Formerly the Harmony House and now Dean’s Homestyle Cafe, the restaurant is said to be home to at least a couple of haunts. Employees have reported being locked in a supply closet by something unseen, and folks have heard strange voices and sounds, such as a man clearing his throat (this sound comes with the smell of pipe tobacco and a wisp of smoke) and a young girl giggling. As well, objects have moved on their own.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 15730 SE 130th Ave
Clackamas, OR 97015
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 45.4087313, -122.52983319999998
- County:
- Clackamas County, Oregon
- Nearest Towns:
- Sunnyside, OR (1.3 mi.)
Clackamas, OR (2.0 mi.)
Johnson City, OR (2.4 mi.)
Happy Valley, OR (2.6 mi.)
Oatfield, OR (3.4 mi.)
Damascus, OR (3.5 mi.)
Gladstone, OR (3.7 mi.)
Jennings Lodge, OR (4.2 mi.)
West Linn, OR (5.0 mi.)
Oregon City, OR (5.2 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
When Deans was in Damascus we were regulars and followed him over to the new place however after 2 really bad experiences we stopped going. The first experience was we took our family and an out of town friend to what we felt was the best food around. While we were there we smelt cigar smoke strong near us and asked others if they smelt what we smelled and they said they did and as all this was going on our lol girl who was 2 at the time starts screaming like she was pinched the screaming and crying got so bad we had to leave. The screaming stopped as soon as we got outside so we decided to go back in. As I’m holding her she jerked back like she was pinched and the screaming started again. The second experience was when my husband and I went back alone we were during for Deans biscuits and gravy. Half way through my meal I smelled cigar smoke and was quit mad at the rudeness of the smoker who lite up while I was eating so I went in search of him and never found where the rude man was. The smell was strongest right next to us. I went into the bathroom and while I was alone it sounded like someone came in I got up and washed my hands while easing my hands someone squeezed my behind. I will never go back to Deans but wished he would move because I miss his food. Please contact us if you ever move we will follow
My grandson went there with his Grandma today. He went to the back to go to the bathroom when he felt this little girl spirit, he looked up the stairs and there she was looking at him. he said that the hair on the back of his neck started to stand up. he went back to his table with his grandma and did not go to bathroom. He really liked the food it was delicious