Stories about Hamilton Road are of the urban legend type. For example, a ghost of a short man will chase you if you stop on the third bridge and flash your lights four times, then cross the bridge. Phantom flames are said to come from the woods where an 1800s church caught fire, and a phantom train comes down the nearby railroad tracks. The road is a dangerous one, especially in winter or rainy weather.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Hamilton Road
Mulberry, IN
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 40.33872849999999, -86.61797839999997
- County:
- Clinton County, Indiana
- Nearest Towns:
- Mulberry, IN (2.5 mi.)
Rossville, IN (5.5 mi.)
Frankfort, IN (7.0 mi.)
Monroe, IN (7.2 mi.)
Dayton, IN (8.3 mi.)
Clarks Hill, IN (8.5 mi.)
Stockwell, IN (8.8 mi.)
Colfax, IN (10.3 mi.)
Michigantown, IN (11.9 mi.)
Buck Creek, IN (12.8 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
this is not my personal story, i live in frankfort indiana and this story was told to me by my uncle.. My uncle always takes me to “Sleepy Hallow” (Hamilton Road) that does have a bridge and an abandoned cementary. The legend of Sleepy Hallow goes like this: some group of friends in high-school, long back, were driving recklessly and under the influence across the bridge. blaring music and cheering, having a great time with eachother. While they were having fun flashing their lights at the old cementary thinking they will awake any unrested spirits, Hermit ( the “spirit” with a shot gun and the one who also lives in the house right by the cementary) , shot his gun towards the kids to scare them off. well the kids were scared and drove as fast as they could out of there, crashing on the bridge.. killing everyone in the car. today we all drive out on Sleepy Hallow (the bridge) and park our cars on the middle of the bridge on nutrual.. having our car pushed by the ghosts of the teens. some of us even put baby powder on the back of the cars so the hand prints can end up on the cars…..
story goes about the ghost train. He said him and a buddy were going out to sleepy hallow around 3 AM and witnessed a ghost train. The tracks on Hamilton have been blocked but when the “train” passed , the cement blocks were not there. so my uncle and his friend waited for the train to pass and continued on with their daring trip to the bridge. once they decided to finally go home, being spooked by their car being pushed they notice the cement blocks on the ends of the rail roads and questioned how the trail passed.. my uncle swears he saw the train, heard the trail whistle, and even waited maybe a total of 10-15 minutes so the train could pass. he also informed me that his friend and him were smoking and they both were high, but him seeing the train and all was clear to him.
Very disappointed. Went there and tried for 2 hours doing anything we could and nothing happened
This happened to me several years ago! I was there with family including my uncle… it was when there still was a shack in the graveyard.. and it times it was said u could hear a baby cry in there. I never heard the baby but heard stories about the door opening and closing on its on as u waited on the train tracks. There was a loop in the cemetery… so one day a group of us went and me and my uncle jammed the door closed so it could not open… got in the car and in the minute it took us to drive the loop in the cemetery the door was standing wide open! When we went back to look the wood we used in the hasp to hold it closed had been broken in half!! We left very quickly and didn’t stop on the tracks or bridge that day.
The cemetery there is not abandoned…it is still in use. there is no hermit that lives near the cemetery and chases people off with a shotgun either. and Yes the group I am with have investigated this on many occasions and now the reason why you cant go out there any more is because people go without permission and get ran off by the deputy that lives across the road. some of these comments are people making things up…nothing more
Hello, i am working on a story for the local paper. I would love to know more about this location from an investigation
I used to work for skelgas L.P. gas in mulberry. I also used to live in mulberry with my wife and three children. There’s a house on the road called Hamilton. It is rumored to be haunted. My boss at skelgas told me stories about it and I used to deliver Lp gas there as well. Having myself grown up in a house with spirits I always paid close attention to the house when I was there. I never saw anything but had a strange feeling on the property. I chalked it up to a wild imagination. Years later we had friends who moved into the house and told us that there was indeed things going on in the house. Doors shut on their own items moving from where they left them. Noises and voices being heard. The house changes tenets a lot. So its evident that the house has spirits in it.