On the Southwest corner a couple years ago, a memorial stood for a Motorcycle crash. A young man died in this crash. We went to this corner with all of our gear and caught a few images of what appeared to be apparitions walking and standing on the corner by the candles left behind by mourners. The best photo is submitted below. It’s of somebody standing under the light post staring right at the camera. There was nobody there that could be seen by the naked eye. The K2 meters went off a few times. The Dowsing rods pointed to that corner too.
(Submitted by Michelle H.)
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Garibaldi and Baldwin Ave
Temple City, CA
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 34.11138031255555, -118.05315551166132
- County:
- Los Angeles County, California
- Nearest Towns:
- Temple City, CA (0.4 mi.)
North El Monte, CA (1.8 mi.)
Arcadia, CA (2.2 mi.)
Rosemead, CA (2.4 mi.)
Mayflower Village, CA (2.5 mi.)
East San Gabriel, CA (2.6 mi.)
San Marino, CA (3.1 mi.)
San Gabriel, CA (3.2 mi.)
El Monte, CA (3.3 mi.)
East Pasadena, CA (3.4 mi.)
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
Wow. That picture gives
Me the heebie jeebies!
ME TO I feel weird loking at the picture
Wow thats scarry im going to this corner to night
I believe it was actually two people that were killed there..
Only one person died there, the other was taken to the hospital and died at the hospital. My friend and I are going to go there and see if we can get him to “move on”. He was a friend of ours. I am sorry to hear he is still lingering.
Please let us know what he needs or wants us to know. He’s family.
I hope he is not:( he was such a great person, I grew up with him and hope he is at peace
And looking at the picture it does not feel like him
Hard to tell who it is..there might be layers here of people. It’s a bad spot.
He’s family I never really new him but from what I hear he was a great guy. Here’s the story: He grew up on this street and I believe when he was about 22 he left his girlfriend at home and he went to a pack of cigarettes and then he crashed 🙁 I miss him
I am very interested in this corner. Tonight I plan on stopping by and trying to communicate useing modern day ghost hunting equipment. I will post back on here if I was successful. I come in total respect to the family I hope it’s ok.
There are many layers.
Different times activate different feelings.
I have never felt pain nor anger here.
On this night, I was coming back from doing a favor for a friend who lost her boyfriend a few miles away. It’s also why I had equipment on me.
I recently met a friend of the family who was involved in this situation.
The original info given to me after taking this photo was wrong. There wasn’t only 1 death.
The pole where the memorial stands is gone today. Sep 2108.
Someone else must have hit it.
Too many accidents out here.
Blessings to all involved.
MH AKA GhostGrrrl626/13
LOCATION CORRECTION-1block south of Garibaldi on Baldwin.See Apartment Building in photo? Light Post still has candle wax as of today.
Blessings to the victims
I make sure to give this boy PLENTY of love and attention, mi amor is doing just fine <3