Ferguson’s Cemetery

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According to local legend, Ferguson’s Cemetery is the home of a ghostly little boy who peeks out over a tombstone. Reports say his grave is the one in the southwest corner, separated from the other graves. Orbs, eerie feelings and the sound of a phantom dog barking also have been reported here.

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Geographic Information

18624 County Rd 34
Norwood Young America, MN
United States

Get Directions »
44.79913940704074, -93.99580943601904
Carver County, Minnesota
Nearest Towns:
Plato, MN (2.8 mi.)
Norwood (historical), MN (4.0 mi.)
Norwood Young America, MN (4.0 mi.)
Young America (historical), MN (4.2 mi.)
Hamburg, MN (4.8 mi.)
New Germany, MN (6.0 mi.)
Lester Prairie, MN (6.3 mi.)
Glencoe, MN (7.9 mi.)
Mayer, MN (7.9 mi.)
Green Isle, MN (8.3 mi.)


Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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  1. We were at the cemetery tonight with four people including myself. Right away when we got there I felt very uneasy like somebody was looking at me and watching me. Our group decided to split up and me and my friend went up the hill. As soon as we got to the top i saw a figure look to be running between the tree line. A while later we were looking at the same tree line and I turned my head and saw the little boy looking at me from over a tombstone but then seem to disappear behind it a second after I looked. Also the trees that used to stand in the center have been cut down and removed. I was sitting on the stump talking to him asking him if he caused the trees to disapear when they were still standing. While i was talking i felt an energy come through me and i got goose bumps. We stay for about an hour until my other friend said we needed to leave now because something did not want us there at all. We left and as soon as we pulled away we all felt better

    • robert r fleischhacker  |  

      trisha and i robert fleischhacker captured evps of glasses clanging and a pic of a little child was capured on camera and a full body apperation was captured on camera sitting by a grave stone, also we were touched by a spirit and sounds of a little girl was on our evp recording of saying hello also we caught a evp and on the emf meter went to red on our recorder cant wait to go bk great recording to share and proof that ghost are there if u want to meet them

  2. I used to live in Norwood. I even investigated this cemetery. I even put the little grave in the far right corner back together as it had split in half from cold of winter, or so I thought.

    This little cemetery is a spooky one; It sits in a huge farm field with a line of Hemlock all around it for a border…

    I went to the Cemetery, by myself, to check things out on – of all days – New Year’s Eve Night around 1997. I had had a dream the night before, that I was standing in front of a snowy cemetery… When I woke I knew it was the little cemetery I was told of, but, had yet to investigate.

    I was a little a-nerved by the dream because it was so real.

    In the dream I was standing before the little gate, night all around me, but, the snow was bright and white, super crusty and extremely cold.

    As I looked at the line of Trees, in the dream, they because teeth, like long thin bone white fangs, from the ground up, ending in points – the teeth made a fence… I woke right after the Trees turned to teeth.

    The next day I am in the local pub and talking about the cemetery. Hear the stories, have another toast and leave after the festivities are done. Feeling restless I decide to take a drive out – really had no business doing it, but non the less – away I go.

    Fast forward 15 hours later I am making the journey to the Cemetery, at night. By myself. You see the little cemetery quite awhile off as you drive to it… I approached the cemetery with my heart in my throat, because, in the cold clear moonlit night of that evening, the trees branches were dark – lost into the fabric of the night – but the trunks caught the moonlight…They showed bone white, like a row of pointed fangs… up and down the fence-line.

    I sat in the car, in the little pull-off entrance from the dirt road, lights on and shining to the, and thru the, little gate.

    I got out, leaving the car running, walked up to the gate and just stood there, staring into the cemetery as the wind blew across the desert white, cold, field… I did not walk in, I did not open the gate, I didn’t even touch it because the warning bells were going off inside me – “Stay out, Stay out. Just leave…” screamed over and over thru my head.

    I left… maybe not a terribly courageous but after the dream and then the drive up, I wasn’t going to question.. So, back to the Bat Cave.

