The historic area, particularly some of the nearby houses in Officers’ Row, is believed to be haunted. As one of them is a private home, trespassing is not permitted. The other 2 are businesses: one real estate office (850 Officers’ Row) and the Grant House Art Center and Cafe (1101 Officers’ Row). After the mansions were renovated by the city, witnesses began to notice odd things like cold spots, telephones that ring although unplugged, doors that open and close, and footsteps. There is also said to be an entity that will drink coffee. A ghost called Sully is said to reside in the Grant House Art Center Cafe; information about him is reported to be posted inside.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 1501 E Evergreen Blvd
Vancouver, WA 98661
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 45.62371223752597, -122.66302865297848
- County:
- Clark County, Washington
- Nearest Towns:
- Vancouver, WA (1.0 mi.)
Minnehaha, WA (2.5 mi.)
Hazel Dell, WA (3.3 mi.)
Walnut Grove, WA (4.3 mi.)
Lake Shore, WA (4.8 mi.)
Barberton, WA (5.7 mi.)
Orchards, WA (5.7 mi.)
Five Corners, WA (6.0 mi.)
Salmon Creek, WA (6.0 mi.)
Felida, WA (6.3 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I lived in one of the housing for a few months three years ago. This place is definitely haunted. I used to sleep on the lower level,while my roommate lived in the upstairs bedroom. I used to sleep with three heavy blankets and would still be cold. One night the ghost pulled on the sleeve of my shirt. Another night it stroked my forehead. I would be down in the basement and would hear heavy footsteps pounding up the stairs. I would run up the basement steps to check it out and nothing was there. I would also hear the downstairs closet door slam.shut.
looks like a woman in the left window?
A few years ago, my mom and her cousin worked for a cleaning company that would clean some of the places on Officers’ Row. At the Real Estate Building (850 OR), there would be cold spots, doors opening and closing and shadows moving. The one thing that scared my mother was the copy machine. The screen displayed the username “MIKE”, and would starting printing out blank papers. My mom was told that there was a guy who worked there named Mike, but he died a while back.
It was a few years ago my school was on a field trip their, and we went into the jail thing. Almost immediately all started complaining something didn’t feel right, just to let you know the door was wide open to the cellar and all of the sudden there was a voice that we could barley whispered “this will be the end ” all of the kids started to freak out the teachers heard us scream they came over and admitted some weird stuff was happening but didn’t mention anything anyways that was the first and the last time I’ll ever go there.
Fort Vancouver is definitely haunted. I was walking up the bastion and saw someone walking at the top. Which is normal, but when I got up there I was the only living person. The jailhouse is also haunted there are some unhappy spirits in there
My boyfriend was housesitting a private home that bordered the back side of the military cemetery.
He wanted me to go with him to pick up some of his things. While sitting in the living room I felt as though there was someone sitting across the room looking at me. I mentioned it to my friend then we both heard a typewriter in the area where I felt the “presence” staring at me. We left immediately.