The 18th-century Seventh Day Baptist Cemetery is also known as the Green Lady Cemetery because of the many sightings of a ghost called the Green Lady. Some believe she is the spirit of Seventh Day Baptist Elisabeth Palmiter, who drowned in a swamp in 1800 while searching for her “missing” husband Benjamin, who, unbeknownst to her, was not missing but was waiting out a bad snowstorm in town. Her husband eventually found her body in a swamp, wearing a green dress. The Green Lady appears surrounded in a green mist, smiles and disappears. Some people have also claimed to see a light here, thought to be the lantern of Benjamin looking for his wife.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Upson Road and Covey Road
Burlington, CT
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 41.783673401167725, -72.97387281047122
- County:
- Hartford County, Connecticut
- Nearest Towns:
- Collinsville, CT (3.4 mi.)
Northwest Harwinton, CT (5.4 mi.)
Canton Valley, CT (5.5 mi.)
New Hartford Center, CT (6.7 mi.)
Terryville, CT (7.5 mi.)
Torrington, CT (7.7 mi.)
Bristol, CT (7.8 mi.)
Farmington, CT (8.5 mi.)
Weatogue, CT (8.6 mi.)
West Simsbury, CT (8.6 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Oh yeah this place haunted, driving down in my buddy’s truck we started to slow down when in front of a green mist was blowing from the cemetary into the road it cleared in the middle of the road and there was a woman in a green dress standing there with a lantern when it started walking towards us we drove right into it and when we looked back it was gone. There are countless story’s from friends of mine that have been down there at night and some of the dumber ones who made the mistake of going down there on Halloween night. Also if you walk around behind the cemetery you will find her old house but you have to wall through what is sometimes a very deep swamp
I went here atleast a dozen times in high school around 2001-2003. The last time we went the road was almost impassible.
The only thing we ever saw here were 2 Connecticut State Troopers. They wanted to what we were doing their at 3am and after being satisified that we weren’t impaired they told us we could stay as long as we wanted, but if they caught us out of the car in the cemtary that they would arrest us for tresspassing. Its actually good advice because the only tombstones left are only a couple of inches high and you will surely trip on them in the dark. As per the “green” mist/fog half way down the road, there is a giaint medaow and a swamp that runs about 1/3 of a mile right next to the road (torwards the rt 4 side). Sorry to burst your buble but thats whats creating your “green lady”. Complete waste of time. As is dudelytown, white lady, and all the other “haunted” places we explored, but it is a right of passage growing up in Connecticut 🙂 just be carefull and DON’T GET ARRESTED. the troopers can be dicks sometimes ESPECIALLY AROUND DUDLEY TOWN.
This place hasn’t had any activity since it was blessed, and that was back when I was in high school (the 90s). I KNOW it was blessed, I was witness (no care in the world if you don’t believe me). Even before that, it wasn’t very active anymore. The stories people talk about is all the activity from the 70s, when teens were disrespectful to the area during parties (that my mother went to, lol). I’m glad it’s been blessed and the spirits are at peace.
Been here a million times. It has activity sitting on the side of the road heard what sunded like rain drops on the car look back and a black figure books down the road towards the camp. My friend would refuse to go with us because he was scared as hell to even go because every time he’d see things
I’ve been there plenty of times and yes still to this day I’ve seen her. No I don’t do drugs or am I stupid enough to go while intoxicated. I will tell you she is not smiling when I see her,she seems to hate the fact that I’m there. I’ve literally been paralyzed from the first time I saw her. Behind the tree in the back right corner there is a path. First I was skeptical of the chain noises that I heard so I continued down it. I got maybe 15 ft further and that’s when she first appeared. Frozen in my tracks I couldn’t move she came towards me and about 5 ft from me I was picked up and rushed out of there by a couple of my friends. Once I was out of the area my body relaxed and I asked how I got where we were and they told me they had to carry me and that was the last one I got out of the car there. That was when I was 13 and yes it was on my birthday (Halloween).
a couple went here and the guy had to take a leak.He told his girlfriend to wait in the car.She waited and after what seemed to long of a time for her boyfriend to be gone,she heard scratching on the roof of the car.She got out to see what it was and saw her boyfriend hung upside down from the tree above their car and his hands/fingernails were scraping back n forth causing the noise…in the wind…