A glowing apparition has been seen in several hotel rooms late at night or in the early hours of morning. Guests have reported seeing their closet doors open and close by themselves, as well as hearing ghostly voices and ballroom music.
(Submitted by Callum Swift)
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 126 N Perry St
Attica, IN 47918
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 40.295096, -87.24827499999998
- County:
- Fountain County, Indiana
- Nearest Towns:
- Attica, IN (0.1 mi.)
Williamsport, IN (2.4 mi.)
West Lebanon, IN (7.5 mi.)
Newtown, IN (8.2 mi.)
Mellott, IN (10.4 mi.)
Pine Village, IN (10.7 mi.)
Westpoint, IN (11.3 mi.)
Wingate, IN (12.6 mi.)
Veedersburg, IN (12.6 mi.)
Covington, IN (13.1 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:
- http://www.hotelattica.com/

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I stayed at the Attica Hotel winter before last. Great prime rib BTW. A couple of times during the night the room glowed brightly. the curtain were drawn and no passing cars. I was facing the wall at the time, and as I rolled over, the room was dark again. The closet door was open when we woke. I didn’t sleep well, because I had the feeling of someone watching me the first half of the night. I can’t say for sure if I was awake or dreaming ,but I woke in the middle of the night feeling someone standing next to me. I rolled over and open my eyes and young child was standing next to my bed wearing a red hooded coat. she was facing away from me, but I got the feeling it was a girl. It felt real to me. I covered me head and tried to go back to sleep. There was a lot of walking in the hallway during the night. I found that strange, because there was only 1 other couple staying there, but it is a very old place.
I stayed at this hotel years ago and I heard a lady call my name when nobody was near me. Also Something physically turned off both the hot and cold knobs in the shower slowly while I was taking a shower. I thought I saw something white moving down the hallway and got orbs and mist on film. I don’t know where exactly the pictures are now.
Hi I believe the lady you heard was a spirit that would try helping my mom work by moving her cleaning items around on her 😛
Vida Goldsworthy was my distant relative.I always wondered if me going in that room if I could feel her presence
Hiii so I have some very interesting information about this place, my mom actually used to work her for quite a few years. She worked there under her boss, Birdie before Birdie sold the place and it was demolished. When my mom worked there there were about 4 or 5 spirits that she can recall encountering. One of which she believed used to work at the same type of job because this spirit (female) would often try helping my mom by moving her cleaning items from to place. Another was a man who would caress my moms legs while she was trying to sleep there and would also lay in bed with her. She could feel the weight of him make the bed go down although she couldn’t see him. Another was a little girl who she could hear the voice of sometimes and even see. There were others but I don’t have very much information on them. I will ask my mom some questions about this and comment again if I get new information. Y’all are welcome