Historic Hilltop House

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Folks must have been shocked to witness apparitions of soldiers marching through the rooms at this 1888 hotel. Reports say it is now closed, and its renovation is currently on hold.

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Geographic Information

400 E Ridge St
Harpers Ferry, WV 25425
United States

Get Directions »
39.326212, -77.73629690000001
Jefferson County, West Virginia
Nearest Towns:
Harpers Ferry, WV (0.1 mi.)
Bolivar, WV (0.9 mi.)
Sandy Hook, MD (1.4 mi.)
Garretts Mill, MD (3.3 mi.)
Dargan, MD (3.5 mi.)
Yarrowsburg, MD (4.4 mi.)
Brownsville, MD (5.6 mi.)
Brunswick, MD (5.9 mi.)
Rosemont, MD (6.1 mi.)
Shenandoah Junction, WV (6.1 mi.)

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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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  1. I worked at this hotel between August 2004-March 2005. I was in room 66 one day cleaning the bathtub when i heard a woman’s voice behind me say “mam’. When I turned around, nobody was there, nobody was in the hall way and I couldn’t hear anyone on the stairs. This voice was clear as day and right behind me, Sounded as if this unknown person was right in my ear. Theres no way possible for them to have taken off so quickly when i turned around..

    Another experience I had, I was carrying dirty sheets and towels down the back stairwell from the second floor down towards the laundry room. As I had opened the door, I felt a hand on my shoulder. It wasn’t a very nice touch. I was shoved! Had I not have put my arm up at the time that I did to catch myself on the overhang, I would have fallen down the stairs. There was no mistaking of feeling this hand on my shoulder. The next day, I had a bruise that resembled 2 fingers in the exact same place on my shoulder.

    My father worked the front desk at night. He was in charge of going around and making sure all entrences and exits were locked at night. Now my father didn’t believe in ghosts, spirits, none of the above at this time. One night, he did his rounds and went to lock the front door. The front door has a little foyer so he had to walk through there, lock the door connected to the outside and then lock the door at the start of the foyer. He went to lock the very first door, when all of a sudden he was shoved out of the hotel. When he tried to get back in, the door was locked. He was stuck outside in the parking lot, in the cold. As he stood back and looked at this door, There stood a man in what appeared to be an all white Generals’ uniform, just staring at him. After a few moments, he tried to get back into the hotel and the door was then unlocked. A few hours later, he was watching the security camera to try and debunk what he has previously witnessed, and there on the video, was a man pacing the lobby and dinning room area dressed in an all white General’s uniform. Since that very momement, my dad gets shaken up about his experience and I now have a father who believes in the paranormal now.

  2. On 03/26/2015. My girlfriend and myself where both off work early and the kids where with their grandparents. It was the first warm day of the year that we was able to enjoy by our selves, we decided to take a drive down the road to HarpersFerry. Being locals we go there from time to time to enjoy the scene. Todo less walking and more relaxing both of us figured it would be better to go to the hilltop to enjoy the site of the mountains and listen to the water roar as it flowed threw the rapids. Upon arriving at the hotel I jumped out of the car in excitement to explore, speed walking towards the lodge. With my girlfriend hesitant to follow I wanted to get a look at all possible, so I went to the back. It was beautiful! The old stone structure with the ivy vines flourishing up down and across the abandoned building, We noticed another abandoned building in the back, an old white house with blue trimming. As we (me) was peeping in the windows of the backside of the lodge looking for something creepy, I looked up and saw the the front door of the house had opened! Being able to see the large metal pad lock on the door as we first approached, it gave me the feeling of Blair Witch Project. Not wanting my girlfriend to see me spooked when she said let’s go I did what any guy would do, say that “it was no biggie” and led her by hand back to the front! As I was in my “look at this” mode round the front part where the large room/windows are located we both got startled as loud bags came from the big hotel sounding as if (work with me here) a giant wuffelball bat was being smacked across the siding of the building. Convincing her along with my self that the wind was blowing something across the building we finally made it to the bench witch overlooks the river. We sat there in bliss for a moment chatting about a how to get to the trail on the mountain across the river (not sure witch one it was) when the sounds of laughter was heard from the hotel. Followed by the conversation of two-three ladies was heard clear as day! Needless to say it was time to go! It was starting to rain anyways. On the way back to the car the talking and laughter did not let up! During this time there was more banging as if someone was smacking a window with the palm of their hand. This was going on while the laughter and voices where happening. Was a unique experience! Made me feel alive, the mystery, the history, the view, the feeling u get at Harpers Ferry is almost unexplainable! One must be there to truly enjoy it! I would say it “Almost Magical” but that would by far be an understatement, It truly is ” A Magical” place!