    In the bright day of the New Year morning, I felt a bit sheepish… I woke up with the formed thought… “I am going back out, I can’t believe I let my imagination run away on me”…

    The day was one of those extremely bright, Sun bouncing off white fields with a deep blue cold sky, days… Looks warm, but you freeze immediately once you get outside.

    Drove out to the Cemetery expecting to make short work of the recon. I will admit, the Cemetery in the bright daylight does not look inviting – something the soul feels, maybe. Either way, I had that heavy feeling in my stomach rolling up to the gate. Again, I left the car running, walked up to the gate, but did not walk in, did not open the gate. I just stood on the other side looking in.

    I don’t know how it works, but we have all done this… Stared at something because it does not look ‘right’.

    I was having one of those moments… I was looking thru the gate, the cemetery has a little hill to it… Something was stopping me, but, I could not see why, when, it struck me.

    Inside the Cemetery, from a place in the back, there was a line of foot prints in the snow (the blowing snows caught in in the footprints making a sharp outline)… The footprints started from somewhere in the cemetery and walk to within 10 feet from the gate… then stopped. There was no ‘walk away’ prints, just the little steps, from the inside of the cemetery, to where I was standing on the other side of the gate….

    My blood ran a cold as the field around me.

    Reminds me of the Mark Twain quote. “Sometimes when you stare long into the abyss, something stares long into you…”

  3. Paranormal Couple  |  

    Me & my boyfriend love ghost hunting & visited here today. We searched the graveyard & immediately saw the little boys gravestone in the corner. However, it appears someone took the top part of the headstone off because all that is left is he base of a gravestone. There are old little toys left by it & a teddy bear. Also, a lot of change is at the top of the stone. We couldn’t communicate with him, but when we left the cemetery, my boyfriend started freaking out & looked in pain. He said it felt as though a dog had bit his leg-we ran back to the car & booked it out of there. He then told me that it felt like someone violently grabbed his leg & was trying to pull him down. He said something definetely did not want us there.

  4. The place is well taken care of and has a positive vibe. There was a cool breeze that felt quite nice on the hot day. Left coins on the back grave.

  5. My wife and I were there a few months back during a the day. Sunday. I told her little of the info about this place. We drove up and the front gates were locked. My wife said “well that’s it, lets go” I drove around the west side to and opening at the south west corner. I got out of the van and walked to the graveyard. Turning, I noticed she was in the van. I motioned for her to come out and she shook her head NO! I talked to her about going to the parameter of the yard and she said “OK”. I asked her about what she felt and she responded, “dread” “heavy and dark”. As we walked to the opening, she walked in and went to the little grave in the S. W. corner. Its funny because I did not inform her about the little grave where the boy emulates from. She said the feelings are from this grave. I walked around, talking to the spirits and egging them to show themselves to me. Nothing. She on the other hand was terrified. As we drove away, she said the feeling got better. I did not feel anything but I would not say the feelings of dread in my wife was just in her head. One of these days, I’m going to grab one of those things and get a picture.

  6. I visited this cemetary one night and the grave in the southeast corner didn’t have a head stone I started to walk over to the grave and felt normal till I got over there and started to feel sad as I started to walk away I felt something push me but I thought it was the wind I looked back and I heard a voice I couldn’t get what it exactly said but I started walking again and then I heard something run across my path I started to run to my car then I stopped at the entrance and turn around and see a boy sitting on the broken grave and said “goodbye for now cuz I’ll be back to talk” and left

    • So we’ve decided to stop by and visit. Letting you know we went on a full moon. We get in there and walk in. We slowly walk in trying to find the little boy. We started hearing foot steps come up behind and after that we knew it was time to leave. So we slowly started walking back and we hear a dog bark and a scream do we ran back to the car and almost got stick. All i gotta say is that boy didnt want us

  7. I was there tonight with a friend. We investigated a little and can debunk the dog barking as dogs at nearby houses/farms. Also the trees and stones give off a lot of shadows. You eyes can get played with there. What I find unexplainable is the two loud rustling of the grass heard behind us once near the boys’ grave and as we were leaving it happened to.my right as I felt a breeze and the wind was calm. Something wanted our attention. But do be careful as the sign says trespassing after 930pm.

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