Holy Name Cemetery

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A white apparition, phantom disappearing headlights, footsteps, voices, and unexplained wind have all been reported at the Holy Name Cemetery across from a brick church.

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Geographic Information

Holy Name Drive
Plymouth, MN
United States

Get Directions »
45.015111368277296, -93.525416493394
Hennepin County, Minnesota
Nearest Towns:
Wayzata, MN (3.0 mi.)
Long Lake, MN (3.0 mi.)
Medina, MN (3.1 mi.)
Plymouth, MN (3.4 mi.)
Woodland, MN (4.8 mi.)
Orono, MN (4.9 mi.)
Maple Grove, MN (5.2 mi.)
Medicine Lake, MN (5.5 mi.)
Corcoran, MN (5.6 mi.)
Minnetonka Beach, MN (5.8 mi.)
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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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Comments (16)

  1. One of the scariest places I have ever been. While entering the graveyard at night by car my girlfriend and I both heard screams from outside. Intrigued we entered. On our way out I saw the back of a shadowy person wearing a patterned hat. This I saw so clearly that I jumped out of my seat. My girlfriend’s response.. “Yeah I saw that too. Did you also see a man wearing a hat shrouded in a blue tinged shadow?” At this point we were both freaking out but decided to tempt fate and drive through it yet again. This time clutching the cross jewelry we had brought along just in case. What we saw next will haunt me for the rest of my life. If you’ve ever seen Devil’s Pass on Netflix you will get what kind of creature we saw next. Entering the grave site chills crept up my spine. On the way out I saw a bony almost crawling like thing coming up toward my window. She was driving. After leaving I asked her if she also saw what I had. All in all we have a newfound belief in ghosts.

    • Sorry, but this is the dumbest thing that I’ve ever heard. My family lives close to the church and the cemetery and it is a lovely, peaceful place, day and night. It is certainly not haunted. You have a very vivid imagination!

  2. Me and my grandma were driving by a cemateray at night and I saw this figuere and I was like grandma slow down so she did and it got clpser then my grandma saw it I was like GO then it made this really wierd noise

  3. Went through early this morning and we drove through the cemetery as we were leaving, we saw headlights coming towards us. We slowed down and kept driving because the lights were getting closer. All of a sudden we get to the exit anthere is no car in sight. Nothing at all. The headlights disappeared and there was 4 of us in the car and we all saw it.

  4. I drive by daily and at dusk there is a creepy fog that comes out of holy family lake next to it and there are strange sounds that seem to follow you past it with green flashes of light

  5. I live in Wayzata and told my fiance I had looked in my review mirror and noticed the car behind me headlights looked blue and were flashing in the review mirror when I turned around they weren’t even on…thought it was my eyes playing tricks.. Creepy

  6. Baloney! I have been to this cemetery numerous times in my life because my mother grew up just down the road from the cemetery and four generations of my family are buried there. It is a lovely, very peaceful cemetery, and definitely NOT haunted and not the least bit creepy!

  7. I’ve been to Holy name a few times in my life in the Day time, It is a very peaceful place during the day. When coming back at night for the first time, I was startled to find on a granite headstone that there was an angel statue tipped over. I put it back up along with the other little statues around. I leave the area and hear the ceramic angel tip over against the headstone, breaking on its own. I freaked out. Then when i had seen the fog, i got scared because i couldn’t see anywhere but two feet infront of me. I almost walked into the Pond/lake thing. I woke up with scratches on my arms the next morning. I’m afraid to go back at night most times.

  8. We walked around the entire cemetery at night and drove through it afterwards for good measure but were disappointed… It was very calm and nothing unusual happened that night for us.

  9. This cemetery is not haunted at all! My family grew just down the road from the cemetery, and we’ve been there many days, both day and night, and never experienced anything strange or unusual. It is a beautiful, peaceful place. There is a lake across the road, and sometimes fog or mist rises from the lake, but that is a natural occurrence.

  10. Anyone who thinks this cemetery is haunted or the least bit creepy is just foolish. It is a very beautiful, peaceful place, filled with serenity and the souls of generations of families, including my own, who lived for Jesus and are now with Him in Heaven. Day or night, this is a restful, beautiful place and nothing to be afraid of.

  11. Why is any claim to a cemetary being haunted so insulting? It is just a form of belief that many people have and feel strongly about. The thought of Jesus rising from the dead is a ridiculous or unimaginable belief. The raising of Lazarus difficult to grasp by some. So by these people’s own standards following in Christ is the ultimate belief in the paranormal. I say relax. No one is disparaging the dead by believing in ghosts. They are actually saying they believe your loved ones still live. Both sides may be right. Both sides may be wrong. We’ll all find out, won’t we?

  12. I saw the apparition of the lady in white flowing gown. She was carrying in one hand a slice of pizza and the other hand carried a mug of beer. I wanted to join her, but she disappeared.

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