Huntress Hall - Keene State College

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Built in 1926, this college dorm is said to be haunted by Harriet Huntress herself, the board-of-education higher-up for whom the dorm was named. Strange noises have come from the attic, where it is reported that Ms. Huntress’ wheelchair still sits.

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Geographic Information

Huntress Hall
Appian Way, Keene, NH
United States

Get Directions »
42.927219, -72.2792895
Cheshire County, New Hampshire
Nearest Towns:
Keene, NH (0.5 mi.)
Marlborough, NH (3.9 mi.)
Swanzey, NH (4.0 mi.)
West Swanzey, NH (4.5 mi.)
Surry, NH (6.6 mi.)
Sullivan, NH (6.6 mi.)
Gilsum, NH (8.4 mi.)
Westmoreland, NH (8.6 mi.)
Nelson, NH (8.7 mi.)
Troy, NH (8.7 mi.)


Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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Comments (4)

  1. I graduated from Keene State in 1985. When we were moving out of the dorms that spring, I had an opportunity to go up into the attic of Huntress Hall, and indeed there was an old fashioned wheelchair up there! In fact, there wasn’t much else up there, and it was a HUGE attic.

  2. Dr. Arabella Scully, M.d.  |  

    I’ve been to Huntress Hall a few times, and each time, I have felt something or someone touch my shoulder, and the person who went with me (usually my boyfriend), was at the other end of the room.
    I have been in touch with many other people such as psychics and mediums who have been there and felt entities beyond this world, and I have remained a skeptic as I always am.
    I have been to the attic, where there is an old fashioned wheelchair. There was not much else up there, but the attic was gigantic.
    I have no explanation for the incredible experiences that have been documented, or at least not any that are even remotely plausible.
    Thank you,
    Dr. Arabella Scully, M.d.

  3. First night at college, 2nd fl in Huntress, 1984, I got up for a drink of water outside my room around 3 a.m. and hears swishing. I looked down the hall where it was coming from and a woman with a long dress was walking from door to door checking them and then walked around the corner. Next day I asked the RA if this building was known to be haunted. Yep.

    Then the next semester I moved to the 3rd floor where my roommate and I were up late one night and while laying in bed we heard what sounded like someone with army boots walking back and forth up in the attic and a baby crying. We laid there for what seemed like an hour listening to this and were freaked out.

  4. When I worked at ksc cleaning huntress hall I heard something rolling back and forth, so I went up to the attic and saw that the wheelchair was not only inside of a cage but was also bolted down. It definitely creeped me out big time. I asked my boss if they could relocate me and so they gave me Elliot hall in the basement which was more scarier than huntress, as I was vacuuming the basement which used to be a place back in the day where they would put the dead kids until they were buried. I heard kids laughing and screaming like they were standing next to me. I shut off my vacuum and the noise disappeared, I turned my vacuum back on and that’s when I got the hell out of there! Ksc is definitely haunted and that’s why I quit right then and there!

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