Rumored to be haunted by the ghosts of black men who were hanged along the road by members of the KKK.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Patruski Gwonz Rd.
Bayou la Batre, AL
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 30.3938123, -88.2086688
- County:
- Mobile County, Alabama
- Nearest Towns:
- Bayou La Batre, AL (2.5 mi.)
Bellefontaine, AL (9.3 mi.)
Grand Bay, AL (9.8 mi.)
Theodore, AL (10.8 mi.)
Dauphin Island, AL (11.2 mi.)
Tillmans Corner, AL (13.8 mi.)
Point Clear, AL (18.1 mi.)
Helena, MS (18.5 mi.)
Moss Point, MS (19.5 mi.)
Escatawpa, MS (20.2 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
What I was told by my grandmother,is that there was a family (a man, his wife, and a kid.) that lived in the only house on that was on that road. Their name was Gucci. That’s why everyone calls the road Gucci road. Supposedly the man killed his wife and kid and then killed himself. Everyone has different experiences down there. My experience was one night my friends and I were down there. I told them lets go to the house in the woods. The house had collapsed, the roof was still there. We walked around it and found an old rusty shed about 8’x 8′. We went inside and there was a hole about 3′ diameter in the ground. So we left I told them lets go back in the morning and check out that shed. So My friend and I went back around 9:30 am walked around the roof and there was no shed there. This is freaky because we were standing in a shed last night. I found something under the leaves. Moved the leaves and found an old well about 3′ diameter, it was filled with big rocks. So we left. There is something evil down that road. I haven’t been down there since,until about 3 ago. I was telling my daughters the story of Gucci Road and my oldest said “Lets go down there daddy” it was daylight so I said why not. We got about where the house was and I said “This is about where the house was”,and about that time a big limb came crashing down right behind my truck. The limb had green leaves on it and it was all the way across the road. Needless to say I stomped it and got the hell out of there. Haven’t been back.
A friend of mine used to live close by and we were always fascinated by the stories here. The story, as understood by us, was that a group of local black folks were brought down the road and hanged. The only witnesses to the hanging were the victims, the KKK members and the leader’s dog. To this day if you drive down the road and can find the tree that stretches over it, park you car, turn out the lights and listen. You’ll hear the laughter of the KKK, the screams of the victims, and the feet of the hanged dragging across the roof of your car.
Now each time we visited this place something strange seemed to happen. We would see shapes in the woods, possibly just the moonlight. The air would grow so quiet, it was always foggy. One part of the legend was that you could sometimes see the leader’s dog wandering the road to protect the spirits. One night we were driving along and ran across a white dog sitting in the middle of the road. We had to drive around the dog as it wouldn’t move and it stared at us the whole time. When we came back a few minutes later there was no trace of the animal. I don’t know if the dog was local or paranormal, but it was spooky all the same.
If you venture down to Gwodz be prepared to be spooked, something is bound to happen.
My grandmother and bestfriend drove down this road and were telling me about how creepy it was and that they found a dead dog bloated on the road that smelled like death. So I google the road to see if it said anything about it and I stumbled across the comments on this page mentioning the KKK leaders dog. I usually think stuff like this is for fun, but this was just too weird of a coincidence…
Very haunted! A lot of the old timers in the byou call it Gucci rd. I had a Old boyfriend drive me down here one night trying to scare me it worked! It scared me to death, and him also..
Went down that road like twice late at night with two cars my car and my friend truck and nothing happened I was like I guess this is haunted but there is nothing but trees on both side and at the end is a metal gate and then you take a turn and go down to finish the road somewhat nothing showed up 🙁
I live on patruski rd Gucci is haunted the real storie is, ole man Gucci left the farm when he came back the family was in the house on right side of road before the pasture they burned the family and hung the old man the so posed hanging spot isn’t over the road if you go into the woods on the right you will find a circle of huge live oaks then you’ll notice a limb dead with a huge rope burn iv seen orbs on hunting cameras but most profoundly my mom and dad seen a lantern one night looking for me on my atv it followed them and hit the back of the truck and vanished
Dang that seems pretty scary but I just got done riding my fourwheeler down that road and got chased by a ghost orb from my loud hmf exhaust when I looked back so I started stepping on the gas lol was spooked but I’ve gotten to that metal gate spot that had spray paint letters on it and a hanging falling tree limb
Tyler this so Shane. I miss you brother.
so is there a way to legally see this place or nah?