Former Ambulance Call Center

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I was told about this location from someone who either used to work at this former ambulance call center or knew someone who worked there, but it used to be a home that was haunted before it became an ambulance call center. You can still make out where the house was located on googlemaps but it’s overgrown with weeds now so it’s harder to make out the outline of house, but the active area is by the wall/mid field by the first driveway entryway. I’m a psychic medium and paranormal investigator who checks out locations fairly often, I use equipment including a psb7 spirit box, K2 meter, parascope, etc. to check for activity and this location is a hot spot. I have a youtube video of the last time I was there with a friend and we got some interesting voices that included references to it being a call center and “Modesto” came up twice. There’s no fence or signs in this area so it is easily accessible however cops do patrol McHenry so they might drive by, had this happen once but they didn’t see us apparently. There are powerlines by the street/sidewalk that will set off certain EMF detectors however where the house was located, the powerlines will not set it off, I’ve already tested this.

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    Geographic Information

    136 E. Granger Ave.
    Modesto, CA
    United States

    Get Directions »
    37.666996, -120.99247500000001
    Stanislaus County, California
    Nearest Towns:
    Modesto, CA (1.9 mi.)
    Bystrom, CA (3.2 mi.)
    Shackelford, CA (3.7 mi.)
    West Modesto, CA (4.3 mi.)
    Bret Harte, CA (4.5 mi.)
    Riverdale Park, CA (5.1 mi.)
    Empire, CA (5.3 mi.)
    Ceres, CA (5.3 mi.)
    Del Rio, CA (5.4 mi.)
    Riverbank, CA (5.7 mi.)
    Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors


    Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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    Comments (2)

    1. I worked there for years and never saw or heard anything. There was an old circuit breaker in the back bedroom with all the wood panels that probably wasn’t up to code so the EMF was probably detectable but nothing ever happened out of the ordinary. The creepiest part of the place was one of our old supervisors.

      • I was told there were 3 houses there, a murder occurred in one and some kids were killed in the neighborhood, have you ever heard of this? The people who told me this live nearby. Not everyone experiences hauntings btw, it depends on how spiritually open you are.

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