  3. I stayed at the Hilltop House many times in the late 80’s and early 90’s when I lived in DC. I had many great times there and I miss the view from the porch after a long day riding along the C&O Canal.

    On my last time there, I woke up in the middle of the night to find what I think was a shadowy dark figure straddling my chest, choking me. I could not speak and I was struggling to breath. My traveling companion heard my gasping and turned on the light, and that ended the incident. I was covered in sweat and my heart was racing for several minutes afterwards. I have no doubt that entity was entirely malevolent and meant to harm. I am 51 years old, and I have never experienced anything like it before or since.

    • I stayed at this hotel with my husband at one point and had this same experience. I did not see a figure, but felt the weight on my chest and experienced a struggle. It happened again after I fell back to sleep. It stopped both times when I was able to utter the name of Jesus. I awakened my husband and we both smelled a strong odor of skunk which came and went abruptly. I went into the bathroom and in in the tub was a huge spider which was not there when my husband went in to look. This is the only experience of this kind I have ever had.

      • Jackie, I know your post was a long time ago, but I thought you’d find this interesting. I live in a house in Kibogaoka, Nagaoka, Niigata Japan. I have repeatedly had the weight-on-the-chest “night hag” experience in this house and many other ghostly experiences here, including a mournfully moaning female in my genkan just before my neighbor died. The sleep-related horrors were the worst though. Once I woke up being strangled and called out for Jesus and opened my eyes in time to see a skeletal form retract into the bed beside me. The night hag also ceases whenever I call out for it to be banished in the name of Jesus. After the night hag thing once I found a HUGE spider on my ceiling in my bedroom. I tried to catch it but it mysteriously vanished as soon as I caught it in the cup. I tore my room apart for hours looking for it but couldn’t find it. A week later the spider was back in exactly the same spot on my ceiling. This time I got the vacuum cleaner out and called on Jesus as I sucked it up! I immediately threw out the bag and it hasn’t been back, thankfully. The old folks in East Asia will tell you that evil spirits in the house can sometimes be attributed to the fact that they can inhabit trees overhanging a house and attack the occupants from these. Indeed, after the spider was ejected from my house, my neighbor coincidentally chose to cut down his persimmon tree that was overhanging my bedroom. The incidents have stopped since then.

  4. My friends and I went. Everyone themselves saw things and heard things but when we went into room 66 that’s when everything started. We recorded for which seemed to be about 15 minutes. In the recording maybe 7 minutes in I looked down and asked why it was only recorded 1minute and 30 seconds. We all got up to leave and the door behind about 3 of us started opening. We then pushed play on the video and nothing of us recording was on the video except the door opening. Every time we hit play you hear what seems to be someone shooting a pistol then us freaking out.

    • I had no idea about this place until now. You were just there is there security or police that patrol the area? Did you go during the day or at night would love to do some investigating up there

      • Call the number for thexample hotel on Google and leave a voice mail saying you want a tour. They might not answer right away bit eventually call back

  5. Who do u contact to be able to go in the hilltop hotel? My mom, my husband and i would like to go explore but dont know who to contact

    • Did you ever get any answer on this? I’d love to know too if there is a way to see the site…the youtube videos show it behind a barbed wire fence.

  6. We were up there this past weekend checking it out – very cool! There were some indications of leaks and water damage though – maybe it’s time to call a plumber 😉

  7. Was there with husband in the 90s. At their Thanksgiving buffet, I was eating at table talking to my husband when it sounded like someone came right up to my ear and whispered aahhhhh into it. I turned around to see if someone had leaned over from the next table to do it. They were all engaged in conversation. I then told my husband what happened, and he said he didn’t see anything. One time, we went for our 14th anniversary and got the turret room on the second floor. We had spent the day in HF, and he was fine. When we went to bed, he had a fever thru the entire night. After we left, his fever left him. I had a recurring dream about that place for several years after, all in the hallway near the staircase. Very foreboding dreams. Ghosts of Shepherstown with Nick Groff needs to do an episode there.

  8. Our office used to have yearly retreats there in the Nineties. I have stayed in the Turret Room without incident but also stayed in the room where I was told Mark Twain stayed. Every time I went into the bathroom I would hear footsteps in the bedroom when I came out it was quiet and no one was there. I finally said please stop you are freaking me out. After that all noise stopped and I had an uneventful night.

  9. Exlplored the inside of this hotel over the summer and it is very cool! Definitely creepy. Everyone in our group felt very uncomfortable when we were in the lobby. My daughter is a sensitive and saw a dark shadow walking down the hallway and on another visit there heard whistling.
    To everyone who asked about security, Harper’s Ferry does have a policeman who patrols the area so be sure to keep a low profile.

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