Gates of Hell - Grandview Cemetery - Kasey's Cemetery

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Grandview Cemetery, aka Kasey’s Cemetery or the Gates of Hell, contains the graves of people from the 1700s and 1800s as well as the ruins of an iron and stone gate. Some say one time an enormous green orb appeared here, hovered a short time, then shot straight up and out of sight in a second. Others say they’ve heard screams, seen shadow figures, and had car trouble while on the grounds.

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    Geographic Information

    Old Hardinsburg Road
    West of Elizabethtown, KY
    United States

    Get Directions »
    37.747141002148695, -86.18394109947508
    Nearest Towns:
    Irvington, KY (10.7 mi.)
    Vine Grove, KY (11.9 mi.)
    Ekron, KY (12.6 mi.)
    Cecilia, KY (13.6 mi.)
    Radcliff, KY (14.3 mi.)
    Doe Valley, KY (14.9 mi.)
    Hardinsburg, KY (15.3 mi.)
    Fort Knox, KY (15.6 mi.)
    Muldraugh, KY (16.8 mi.)
    Brandenburg, KY (17.4 mi.)
    Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors


    Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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    1. I’ve been there before, I do believe something is going on there. I have had car trouble multiple times, seen a bible that had been burnt either earlier that day or the night before. The guy who filmed it, you can see at night maybe he just came out when there was no moon, I also I haven’t seen any green glow. I will tell you one of the nights that I had went down the road from there when we had just left the place, a guy who was with me and some friends fell out of the car. A man came out from no where and took the shirt off of his back for the guy, we turn back to thank the guy and he was gone.

      • I watch a video dated back to July 5th 2011 , the guy had below that if you go out there you be trespassing and state cop patrol it like clock work . Did the cops ever show up there while you were there ? Did you have to get permission from anyone and whom ? My family is planning a trip in April of this year . I got told you don’t need permission and then saw what he listed down . So I was wondering . I hope to hear from you . We gonna make it a night hunt .

        • Patrick Howard  |  

          My fiancee and I had went twice at night and once during the day last year and no signs of any cops. In fact we only saw one other vehicle there all three times we went. I’m actually planning another trip back out there sometime hopefully soon. I have a Facebook page it is BlackStar Paranormal Investigations, check it out and let us know about your experiences.

      • We did an investigation memorial day weekend for my YouTube channel.. As I edited my video I found 4-5 different comunication.. Check it out Elkhart Crew

    2. This place words cannot describe. A ere feeling of discomfort and the feeling someone is always watching. We walked in the woods around the cemetary.. I would go back. But is it even legal to go there these days?

    3. I lived in a home in this area. My children were seeing “children who weren’t there”. Specifically a girl in a white gown with no shoes. My son of age 4 had frequent visits with “her”. We had to move and break our lease. We got sued, and we settled; however, there is no amount of money that can outweigh the psychological marks this type of situation creates on children.

    4. I cannot wait to visit this site!!
      I will be going sometime in the next month–maybe I’ll make it a birthday trip(my b-day is Oct. 30)!! That would be awesome!
      I will post any and all results!

