Howmet Plant

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1 Howmet Dr. Hampton, Va, 23661. Back in the early 1980’s I was a security guard working through the Wackenhut Corp, at the Howmet plant in Hampton, Virginia. One hot and misty night I saw what I thought was a young woman wearing a gossamer gown wandering in front of the plant. I grew somewhat suspicious of this person, after all who wanders the streets wearing only a night gown? I left the guard house to see if this woman needed some assistance. She seemed as real as any other person on the planet, but she completely ignored my calling out to her. I got within arms length of her and I reached out to touch her and get her attention. At this point, the woman simply vanishes. I was both shocked and horrified by this event. For an hour I debated on whether or not I should make an entry into the security log, but ultimately I elected not to do it, However, when my superior arrived in the morning, I told her about the incident. She just laughed at me and said that it was just wishful thinking on my part. From that point to now, I have never told anyone else this story.

(Submitted by Marshall W)

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Geographic Information

1 Howmet Dr.
Hampton, Va, 23661
United States

Get Directions »
37.0137689, -76.39461849999998
Nearest Towns:
Hampton, VA (2.9 mi.)
Newport News, VA (3.0 mi.)
East Hampton, VA (3.8 mi.)
Poquoson, VA (8.0 mi.)
York Haven Anchorage, VA (9.0 mi.)
Carrollton, VA (10.3 mi.)
Benns Church, VA (11.8 mi.)
Norfolk, VA (13.0 mi.)
Smithfield, VA (13.2 mi.)
Portsmouth Heights, VA (13.4 mi.)
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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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Comments (4)

  1. This post gave me chills. I saw her too when I was 12 years old doing my paper route in the early dark hours in Poquoson Virginia. She was wearing something that appeared to be like a white long night gown, had long hair, and she had been crying crying. She asked me for help and if she could use my phone. I told her that I was afraid to wake my parents or something like that. She just kept walking and then vanished. My father was the dispatcher for the Poquoson police dept. at the time. When I got home I told him about a women who was on the road crying that needed a ride or help. They didn’t find her. I eventually found out why.

    • David,I worked in dispatch for Poquoson Police and Fire( part- time) for 14 years,I was wondering if I might have known your Dad.Also I would like to learn more about the story you told in this post.Thank You Greg Martin.

  2. Dale Stephenson  |  

    My husband and I lived in a house on Warwick Blvd in Newport News that was haunted. The owner”s husband passed away a little before we bought the house. He never bothered me, but he didn’t like my husband, Their was also another spirit there that would come through the front door and it’s foot steps could be heard coming up the stair. but it would stop midway never completely coming up stairs.I moved out after my husband died.There has been buyers since then. No one seems to be able to stay there very long.

    • The noise of something coming through the front door and then only walking half way up the steps sounds like a residual haunting, not an intelligent haunt. It’s almost like a record of someone who did the same routine and after they die it still plays over and over. It isn’t an actual spirit it is almost like the houses memory

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