Also known as Hookman’s Cemetery, Great Hill Cemetery’s ghostly legend involves an alleged former cemetery caretaker who had a hook for a hand. He is said to have hanged himself from a tree nearby. Those who parked under the tree would hear his hook scraping along the car’s roof.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Great Hill Cemetery
Seymour, CT
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 41.3832821, -73.11900930000002
- County:
- New Haven County, Connecticut
- Nearest Towns:
- Seymour, CT (2.4 mi.)
Ansonia, CT (3.3 mi.)
Oxford, CT (3.5 mi.)
Derby, CT (4.6 mi.)
Shelton, CT (4.8 mi.)
Woodbridge, CT (6.1 mi.)
Naugatuck, CT (7.9 mi.)
Southbury, CT (8.4 mi.)
Orange, CT (8.7 mi.)
Heritage Village, CT (9.4 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Just went last night. Really creepy and felt like we were being watched the whole time but didn’t hear anything at first. As we were getting ready to leave, my sister said, “we didn’t hear anything here.” As soon as she said that we heard a female scream from down the hill. So scary!! It was late and there aren’t really houses even around there it was wild and I will never forget it.
Me and three other people went there a couple nights ago at around 3:45am after a few other ghost hunting spots and as we pulled up it was eerily quiet except for the crickets and a few owls and such so me and the other guy in the back started walking into the upper left side of the cemetery little did we know that the entire time we were walking the girls in the front and driver’s seat were seeing what seemed to be a sunken in transparent face in the trees the whole sunken eyes wide drooping mouth thing and right as that was happening we were walking into the older part of the cemetery trying to provoke spirits into manifesting and right as we said somthing stupid we heard what can only be described as like a native American battle cry from further into the woods in the fary back back left of the cemetery. Mind you it’s like 3:50 in the morning at this point all the animals went silent for a second it seemed and we started booking it to the car as I heard what sounded like footsteps coming from the woods. Just as we had started running the girls had looked back and whatever they saw wasn’t there anymore we got back to the car and started yelling from the car as we had to so a u turn and go back past the cemetery to get back to where we needed to be and we could faintly hear the same cry as we passed the cross under the tree a little ways down the road. We went back yesterday at around 1 I the morning and the face wasn’t there “so it wasn’t an optical illusion” and the entire time we were there it felt like someone was watching us and hated that we had come back.