    5. So I have been here and I will tell you every detail because believe me I WILL NEVER forget what happened here. I was stationed at Fort Knox, KY for a little less than 3 years. I always had adventurous friends and we loved to take crazy road trips. Well one friend had heard of this place after looking for creepy places to explore. The beginning of our road trip led us down this very creepy foggy road. My friend A was driving her little stick shift small car, her boyfriend B was sitting in the front seat, I was sitting behind her boyfriend and C was sitting next to me behind A. We felt as though we had drove forever, down this long road, to get to our destination. We noticed a few creepy houses and a lot of open land. In the fog and darkness we couldn’t really make out much else. The fog seemed to last forever. Then it just all of a sudden was gone as we took a right turn onto another creepy long road. The night was clear. It was a cool night, no breeze, very quiet. B had warned us many times to make sure we had everything secured in our pockets or left in the car, as he had read about spirits at the grave site stealing things. As well as messing with peoples cars. I was very spectacle, as I had never had any experience in a haunted place. I took his word though and made sure I had everything zipped up in my coat pockets (phone, cigarettes, lighter). This trip was very last minute. A’s boyfriend B had been at our house that day after work, had his uniform on and didn’t have pants to change into before we had left, so I had given him a pair of mine (yes girl jeans, he is very petite and they fit him perfect, he thought it was hilarious but he didn’t care as it was almost midnight). He put his wallet in his back jeans pocket and held his cigarettes. A put her stuff in her coat pocket and C carried his phone and cigarettes. When we finally arrived at the cemetery you could clearly tell it was a VERY VERY old cemetery. Dates were from the 1700’s and I think I remember a couple earlier than that. The chills alone were enough to creep me out. We kept hearing cow’s mooing, leaves shuffling and our own breathing. B decided it would be funny to spit on some graves, he pee’d on a bush near a grave and just being very rude. He obviously wasn’t as scared as we were. We kept checking back to the car to make sure it was okay and not being tampered with. We sat around and checked out many graves. The chills just being there were enough for me. I don’t think I even walked to the middle of the small grave site. A and I stayed very close as the guys walked through the graves. Smoking and flicking cigarettes all around. We were sort of loud and laughing, I kept telling everyone to make sure their stuff was in their pockets. A walked over to her boyfriend B telling him to stop being rude and spitting. I insisted we get out of there and as I was walking back to A’s car I heard the clearest whisper in my left ear say ‘LEAVE’. I froze. and felt the coldest of breaths on my neck as I heard ‘NOW’. I shrieked and told everyone we need to leave now! If someone saw the color in my face I’m sure I was as white as a ghost. I was sick to my stomach and wanted to get out of there immediately. I told A what happened, and informed her we needed to leave now. The boys didn’t believe me but came over to the car pretty quickly. We made sure we had everything on us that we had in our pockets and in our hands. We sat in the same seating arraignment. We sped out of there pretty quick. As we were driving down the second long road again, B noticed the land was a farm land and there were a bunch of cows sleeping in the pasture. Him and C decided it would be funny to go cow tipping. Now, I never had been cow tipping before and I wasn’t really interested in finding out what it was at the time. I just wanted to get out of there. A, B and C really wanted to ‘cow-tip’. A parked the car on the other side of the road in front of a little ditch, a little diagonal from the big creepy house we had seen along the road. She told me to sit in the drivers seat, and if I saw anything, or anyone come out of the house to flash the headlights so they could run past the fog and I could drive over to pick them up.. problem was.. I had NO IDEA how to drive a stick. Naturally I was freaking out. Not only because of what I had just experienced but because I was sitting in her car -alone-, in the dark, in front of a huge creepy house. I was petrified. I saw C approach the ‘fence’ and immediately shriek and jump back. I saw A and B slide through two of the horizontal lines. C did the same. I saw them running through the field closer to the dark objects in the field. The closer I focused on them, the more I confirmed what the ‘cows’ really were. The field was filled with bulls and only bulls. I was even more petrified. I saw C running back towards the fence, climb through and run back over to the car. He sat in the car behind the drivers seat and confirmed what I had already for sure knew. About 5 minutes later we both noticed a light go on in the house on the bottom floor and I immediately flashed the headlights. A and B ran out of the fog and jumped through the fence noticing the car wasn’t moving, A raced back over to the car. A told us B had lost his wallet somewhere in the field and couldn’t find it at all. She told us about the bulls and said she was scared to search any longer for his wallet. She noticed the light on in the house and flashed her headlight again. B ran over to the car noticeably upset about his wallet. We didn’t have any flashlights to use to look and he was running around the field crazily so it really could have been anywhere. Again, A was in the driver seat, B was in the passengers seat , I was behind B and C was sitting behind A. We drove off, quietly, noticing it was significantly foggier. I was leaned up against the window, B had his window slightly cracked and leaned up against his. B was upset about his wallet, but all he could manage to say was ‘damn, I can’t believe I lost my wallet’. Immediately after he said that, I heard a very loud distinct little girl giggling. It sounded as though it had came from outside the window. But – we were driving, it was way past 2am and their was nothing but fields and fog around us. B turned around and stared at me with a blank face. I got another terrible chill. He asked me if I heard it, obviously I had, A and C both didn’t hear a thing. We were both scared as hell for sure. We told A to drive faster. As soon as we got out of the fog, and to a main road, we eerily laughed about it and figured it was a ghost laughing at B. We still believe she was probably the one to take his wallet after spitting and peeing on the grave sites. After B and I heard that laugh, B believed what I heard was real. I, will never return to that grave site.

