Historic Plaza Hotel

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Byron T. Mills, the hotel’s former owner and town mayor, is the famous friendly ghost here. Although he passed away at the Elks Lodge in 1947, it is believed that his spirit lingers in Room 310 of his hotel. Reports say that behind the desk is kept a photograph of the ghost in his room. Staff members say the ghost has been known to open and close drawers or sit on the beds of female guests. Witnesses also have detected the smell of his cigar smoke.

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    Geographic Information

    230 Plaza Park
    Las Vegas, NM 87701
    United States

    Get Directions »
    35.593068, -105.22755010000003
    San Miguel County, New Mexico
    Nearest Towns:
    Las Vegas, NM (0.2 mi.)
    Tecolote, NM (9.6 mi.)
    Soham, NM (19.4 mi.)
    Watrous, NM (19.4 mi.)
    San Jose, NM (19.4 mi.)
    Ribera, NM (19.6 mi.)
    North San Ysidro, NM (20.2 mi.)
    Sena, NM (22.4 mi.)
    Villanueva, NM (23.8 mi.)
    East Pecos, NM (24.6 mi.)

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    Comments (16)

    1. I had stayed here with a group. The boys were on the third floor and the girls were on the second floor. At about 12 am or so we all went to the third floor to grab a few things and the moment we stepped off the elevator the whole floor was freezing cold. We had got to the room and we had trouble opening the door as if something didn’t want us to enter the room. It was quit frighting that we just grabbed our stuff ran back to the elevator and didnt bother going back to the third floor.

    2. I was in my beer and town for my daughter’s wedding and visited the hotel for a beer in the lounge. I started wandering around the hotel and saw some type of strange green light that was coming from under one of the guest room doors. I could here a faint voice saying “don’t fear the reaper.”

    3. My daughter stayed there last night…and left early on the morning because the strange events would not stop. She felt someone sit on her bed….and sometimes during the night a chair was placed in the middle of the room. She heard sounds like someone snapping their fingers right next to her ear…she said it was continuions. So she left early.she was travelling a lot going distance.and did not get ant rest..she said she thinks if there are additional guests they should at least pay half…lol

    4. I was staying there a few nights with other band members. We had a few gigs that week in Vegas NM and this was the place chosen to stay. One evening before we were about to play at the 4th of July fiestas we were all in one room waiting for one of the female musicians to get ready. All of the sudden the door flew open. stayed open and flew shut. we had no windows open and no one was by the door. Then the next day we were leaving a friend gave me some roses. I placed them on the table in my room and when I came back the roses were on the floor and broke in half.

    5. Me and my family stayed here last week our room was 1201 I am positive that this place is haunted I have smelt the smell of cigarettes and cigars the hallways and elevator of the non-smoking floor also an apparition of a man was watching me and my family sleep in the middle of the night 2 people witnessed that and he was standing in the doorway between the sink and bed area also over the three nights and four days that we were there the the TV and lights in the room would turn off all by themselves as well as our luggage opening and items that were packed were moved out of the luggage I have checked the TV to see if there was a timer set but there wasn’t I had called down to the front desk and security to see if anybody in her in my room while I was gone and nobody had they did a check to see what keys have been used on the doors and nobody entered the room while I was gone but my family and myself went to dinner and to check out Fremont Street and when we returned the TV and the lights are off when we left them on this is just a little bit of what happened while I was there I also heard voices while everybody was sleeping pretty weird for sure haunted

    6. Del Rio Ghost Hunters  |  

      We spent the night here last month in room 310, Byron Mills room all was quiet till about 1am we had a rim pod sitting on the chair, it started going off woke us up we asked an few questions an got a reply that it was a female there this continued for over 40 minutes finally I got up an just turned it off before neighbors in other rooms complained as the rim pod sounds like a smoke detector going off, but it was interesting like I said it was a question an answer deal for a while cant wait to go back.

    7. This charming old hotel, tells quite a story. The quaint decor, very accommodation staff, fair pricing and parking around the plaza square, makes an inviting overnight stop. I was a little apprehensive about staying in room 310, (Byron T Mills, favorite haunt) but knew he liked single ladies and since my husband was with me, I said let the adventure begin. After sipping a couple cold beers with some friends outside on the patio bar, we visited several other rooms and showed off our “haunted room” to everyone in return. Our room was very modest, in comparison to others, it has a large king bed, 2 side tables, a chair, and a small chest with the TV on top. The bathroom was small but, nice and provided a small dressing area. I thought the room unusual to be his favorite room, perhaps it was the view from the Southwest window he likes.

      We showered, watched the news, and drifted off to sleep after a day of driving on old Route 66 from Albuquerque we were tired. Tomorrow was another early start.

      Sometime around 2:00 AM I was awaken by a noise of the toilet flushing in our room, thinking it was my husband, I glanced around the room, but realized Kenny was fast asleep. As my eyes focused in the dim light, I saw a man or shadow of a man standing at the foot of our bed, I shoved at Kenny to wake him too, and then we both saw him. How do I know it was a man? Well I never really saw his face before he faded off, but he had an large erection, obviously sexual aroused. It was awhile before we went back to sleep, but we realized we were visited by Byron.

      Well, that is a night we shall always remember, and yes we will stay there again.

    8. I stayed at the Plaza hotel several years ago. I didn’t know it was haunted but I liked the room rate and the hotel looked interesting. They put me in the back across from room 310. At the front of the hotel was a boisterous bar and music but you couldn’t even hear it where my room was. The hallway near my room felt odd, off, unsettling, and I thought that this place must have a ghost. I’d never experienced a ghost before but I was just sure. The energy seemed jumbly, disquieting. So I got online in my room and found out that I was across the hall from said ghost. I could feel it but thankfully I didn’t see it. I stayed the night and skeedaddled in the morning. I intend to go back some day, but not alone.

      • I have stayed at the Plaza several times with nothing happening; this last time was toward the back – Room 214. Neither my husband nor I slept well. My bedside lamp kept going off all night, which was odd but nothing special. But overall there was a deep feeling of unrest – it was very unsettling and caused a great deal of anxiety that only dissipated when I left the room. We eventually left early for another hotel and all the panic disappeared. We are not white knuckle travelers nor thinking about spirits, but this was definitely unsettling.

    9. My dad stayed there back in 2014 on the second floor he came back from the bar his phone was gone but it was in the bar he came back and slept the next day he woke up looking for his phone and never found it but he could here it ring and smell a cigarette type smell.

    10. I was just there Saturday night, October 19, 2019 in room 311 across from Byron’s room. It was just me. I was not able to sleep all night. It was eerie. It was windy that night and I could hear the wind howling which made it even more eerie. As I sat on my bed watching TV, there was a loud noise by the end table as if someone stabbed it with a key. I looked over and said ‘what the heck was that’? When I had checked in, I was told a ghost by the name of Byron wonders the hotel. Sure enough, I experienced his presence.

      As I walked through the hotel, I took several pictures with my phone. I took one in the hallway towards Byron’s room and I caught a very active aura. I will visit again! It was a beautiful hotel.

    11. We stayed here about 3 years ago and around 2 am my 6 year old apparently woke up. In the morning she asked my 15 year old son why he was sitting strangely at the foot of her bed, she said she called out his name and he just wouldn’t turn around. My 15 year old stated he had never done such a thing and was asleep the entire night.

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