Green Lawn Cemetery - CSAH 20 Cemetery

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Green Lawn Cemetery, aka CSAH (County State Aid Highway) 20 Cemetery and Traverse de Sioux Cemetery, is rumored to be haunted and a spot for animal sacrifices. People have reported apparitions, photo anomalies and other strange phenomena here.

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Geographic Information

Green Lawn Cemetery
Traverse, MN
United States

Get Directions »
44.3674896, -93.9787025
Nicollet County, Minnesota
Nearest Towns:
Saint Peter, MN (3.2 mi.)
Kasota, MN (5.2 mi.)
Le Sueur, MN (7.2 mi.)
Cleveland, MN (7.5 mi.)
Henderson, MN (11.6 mi.)
Nicollet, MN (12.1 mi.)
Le Center, MN (12.4 mi.)
North Mankato, MN (13.7 mi.)
Madison Lake, MN (13.9 mi.)
Mankato, MN (14.1 mi.)


Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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  1. My friends and I, attend MNSU Mankato, and we went to this cemetery, during Halloween earlier this year, to check out it’s “haunted origins. We were all a little skeptical. It was roughly 1:30-2am when the eight of us entered the cemetery; as soon as we delved further we felt as though the temperature dropped about 10-15 degrees, it was bone chilling. We started wondering around, nothing much going on, but as we were heading back to our cars we heard very loud howls, from wolves, all around us. Couple of us ran, to the cars, while a large majority of us saw a transparent figure, representing a lady garbed in white, off in the distance. The group that saw this figure, about 6 people in all, said that when they shined their flashlight on the lady, she vanished, only to appear much closer when they turned off their flashlight. No one was in real danger, looking back haha, but it was a weird experience and I don’t see myself going back anytime soon. Above all else, the main thing about this place is a feeling of sadness and discomfort, upon entering. Maybe, if any spirits linger here they are not so welcoming of guests. Nonetheless, it was an interesting experience.

  2. I grew up in St. Peter and when I attended school there we would hear stories about this place all the time. When we could drive on our own we would go out To the cemeteries and check them out. I personally never experienced anything other than a change in the atmosphere. But I knew a couple of girls that went out there and they took a picture and in the back window you can make out a face. Creepiest thing ever. There’s also another cemetery outside of town. I believe it’s the state hospital cemetery. Super creepy

  3. Happy Halloween… 10/31/17
    My wife and I visited Minnesota’s 2nd oldest cemetery on 9/22/17. After looking at the pictures we took that day, I found that one picture had a paranormal anomaly. You can clearly see a large mist like
    object in the tree top above the sign. I took this before we entered the cemetery. We did not see it visibly with our eyes. Enlarge picture to to see it. The sky as you can see was clear and it was not fog, smoke or clouds. This picture was not photoshopped or altered either. Spooky huh?

    Minnesota’s second oldest cemetery, founded in 1854. Greenlawn Cemetery contains graves of missionaries to the Dakota, 13 Civil War veterans and even one War of 1812 veteran, as well as early pioneers.

  4. Sorry but the picture looks like something on your windshield.
    I’ve been here several times and never felt anything in a haunted nature. However this cemetery has a great historical significance. I found several figures that were mentioned in the writings in story of Henry Sibley buried there.

    • No contact info from what I know. From what I understand the gate is always open, night or day and there usually is no one driving around anywhere near here. Pretty secluded. Ive been there a few times during the day and quite a few at night. At night it is a completely different atmosphere. It is dark and very foreboding. I absolutely agree with others, and friends that Ive brought there: that there is just this awful hard to describe feeling that comes over you, causing you to want to leave after maybe two minutes. Also like something dark is watching you in the woods that face directly straight from the entrance hill. On one occasion my wife, my friend and I took a trip down there late at night ariving around 12:30. Unlike the other times my have has been down there she started to feel almost car sick when we pulled up and stayed in the car. My friend and I went off with flashlights and without him knowing any experiances of the place before hand, we went off to the left side of the cemetary to explore first. It took maybe a minute and a half outside before we both noted that something is watching from the are I described earlier in the comment. He took the lead into going to explore the right side of the cemetary in front of me by about 12 feet, till I got maybe 15 feet in and immediatly he turns back and says something like “lets go, F this place, I dont need to see anymore.” And we left. After we get a away down the road my wife starts feeling better again, and we stop to talk at the rest stop, about how this feeling of needing to absolutely leave just takes over you and something dark is out there. He says he wanted to turn around because he heard some aggresive sounding animal noises but saw nothing with the flashlight.
      This place after dark is not your ordinary cemetary. I do believe something dark exists there. Ive felt on more than one occasion even after exploring during the day. I may have never seen anything there or captured evidence but it carries a feeling. My wife hates the feeling of this place at night. Others who have been here after dark will agree that no matter how brave you can be It is difficult to spend more than a few minutes here without that urge to leave. I dont know much more to say about it. Not the most terrifying place ive been to, but it has a place on the list.
      Very different during the day. Its a beautiful, almost warming place during the day.

  5. The place is uneasy. Never seen any contact info. Gate is open all night.
    I have been here more than a few times during the day and when its dark. It gets dark here, really dark.
    I have never seen any apparitions or ghosts there nor have heard anything here.
    My friend has heard aggressive animal noises though, only to find nothing with the flashlight. I agree 100 percent that after midnight, the atmosphere of this place changes drastically. During the day the place is warm and beautiful, but after midnight or so there is a complete different sense like something is wrong and you need to leave now, as well feeling heavy. You always feel as something is watching you from the woods located directly infront of you as you pull in. (As far as where I feel something lurks) However the feeling is not to be confused with the feelin of there is something behind you, Its almost like you you saw its shadow, you know its there, where did it move to. As far as the sounds, what I have heard is that they come from the right end as with the strong feeling of “do not enter”; and the place people usually claim seeing stuff . Anywhere to the left usually feels a bit safer yet still uneasy.
    Whether you see a ghost here or not,Its worth exploring, It is dark out there

  6. Yap i was there in may i did part 1 part 2 part 3.In part 1 i walked all over the green lawn cemetery by calling there names out over n over again the lady that screams at night n standed by the little door her name is Susan thats the lady in the picture when them to young girls were taking pictures selfie n that woman came out in the background i saw that video so i went to investigate it by myself i was trying to get there attention by telling them that it was not real at the end of this video on part 3 i was just about to leave when i hear her scream so loud that i just started running down the hill when i got halfway down she screamed again but louder n when i pass the gates she even screamed even louder soso scary. It sounded to me more like demon i got so freak out that i could not open the door i drop my keys i keep looking back make sure she wasn’t in back of me than i picked up the keys and open the door of my truck and left to St. Peter than went back home to New Ulm mn. But on part 1 in the middle of video i could hear 2 spirit voices talking to each other and nothing else happen. Part 2 nothing happened. So yes the green lawn cemetery is haunted alright. I risked my life to do this by myself it takes a real man to do this by yourself. All my friends are real scared to come along. So there you have it.

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