    6. Been there many times many orbs ecosystems
      this place is very active we have met people that have went during the and will not return soon as the weather breaks we are going to do an all night investigation will let you know what happens later

    7. I went there once to clean up the trash people leave. Put stones back up and scrape wax off stones. Please go there to show respect not break stones and trash the place. It is a family cemetery, show those souls respect and let them rest!

    8. My experience at Kasey Cemetary was brief, but unequally spine chilling, some friends and I went hiking outside of the cemetery. My friend mentioned something about a “witches cabin” and we went off trail looking for it, our search turned fruitless and traveling through thorns and vines got old, so we turned around, right at that moment we heard a scream, it was like a person howling, it resembled the eerie scream heard off the insidious films. Nonetheless it was incredibly terrifying, and almost caused one of my friends to run away. Once we regained our nerves we went looking for the way back, it was shocking for how long we hiked, we made it back into the cemetery fast, and when we heard the noise, we were in close distance to the cemetery, and the noise came directly from there .

    9. me an my friends have come here a few times and each time got worse and worse. the first time i went i got half way tohrough the cemetary where the path cuts off and i couldnt go any further… it felt as if i was pushing against a wall… stopping me. then i heard a deep dark laugh. it was time to get out of there. but then my bf told us we needed to go cuz there was ppl in robes kneeling in the center of the pillars. we left. and tonight we went again. i got pictures and i felt very uncomfortable. i actually was aable to go through this time. we were seeing things and when we wanted to leave my bf started acting… weird… he waanted to stay. and when we were just about out of their my bf yelled and the next thing i see is his arm slashed open by three marks and was bleeding badly. he was pulled almost to the ground . it scared the fuck out of us and we left.

    10. I literally just came back from there. This place is spooky as ever. I’ve never been so scared. Before going I was as nervous or scared or anything. I was fine. After leaving I am really sick and scared more than ever. I was there with 4 other people and when we first got there nothing really happened till after one of our friends decided to pee on Graves and continues to taunt the spirts. We turn our light bar on our truck snd didn’t see anything….. not till about 10 minutes after words. We started to hear cows then we saw figures moving towards us. Then our friend and me started to hear either a little girl laughing or crying. We got both of our trucks and sped out of there. Our friend that peed on the Graves truck had stopped in the middle of the road not even a mile from the spot. It died. And wouldn’t start back up till about 3 minutes later. We went on and it kept dying. Let me tell you this is sure one hell of a scary place. I’m still scared.

    11. I just got home from there tonight and although I didn’t really go in the cemetery I just had a weird feeling about that place like someone was just watching me so I didn’t proceed to go any farther

        • where is it at? I have been there 7 times. I just went back last night. I done an evp session.i know there is a lone grave 2 miles behind the cemetary where it is reported that ms. eliza tabor done some witchcraft there and it has bones to support the sacrifices that were made during those times.

        • Went there today with my daughter. She is 11 and we enjoyed walking around. I was disappointed to see how many tombstones were kicked over. It’s sad to see how disrespectful people can be. We walked around the area and it was very peaceful. I picked up some trash while I was walking around. Hopefully anyone reading this will also help keep this remote gem beautiful by picking up trash and be respectful to this magnificent place.

          • I’m from Upstate NY & we’re getting ready to head to Campbellsville, KY to visit our daughter & family! I’ve been doing research for the general area for paranormal activity & this story came up. I am DEFINITELY going to make this a part of our trip!! All the reviews have gotten me excited & have given me goosebumps as well. I will make sure to post any results we may encounter during our visit.

