Doors slam late at night, theater seats lift and lower as if someone unseen is using them, and in 2001, the glass from a fire extinguisher panel broke by itself when no one was around.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 18 E 1st Ave
Hutchinson, KS 67501
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 38.0538, -97.93090000000001
- County:
- Reno County, Kansas
- Nearest Towns:
- Hutchinson, KS (0.5 mi.)
South Hutchinson, KS (1.9 mi.)
Willowbrook, KS (4.7 mi.)
Yoder, KS (8.5 mi.)
Buhler, KS (10.4 mi.)
Nickerson, KS (10.5 mi.)
Partridge, KS (10.6 mi.)
Haven, KS (13.4 mi.)
Burrton, KS (14.4 mi.)
Inman, KS (15.0 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
In 1977-78, as a Senior in HS, i worked at the FOX Theatre in Hutchinson. I never experienced any of the things mentioned in the article but once after weeks of planning and twisting our managers arm, we decided to have a SLUMBER PARTY in the Theatre. Our boss agreed and locked up and left. We were all kinda creeped out just a little bit but I think we all genuinely loved the old place and we weren’t afraid. The old Theatre has so many hidden places inside that most people don’t know about…such as the basement has a huge art room where they used to make the movie posters etc back in the day. We used it as storage for the concession candy…lol then upstairs in the balcony area there is a dressing room where the employees had lockers and got dressed for their shifts. It had a slanted ceiling and there were messages scrawled all over it from former employees. Then behind the curtain and screen there used to sit an old grand piano. It was water damaged from a leaky roof overhead. And below the stage were dressing rooms where the actual stars of live performances would prepare hair, makeup, costumes etc. I suppose some of the other employees who were a bit older than me might have memories of strange events but I have none. I’m so very happy that Hutchinson has chosen to save this beautiful theatre. The renovations are just beautiful.