Sprague Mansion, built by mill magnate William Sprague in 1790, died during surgery after he accidentally swallowed a fish bone. His son William became a senator, and his other son Amasa ran the family business until 1843, when Amasa was found beaten and shot to death–a casualty of a feud with the Gordon family over a pub the Gordons wanted to build next to a Sprague mill. According to reports, it was 1925 when an apparition began to appear on the staircase. Others have been seen in the house as well, thought to be family members Lucy Chase Sprague, William Sprague Sr., and a son of Civil War Governor William Sprague IV, who in 1890 committed suicide in the mansion.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 1353 Cranston St
Cranston, RI
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 41.79073200000001, -71.45637299999999
- County:
- Providence County, Rhode Island
- Nearest Towns:
- Cranston, RI (1.2 mi.)
Providence, RI (3.2 mi.)
North Providence, RI (4.1 mi.)
East Providence, RI (4.7 mi.)
Seekonk, MA (6.3 mi.)
Warwick, RI (6.6 mi.)
Pawtucket, RI (7.2 mi.)
West Warwick, RI (7.3 mi.)
North Scituate, RI (7.3 mi.)
Greenville, RI (7.4 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:
- http://cranstonhistoricalsociety.org/

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