            Anyone have any other suggestions of places to see for paranormal activity? I really wanted to go visit Waverly Hills but unfortunately we were unable to get our reservation in on time due to being a last minute trip so we’ll do this at a later time!! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    12. I understand it might be a spriitual place and might be a place of possible paranormal activity. But leave Wicca out of it unless you know what you are talking about . Even if ceremonies were held there it would not be for harm or devil worship. The Wiccan rede: Blessed be do no harm to no one or no thing. WIcca does not believe in the devil, nor do they practice black or dark magik. Wicca is a faith of the light.They believe that evil is man made. Wicca is a green religion. One based on nature , the elements and healing. Closely related to the native american medicine man or woman. You do good. As to do bad it would come back to you by the rule of three. Whatever you wished upon someone else would come back to you worse trifold. I wish people would realize that Wicca and satan have no ties. Our own government has even accepted and understood this. You can be buried in a national cemetery with a full wiccan service and a pentacle on your headstone now. If there were circles here it was probably to cleanse the area of negativity. Or to bless the site with good. The point of a pentacle allows evil and negativity to run off, where a satan worshipers pentagram the points act as a cup to hold evil in. Wicca is just as safe as the lifestyle of a Buddhist. Nothing to be feared. Wish people would educate. Witches are not to be feared. Now vood doo , hoo doo are a horse of a different color. Steer clear.

      • I’m a kind and fresh soul and I have an affinity for the odd. Im eager to learn white magic used only to help others. If I went to this site and laid pennies on every headstone and chanted “May the after travels bring you peace my friend.’ while barefoot what do you think the spirit’s reaction would be?

      • Yes this place was already full of activity before people started coming there and doing rituals and Satan worship what does people think that drew them there, it was the activitiy there like a force field, people I went to school with visited this place back in the mid 80s many times forces was going on way before the 80s came along it just got noticed.

    13. My family and I went out there today. It is a beautiful place, the leaves are changing. It definitely needs some love. We didn’t know any of the history other than it had some activity.

      The tree with the face, my son made a comment about it. So after reading this site, wow! We did explore the woods some and there are some interesting rock formations and sink holes. I never felt spooked, but didn’t want to leave my family separated. Took some photos and I guess I look at this place as a gorgeous resting place that needs maintenace, upkeep and respect. I wouldn’t go there at night, I don’t like the woods at night in the first place!!!

      • What the middle tree? Been there twice not going back no need to tell my experiences when you have them personally then you’ll know what I’m talking about.

    14. I went there one time. Im going again the night before Halloween. The first time i went it was me and four friends. Two times i seen something. Both times i didnt say nothin at all. The first time i seen something was a women in white which felt like she was just sharing a whole into me. My friend asked ” did anybody see that” i asked him see what. He said the women in white. Then i told him that i did. Nobody else seen her. Then the second thing i seen when we was leaving the place was a black figure went around the tree from bottom up. It was long as hell. Kinda like the phantom on the frighteners with Michael j fox in it. I know i had a creepy feeling the whole time i was there.

    15. I almost got to here once time with some friends. Our car ended up breaking down at farm gate about a quarter-mild from the actual cemetery; turned off then turned back on – that was freaky enough for some to want to leave.

      Anyway, I’ve been interested in this place for several years; and I would like to visit not only for the potential paranormal but also for the history. Does anyone know who or where I should go to get permissions to be back there? I know it’s technically public property because it’s a graveyard, but I’d rather be safe than sorry.

      A couple other questions I have are; I’ve heard of a lone grave outside the cemetery and I would like to know where this is located. Also, is there really a cabin further back in the cemetery, if so how far back would you say it is?

      I just want to visit because of both the *potential* for the paranormal and for the history.

    16. My girl friend is a physical medium and on a recent trip to Hell’s Gate she made contact with an entity that hung himself from a tree out there. I’ve been trying to find information on this suicide. I’ve seen it listed in comments, but I’m unable to find concrete information on this. Any assistance would be appreciated.

      Thank you,
      Tommy Carson

    17. My fiance is a physical medium and has made contact with many entities at this location. The most disturbing of which is a young man who hung himself. From what we have gathered this took place in the early to mid 80’s. I have been searching the internet for information on this event and this individual. It is our intention to help him move on. Any assistance would be appreciated. You can contact me at Thank you.

