The Flapper Ghost is a brunette beauty with a bob and 1920s clothing. She has been seen since the 1930s. Her identity remains a mystery, but throughout history she has been seen in the evenings at dance halls and asked for a ride home. She would direct them to Waldheim Cemetery, saying she lived in the caretaker’s cottage or in an apartment nearby, but those who followed her found her to disappear among the tombstones. In 1973 she was seen in broad daylight by a family visiting the cemetery, who were surprised when she vanished into a mausoleum. The Flapper Ghost’s identity is not known, but she was most active in the 1930s and the 1970s.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 1400 Des Plaines Ave
Forest Park, IL 60130
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 41.8622423, -87.81942240000001
- County:
- Cook County, Illinois
- Nearest Towns:
- Forest Park, IL (1.2 mi.)
North Riverside, IL (1.4 mi.)
Berwyn, IL (1.6 mi.)
Maywood, IL (1.7 mi.)
Broadview, IL (1.8 mi.)
Riverside, IL (1.9 mi.)
Oak Park, IL (2.4 mi.)
River Forest, IL (2.5 mi.)
La Grange Park, IL (2.9 mi.)
Brookfield, IL (3.1 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Back in 1973 around Halloween on a Friday or Saturday night between 11:30 and midnight I was riding my motorcycle south on DesPlaines Ave south of Roosevelt Rd thru the cemeteries.
I saw a girl in an off white dress walking south in the street. As I got closer she put her thumb out for a ride keeping her back to me. I was going to keep going but was chilly out and I noticed as I approached her that the dress was low cut in back maybe halfway down and as I slowed to pass her I glanced and saw it was low cut in front also. She did have a sweater or a light jacket carrying it about waist high against her with her right arm or hand. As I passed I decided to pull over and see if she was alright So as I was almost stopped about 60 feet ahead of her I looked on my rear view mirror and did not see her. Where I stopped was right near Greenberg Road so there wasn’t much cemetery left on the west side of the river for her to hide. Anyway, I walked about 3/4 back to where I had last seen her calling out to see if she needed help or a ride but got no answer. I figured that she wasn’t about to get on a Harley with a greasy biker. I just left and forgot about it.
Years later around 2012 I ran into a story on the internet about haunted places in Illinois. One of the stories was about Resurrection Mary . Then I ran into the story about The Forest Park Flapper. I had never heard of her before so I suddenly got a case of the Heebie-Jeebies… But that was only for a second or two because I am a bit of a skeptic. Also, I did notice in the story above, which put me aback for a second, that a family had also seen her in the cemetery in 1973…. Or…was that the year someone was playing.around trying to scare people and get a story in the paper.