Pilots and flight attendants staying at this hotel have reported seeing a ghostly flight attendant in the mirror and sitting on the edge of their beds. Rumor has it she was killed by a pilot at the hotel.
Now known as the Magnuson Grand Hotel South Bend.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 213 W Washington St
South Bend, IN 46601
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 41.6764743, -86.25259679999999
- County:
- St. Joseph County, Indiana
- Nearest Towns:
- South Bend, IN (0.5 mi.)
Notre Dame, IN (1.8 mi.)
Indian Village, IN (2.7 mi.)
Roseland, IN (2.7 mi.)
Georgetown, IN (3.9 mi.)
Gulivoire Park, IN (4.4 mi.)
Mishawaka, IN (5.0 mi.)
Granger, IN (8.2 mi.)
Osceola, IN (9.2 mi.)
Lakeville, IN (10.6 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
This Holiday Inn is closed and is going through renovations.
Been at this location at all hours and have worked with many individuals working from this location. It is not haunted.
This holiday inn has now been rebranded as a Starwood property and is the Aloft in downtown South Bend, IN. The address is no longer 211 Washington, but in fact 213 Washington. Both addresses are in the same 25-story building. I asked the front desk clerk working Tue. 0030 hrs 2018-06-12 if she knew of any hauntings. She said she was unaware of any.
The buidling was originally built in 1970 on the site of the historic Oliver Hotel. It has been a Chase building, a Ramada Hotel and a Holiday Inn hotel. No murders were reported in the news that I could find at this time.
Absolutely haunted. Here is my experience. I was staying at this hotel quite a bit, like 6-10 days a month for a few months back to back. Was doing some business in the area etc. I walked in the front door of the hotel with one of my business partners. We were following these 2 flight attendants heading directly to the elevators. We were talking about our meetings for the day and what was happening next but it was hard not to focus on these to attendants dressed in rather through back attire. They were doing the pink 70s flight attendant outfits and had luggage that went along with the era.
They made it into the elevators and the doors closed before we made it there. Just a couple seconds behind them we made it to the doors and hit the button to go up …. and immediately the doors to the elevator they just got into opened up. There was no one inside.
I got into the elevator with my business partner and our conversation stopped … we looked at each other and basically said … did you just see what happened? Where did they go? wtf? On our way out of the hotel we stopped by the front desk and told them basically what happened. The person was not shocked at all and said something about people see them from time to time and that a long time ago a few flight attendants where killed in the hotel etc.
My partner and I tried to dig into the story to see if we could find out any details etc and we didn’t really find any factual stories. Plenty of rumors etc, but no concrete facts.
Yes this place is haunted. I’ve only seen them once, but they were like real people walking/talking etc through the lobby.
My grandfather Dale C. Martin of South Bend was murdered here on 8/24/1988, in his room, with the door “locked” from the inside. Anyone wants an extremely apparent murder, order the autopsy and police report. He was 50 years old, no health problems, found with $18k in cash yet it was never seen again after released from the investigation. He was found with tons of smoked cigarettes in the room; two different kinds, an empty bottle of Martell Cognac; a cup which was used for the drink (it was his only drink, even named my father after it, which also was murdered in Fort Lauderdale 6/14/90 Rhett Voss). There was a newspaper dating for the following day after he was supposedly found, many officers (over 20+ police and government officials visited the crime scene). Many suspected fowl play as it was a connecting room and yet the police department did nothing. So want an interesting case – request the police report or I’ll provide. Let me add the autopsy should no signs of drugs, cigarettes or alcohol although they were in the room
And concluded nobody else entered that room. To make it worse; over 65% officials involved were all shortly there after promoted and many who stated the crime needed more investigation were either fired or set up by police to be fired. Rest in peace Grandpa