    18. My friend and I visited about a month ago, and we had few very eerie experiences. As soon as we pulled up, we felt the nervousness settle in. Walking through the cemetery did not scare us, but walking through the woods was a much different experience. It was a full moon that night so we could easily see where we were going, but it did not take long until we started losing our sense of direction. We began to head back to the cemetery to prevent from getting lost in the woods. From then on, we got strange feelings of being watched. Although we were nervous to go back into the woods, there was something, possibly curiosity, that was drawing us back in. We decided to go back to the truck, in which we left running to prevent from having vehicle trouble like previously reported. Before leaving, I requested the spirits to make themselves known before we leave because so far we had little to no experiences. As we got in the truck to leave, we noticed that his phone battery was dead. He had 40 percent when we got there. We stayed 30 minutes and it was already dead. I had about 25 percent, and my phone battery was only at 15 percent. But the weirdest thing is that my phone was unresponsive. The touch screen would not work, and we did not know how to get back home without our GPS. My phone then turned off and turned back on by itself. I was expecting this to fix the problem. But when the phone came back on, the touch screen was still unresponsive. I finally told him to get us away from the cemetery. The moment we began to pull away from the cemetery, the touch screen began to work again but my battery had been drained by about 10 percent during that malfunction. Luckily we had a charger in the truck to get us home. I honestly believe was draining the energy from our phones. Look forward to visit again, next time with some paranormal equipment.

      • Same here first time I went out there couple weeks ago I had a full charge on my iPhone me and friend was there about 45 min when we was leaving we both heard a powerful ringing I our left ear at the same time and the phone battery had like 20 percent. Just got back from there tonight we was back there were the three trees were and had the phone on the voice meter we moved the phone from the tree and close to the tree the phone would go off and on and had another phone there it got recorded. Email me at

    19. Does anyone know what’s down the trail at the back of the cemetery where the fence is cut? The group I was with was afraid to trespass because rumors of a crazy guy who owns the land.

      • Well Lucy when me and a friend went there it was at the end of April this year nobody was around so we went back there in the back went over the broken fence into the woods there’s two trails that split off the left trail if you walk it it comes to a dead end but if you take the right part of the trail it leads down into like the low part of the woods and looks like it keeps going we walked a little bit of it, of course felt like being watched thought. Was there at daytime. Oh and another thing these spirits like cabbage to (money) the second time I was there couple days after that $50.00 came up missing and I always keep up with my money and always count it, it’s like a electric force field there the middle tree in the back a lot of activity iPhone kept blinking on and off heard screams. Something doesn’t want people there. I decided not to go back. But would be cool to meet others there though at one time.

    20. First time I went to this place I was drawed in to it and experienced some things too after I left that day there was a song that got stuck in my head for couple days, the song and group is sixx a.m. Stars before they fall. Mabe I incontered something intimate there and something luring me back in to connect me with it I know the desire was strong I went back like three weeks later that connection was gone. Did I turn my back on something that needed connected too cause after the second visit $50.00 came up missing. If anyone has seen return of the living dead 1984 they say it was modeled in Louisville ky there is a scene on there were the kids go to a cemetery it has Iron gates just kasey had they break in the cemetery is full of garbage and trash just like kasey had spray painted things vadilzed. And the cemetery on there is located at a isolated part of town just like kasey. Just a thought. Is there anyone out there that can connect to this?

    21. I went for the first time. The only thing I seen was that people have broken a lot of the stones. Very sad.
      How about you all do something positive out there and help clean it up.

    22. My daughtertook me there was daytime and I could see the terrible desecration that had taken place..i took flowers and a bag of salt with was hard to walk over the uneven ground..i knew the stories about the Satanic rituals done on the graves..there was evidence of black candle wax on several graves..i blessed the salt and began walking and flinging it as far as I could trying to reach the graves farthest away, I used the whole bag of salt on the graves and ground. .I then placed a flower on as many graves as possible..i said a prayer for all souls of those buried we left, my daughter pointed out a grave surrounded by a tiny white plastic fence.she said a mother and child were buried there. I spoke to the souls and wished t hem we began walking to my car.i looked down and saw a,yellow , cats eye marble right at the tip of my toe..i picked it up..we kept walking ,and again I looked down to find an exact duplicate marble at my toe..i picked it up more time before we hit the road..same thing..i turned and thanked the child for the lovely gifts..i still have those marbles

    23. Well, we were there on Christmas Eve 2016. We stopped to check out the cemetery and had our lunch there. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, but it had a lost, lonely feel to the place. The empty beer cans strewn about didn’t help. I did take several photos of the place and walked all the way to the back of the cemetery and to the sides of it where the woods begin to encroach. I don’t think I’d want to be there at night, but I definitely plan to go back. When we went, it was a fluke. I found the info on the internet and really didn’t know anything about it. Now that I know it’s there, I want to do a bit of research and then go back again with my camera. I also put some coins on the grave of the private who died in 1900

