Fairvue - Isaac Franklin Plantation

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The historic Isaac Franklin Plantation, also called Fairvue, was built in 1832. Isaac Franklin was a successful slave trader who sold approximately 1,200 enslaved people into the Southwest region, earning almost $1,000,000 in his lifetime. After changing hands several times over the years, the site was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1977. However, the area was eventually evolved into a golf course community, and as such the National Historic Landmark designation was withdrawn in 2005. The area is said to be haunted, presumably by some of the slaves involved in Franklin’s dealings.

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Geographic Information

Rozella Way
Gallatin, TN ‎
United States

Get Directions »
36.34474073137109, -86.49320384859493
Sumner County, Tennessee
Nearest Towns:
Gallatin, TN (4.0 mi.)
Shackle Island, TN (7.1 mi.)
Hendersonville, TN (7.6 mi.)
Cottontown, TN (7.8 mi.)
Green Hill, TN (9.0 mi.)
Graball, TN (10.0 mi.)
Mount Juliet, TN (10.1 mi.)
Lakewood, TN (10.6 mi.)
Castalian Springs, TN (10.8 mi.)
Walnut Grove, TN (11.7 mi.)
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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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  1. It is a haunted area. I used to live over there and the sister plantation used to sit right down the road from my house. The area used to be covered with slave homes until they started tearing them down to build the neighborhood. Spirit s roam that area. My house sits on top of where the sister plantations house maid home wouldve been. And she “Rosa” would bother us every now and then, mostly me since im a singer. She would sing through me. I found out about her sometime last yeat in August. The spirit wasnt to harsh. She was very calm and protected us. She seemed to be somewhat of like another gaurdian angel over the house.

  2. My father told me that his neighbor would work construction there. One morning, my dad’s neighbor, went out into part of the land where it was just a field. He got there early before others got there. He sat in his truck looking at blue prints and drinking his coffee. He noticed from his rear view mirror that there was a black man standing right in back of his truck. He was thinking,”What does this guy want?” He got out of his truck and the black guy was gone. He looked everywhere around his truck and under. That’s the day he started believing in ghost. Another time, he got to a site early & sat next to a couple trees. He was looking a blue prints and a white, old man came from behind a tree and stared at him. He got up to go confront the man. The man just vanished. He could t find the guy. My dad told me that the gates to the fairview land, has the owner who died, part of the tomb that looks like 2 ducks, or birds, in the middle. Whenever they started placing homes they moved the original owners body somewhere and left an artificial in the middle of the gates. It is said, that there is a cemetery of slaves under the lake. After the Cumberland dam flooded the land, it’s been difficult to find where the slave cemetery is. Also, Indian graves, as well.

  3. I am a drywall finisher and am as I speak working on this mansion. Fixing patches and such for the lastest owners daughter to move into. I explored the house like I normally do. Didn’t want to pass up the opportunity to really check it out since I’m working here. I read about the history and such, and read about a woman named Ellen Weymss who purchased the house with her husband in 1934ish, and passed in 2001. Later i found that the new owners chidren have written all over the walls asking if Mrs Weymss is real, or if she is a ghost. Dating there drawings from 2006-2010. I have also heard an old woman calling out “Hello” at random times. There are definitely spirits here, but as far as I can tell they are freindly and mean no harm. 🙂

  4. For more on the ghosts of Fairvue (and there are several) I recommend the chapter “Sumner Spirits” in Ghosts and Haunts of Tennessee published by Blair Publishing: https://www.amazon.com/Ghosts-Haunts-Tennessee-Christopher-Coleman/dp/0895873893/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
    The book is not illustrated so I’m uploading a photo of Fairvue that I took before they developed into an upscale subdivision (They now call it “The Last Plantation”).

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