At Harrison Cemetery, visitors have heard crying and moaning and had an eerie feeling that something is watching them. A few have been touched by something unseen or have had things thrown at them by invisible hands. Gravestones are said to move around here as well.
If you've had a paranormal experience here, or have any additional information about this location, please let us know!
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Behind 5636 N 50 W
West Lafayette, IN 47906
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 40.49906133132892, -86.91129791734966
- County:
- Tippecanoe County, Indiana
- Nearest Towns:
- Battle Ground, IN (3.7 mi.)
West Lafayette, IN (5.1 mi.)
Lafayette, IN (6.0 mi.)
Montmorenci, IN (6.4 mi.)
Brookston, IN (7.5 mi.)
Buck Creek, IN (7.9 mi.)
Americus, IN (8.3 mi.)
Shadeland, IN (8.9 mi.)
Otterbein, IN (9.7 mi.)
Colburn, IN (10.5 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I visited this cemetery this summer during a full moon on Friday the 13th. I didn’t realize that it’s supposedly haunted. I didn’t have any sort of paranormal experience per se but I felt a general uneasiness like something sinister was present.
Me and my friend went here at 8pm knowing it was haunted…i had my phone recording our trip. my friend had been talking about how she felt like someone was watching us and she was a couple feet away from my phone you could hear her clear as day and then on the play back u could hear her softly in background while a half scream half heaving sound played instead.. then i had put my sunglasses on a tombstone in the front by the time we had walked to the back my sunglasses were on a broken tombstone of a surname thomas
I would love to hear your recordings for a video I’m working on!
Me and some others have caught several things in this graveyard, all audio. Whistling. Horse gallops. Voices, however we were not able to make out what they were saying. All of us also had the general uneasiness, a feeling of being watched from all around you, as if being watched by a hundred different people at once.
Im planning on going tonight at 8pm with recorder and a camra and i will be back to list the events!!!
Warren Marion Indiana I would like to go did anything happen when you went
Good Lord, does anyone use basic punctuation anymore? Seems that many people write in one long run-on sentence. And in some cases it can be hard to understand what the are getting at. As far as the Harrison Cemetary. I went there on Holloween in 2015 and experienced nothing paranormal. But being a Holy Ghost filled Christian I am not surprised as demons avoid us. The Bible is clear that so-called ghost don’t roam the earth. BUT, demons can and they do imitate deceased people. So the foot steps that you heard soon after grandma passed is certainly not grandma. Read the Bible – don’t take my word for it. Is there paranormal activity at the ceme? Cold be… But it is not the deceased whom are buried there that are creating the activity.
I went there a few years ago with someone. I saw a person walk behind a tree. At the time I thought it was my friend but he was at another spot. I walked up to the tree expecting someone to be there but no one was.
Just went there and did a session last night. We heard a creaking door for a lot of the time, had an uneasy feeling, and my friend was becoming more hostile as we stayed longer. We used a Ouija board and spoke to a spirit named Henry who was murdered in the 1850s. After looking at the photos, we found several orbs and apparitions. We also had an audio recording and heard a little girl whispering in parts of it and a dog barking in one part, which we did not hear in person. At the end of our session, we heard sirens in the distance and bolted out of there. But there were no police cars around and the siren sound continued for several miles at a fairly loud volume. We aren’t really sure how to explain that but we thought it could have been an illusion by the spirits to get us out of the cemetery.
Can we get In trouble for being out there? We’d like to go check t out
No.. I don’t think so. Go at night. It is a public cemetery.
Most cemeteries have a curfew posted. Probably around 10pm so technically yes it is illegal to be there after hours but as long you’re not disturbing anything, police would most likely just tell you to leave.
This is a long story, but to sum it up ALOT, here it is..
Me and my brothers, and friend, and mom, had all went to check it out. Scariest place on Earth…!! I will tell you that right now. Tombstones had moved, we felt being watch, and everybody on my Brother’s Live on Instagram, was scared shitless too. We had all full phone batteries, then we would suddenly go dead, it would get extremely windy, extremely wind… when we would try and go back into the woods or talk to it.
I recommend it.. but bring an adult and a car..
Will be there tonight. Been all all over state investigating the paranormal.
Went here tonight and there was nothing., Silent beat up Cemetery. Looks as if local kids may have tipped over a good portions of the headstones. As for glowing head stones!!!! No. It is simply the way the light shines off the tennis court. Moving headstones??? No. When using a light it plays on the fact this entire site sits on a hill. The hill is bumpy in some places cause a lot of lighting issues.
Nothing touches us or threw things at us. The location itself is not scary. Been doing this a very long time. It is nothing more then a basic Cemetery that kids have destroyed.
just because the cemetery is by a school doesn’t mean the kids have beat it up. i dont think students are allowed back there even.
Me and my friends just went to the cemetery with a ouija board. We felt uneasy staying in the cemetery so we went back to the car and played in the parking lot. Almost immediately someone had started contacting us. It was a man named health that was born in 1869, he was 68 years old when he passed. We asked if we could do anything for him and he replied kindly, no. We then went into the cemetery to see if we could find his tomb and we had no luck. We play with the board again and speak to a young man named David that went to Harrison elementary and died at age 16. We tried to communicate with him on how he passed, but everything was very confusing. The only clear answer we got out of him was that he would not be able to be found. We believe that David was not in the cemetery and was buried somewhere in the woods. I would recommend bringing a ouija board with you.
While at the site me and two others where there just to look around. While there we were at one area it was about 90 degrees out and it got so cold that we all saw our breath.