    24. I was stationed at Ft Knox and went several times in the day to this cemetery. Items include:
      1) 3 EMFs with one very clear “I want someone to stay here” in male voice, recorded on Win 10 PC using Wave Pad.
      2) Glowing headstone
      3) Sony Digital Camera (DSC-H200) that turned on and off during recording
      4) Ghost Meter and K-2 EMF meters that spiked with K-2 EMF being turned off and back on (captured on Digital Camera)
      5) Cell phone that was 100% charged did not operate near the cemetery but functioned after leaving
      I have several pictures, film and a report (pdf).

    25. Two buddies and myself went there this evening around 10 pm. Felt a little eerie, but that may be because of the single lane road it took to get there and just being hyped on the ghost stories. We explored the cemetery. Found coins on almost all the graves. And toys on any grave that was a child. We explored the woods very little. We found it weird the left side of the cemetery has the fence all flattened out. The only weird experience I had was when I was by myself down by the flattened fence. I had just stopped down to try and pick a piece of it up, and I failed. I waited a few seconds to turn on my flashlight, and turned away. As soon as I turned away with the light I heard the fence be picked up and dropped. (Not the entire fence, but just like you pulled on it just a little to move it and let it fall back down). I knew it was the fence being dropped because I had just made that sound. We did feel a little more edgy near the trees, but knowing the children’s graves with the toys were right next to it alleviated it somewhat. We tried to get a reaction from any possible spirits by verbal communication. No respone. Overall, it was a nice experience. Didn’t really feel like the area is too haunted. It could be a lot of overhype, but I want there to be some spirits there. If I ever get the chance I’ll go back out again, on a new moon night.

    26. Went there last night with friends.Just a dark ,cemetery. Nothing happened. Kinda had a calm experience. Except for the bugs.Also the fact that it was damaged from Vandals.People have no respect!

    27. Bishop James Long  |  

      My name is Bishop James Long and it was actually my team that create the name – Gates of Hell for this cemetery. We are the ones that brought this cemetery to the forefront of the Paranormal Community.

      We had investigated this cemetery years and years ago and we shared our EVP’s and video of our findings. The activity that I personally experienced still haunt me to this day. I have been on all the tv networks and even did Bobby Mackeys with Ghost Adventures and I assure you that the Gates of Hell has been one of the darkest places I have been to.

      I would strongly recommend that you stay far away from this place.

    28. I went out there several times as a younger woman. Note: I was 18 the first time and 21 the second. Each time we had strange things happen. The first time one of my friends in the car saw a guy in a white T-shirt running in the woods next to the road. The shirt was blowing in the breeze on a branch next to the cemetery as we left. That same time something chased my then fiancée out of the area we heard it crashing through the trees but never saw what it was. The second time we went before we got to the end of the road to the place this huge black cow was standing in the middle of the road my friend had to slam on the brakes. It was then we realized it had no eyes. As he tried to start the car again we all looked up and the cow was just gone. On our way back down the same road the car stalled out again and we noticed what looked like a man standing in the field a few feet away watching us. He vanished as we watched and then the car started again. I never went back after that last time. I realized that we were being disrespectful to those buried there by going out there to be nosy. I am of the belief now that you should respect places like this and be curious about them from afar because those who remain there that are not among the living do not much appreciate being a sideshow and you put your self at risk for many bad things by making them one.

    29. I wanted to take my spouse back there: it is her family cemetery and was originally on the family property. The original house had outbuildings by it where the slaves lived. It has been 70 years since she was there and I understand none of the buildings still exist. She also says the town used to be called Kaseyville. Unfortunately, she has Alzheimer’s and all the verbal history is gone.

    30. Was there today. Only thing was unusual was there was a dead horse on road in front of cemetery. Also saw this area to the left of the cemetery. Its a sinkhole but I could see where people could make up tales of sacrifices and this was an altar. It was a natural circle. There are a couple of Civil War vets buried in cemetery. I think its sad that a lot of have been knocked over. Some appeared to have been done recently. I felt a sense of happiness here. We took a bag worth of trash out like beer cans and such. It is in a remote area but we had cell service and nothing weird happened. I guess the spooks liked us.

