At this splendid historic hotel, originally built in 1928, an apparent suicide is often given as the reason for some strange phenomena. Moaning sounds come from the sixth floor storage area, which used to be used as housing for employees. Folks say in the 1970s, a hotel chambermaid who was left at the altar committed suicide by drowning herself in nearby Fox River.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 100 W Main St
St Charles, IL 60174
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 41.91389344226092, -88.31469440458022
- County:
- Kane County, Illinois
- Nearest Towns:
- Saint Charles, IL (0.3 mi.)
Geneva, IL (1.9 mi.)
Farmington, IL (2.1 mi.)
Batavia, IL (4.4 mi.)
Wayne, IL (4.5 mi.)
Village of Campton Hills, IL (4.5 mi.)
Wasco, IL (4.9 mi.)
South Elgin, IL (5.7 mi.)
West Chicago, IL (6.0 mi.)
North Aurora, IL (7.5 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:
- http://www.hotelbaker.com/

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I have passed it before in a car and it looks haunted so I wouldn’t be surprised! Also the Dole Mansion in Crystal Lake is haunted. I once went into a closet there and I heard screaming in my mind, although no one actually screamed! Also I felt the presence of someone to the left of me though there wasn’t anyone there! Crazy right? Another person reported the same screaming!
My friend and I investigated the hotel one evening and got all the way to the fifth floor where there was a red velvet staircase to the 6th floor. We were too scared to continue on because it was just the two of us. However, there was a definite presence with us the entire time; we agreed that we felt as though we were being guided to continue exploring.
according to an old friend of mine there was a wedding here and the statue outside is the husband and he never show up so the wife committed suicide and you can hear her banging on the doors at night
My brothers and I used to run amuck throughout this place during Sunday brunch in the late 80’s. The basement area was definitely spooky, don’t remember experiencing anything paranormal, however. It always reminded me of the Overlook Hotel from The Shining, us kids basically with the run of the place (at the time this was possible, nobody seemed to care…) A shame what the new ownership did to the place during the “renovations” about 10 years ago, they pretty much removed all the inherent history, along with most of the natural character and charm from the place, in my opinion.
When I grew up in saint chuck, people.
Some one drowned in the river down an old smoke stack cylindrical suction underneath the toe of the river 10 feet after the dam. If you ever lived there you would know never to go near…just by the look of it if you couldn’t even get close. Unfortunately it is and was part of this haunted hotel. DROWNED is your haunt people not ghosts’