As i pull on 1097 i see men in hoodies and rain coats walking torwards us.. We see about 9 what we thought was men.. Obviously was demons .. Or ghost i dont really know but it was real.. So now we both freaking out i start honking to wake my mother up.. She lives nextdoor to us. My car starts steaming from the hood.. As my mom walks out.. All my freon and oil was empty.. My mother sees us in a frantic state of mind.. I tell her whats going on she immediately gets her bible and commands them to leave.. She dont see them.. Only me and my girlfriend do.. Im trying to point them out to my mom nothing.. Its as if the creatures was hiding behind the trees. I turned my car off and it stays on.. There is more to this story. I never believed in ghosts or hell i guess.. Now i do and i plan on living life differently now.. If your ever confronted by an evil .. Remember god gives us the power to cast away unwanted spirits. Blood of jesus keep us all safe..
You know when you drive down 1097 and you see those 2 graves by the firework place and dollar general.. what if it has something to do with that.. i go down 1097 everyday and i dont see anything
Just found out my neighbor. Doing a lot of building said to of dug up graves… Could this be why..
I truly believe that God does give us the power to cast away unwanted spirits. My mother has done the very same thing. She had 3 small evil demons appear beside her bed one night. She firmly demanded that they leave, in the name of Jesus. And they did!
God bless you and your girlfriend, and keep you safe.
Huntsman is likely haunted by the ones who died in the explosions that have occured and anywheres is just as likely
so i did some research and i haven’t found anything about former employees dead from explosions….
Working a late night coming back from a move we completed from Austin. (I was working for a moving company called All The Right Moves at the time.) We were driving on 105 and across the street from April sound at the crosswalk by the gas station an image appeared as if a man was walking across the street. It looked as if we were about to hit someone but we drove right through him. I’m always skeptical of these things so i asked my helper if he just saw what i saw. We kept asking each other, “what did you see?” I refused to say anything and so did he. By the time we got to Mcaleb rd he gave it up and confirmed what I saw.
There are a lot of graves being disturbed in this area of Montgomery County. Remember they used to bury people on private property that belonged in the family. Family cemeteries were marked with stones or wooden crosses most of the time. It was before marble, granite or other harder rocks/tombstones were in use. We now have a cavalier attitude of who cares if graves are built over. Well, there are two schools built on old cemeteries that no one will admit to. One is off 1314 and it is near or on an old Native American burial mound. The other one was built on a family cemetery off of FM 3083 and 2090. No one wants to acknowledge the sacrilege of both of these cases. Pine boxes disintegrate, corpses that aren’t embalmed disintegrate in less than 50 years. Graves over a hundred years old are for sure not going to have intact remains. Stop building on cemeteries.
Think this never happens. Research the sorry, horrific, sacrilege committed by San Francisco in the last hundred years and the 26,000 bodies reinterred in another part of California. It is wrong.