    31. took a trip there with my friends, it was a nice but stressful experience. the road to get back there looks like private property even though it is not.the cemetery has barely any standing head stones due to vandals which is just so sad. although there were paranormal experience on my visit none were that terrifying. my friends and i enjoy going to graveyards to fix headstones but were too scared to touch the graves. my friend tried to stay in the car but quickly ran out of it when the doors locked on themselves. my two other friends said they heard whispers and people in the woods. i pointed to the tree that someone hung themselves from and said “someone hung themself there” which i didnt realize could be disrespectful but i learned my lesson when it became hard to breathe and felt like i was choking after i said it while standing under the tree but it didn’t last long. i left a quarter on a little girls gravestone cause i saw others were. but as we were walking back to the car we heard coins dropped, i had four quarters in my pocket when we got there, one was given to the girl, and now after the sound of coins dropping none were left in my pocket. we found one but after we got in the car it had disappeared too. friends said that their eyes got foggy. i cant stop thinking about the place and it feels like i’m being drawn to it since we left. every other thought is about the cemetery and i want to go back. we were very respectful while there and nothing bad happened, so i think if you don’t do anything to disrespect them they wont try to harm you.if anyone can tell me more about the places history and why it is so haunted i would love to know more.

      • Went out there yesterday for something to do. Didn’t really have any odd experiences this time around, this being my 2nd or 3rd time there. My first time however, my pickup wouldn’t start after being there for about an hour or so. It started getting dark and I realized I had left my lights on. Luckily a group came along that was doing a night investigation and gave me a jump. They asked if I wanted to stay, but unfortunately I couldn’t this time. This last time out there I took several photos and videos of the place. I walked all the way to the back to the site where the barb wired fence was pushed down. Some people say there’s a lone grave back there, however I haven’t explored back that far yet. Anybody know anything about the lone grave in the woods at the back of the cemetery? I plan on going back again soon, probably when it warms up some, as I’m only about 20 miles from there.

    32. My family and a friends family went out here together in October 2016 and I have two photos which show a face in them and my friends son touched a toy on one of the graves and immediately fell to the ground and was hurt I’m going back again soon

    33. Me and my girlfriend are very interested in this place because of all these many experiences and comments on here. If we travel to visit this place im very much willing to hike the woods to find this witch grave. Ive even looked on google earth, try to narrow it down. I see a place near custer roberts hollow rd that makes me wonder. Ive seen this asked alot so here it goes again WHERE IS THE LOCATION OF THIS LONE WITCH GRAVE IN THE WOODS BEHIND CEMETERY?

        • My first experience here was very creepy. Although I didnt get out of the car or stay long. Lol I was freaked out. Welllll March 2rd 2020 I go there with a different set of friends wellll we was already spooked so when we get to the cemetery there was a sign on the tree right before I pulled into the circle part. We ignored it pulled up an sat for a few. Well as we are leaving. We stop to read the sign. On everything I love the sign said N*****s then some other stuff. We freaked out bc we seen bones hanging above it. So we got out of there as quickly and quietly as we could. I am straight up going to sage my car and my house. Also has anyone noticed right before you get to the cemetery there sits a random chair to ur right.

          I’m done with ghost hunting anymore ughhhh.

    34. we went tonight around 10 it was me and three other people upon arrival we were all eager to go in we had an EMF detector that kept going off. usually when it goes off it drops back to zero but it stayed at the number it went off at every time we kept hearing foot steps behind us and weird noises in the woods. my girlfriend had this overwhelming feeling of children and got an overwhelming feeling of happiness at one point that quickly changed when we all started getting chills. it’s summer about 73° outside we could see our breath and all got very cold. as one of our friends went to leave the rest of us got the urge to stay and started wandering further in the cemetery. when the EMF detector went sky high and we all got chills we decided it would be a good time to leave. as we were walking back to the car we all felt like something was following us even as we started to drive off. on the way to down the gravel road close to the cemetery the car started making weird noises and all the sudden stopped when we got further from the cemetery we stayed about 2 hours and it felt like 30 minutes to all of us we will definitely be returning we want to find the witch grave

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