The Eunice Williams, or Green River Pumping Station, Covered Bridge is said to be haunted by Eunice Williams, the reverend’s wife who lived nearby in the 1600s. It happened when French soldiers and Indians raided the area and hacked Eunice to death just hours after she had given birth. The story is told on a nearby plaque set in a stone. The bridge is now closed to vehicular traffic, but when it was open to cars, locals said those who stopped inside, shut off their lights and beeped the horn once would see her. Eunice’s apparition also has been spotted around the nearby dam and in the river.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Eunice Williams Drive
Greenfield, MA
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 42.64661977238336, -72.6196246146992
- County:
- Franklin County, Massachusetts
- Nearest Towns:
- Leyden, MA (3.7 mi.)
Bernardston, MA (3.9 mi.)
Greenfield, MA (4.2 mi.)
Colrain, MA (4.3 mi.)
Turners Falls, MA (4.3 mi.)
Shelburne, MA (5.3 mi.)
Gill, MA (6.1 mi.)
Shelburne Falls, MA (6.7 mi.)
Deerfield, MA (7.1 mi.)
Millers Falls, MA (7.9 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I live just a few miles away from this bridge and recently went down there to see it. There was not a lot of energy felt there, but I brought a SB7 spirit box along and was able to talk to Eunice’s husband who said he was “heartbroken” that Eunice had been killed
I was born in greenfield mass my last name is Aiken i use hang out with some kids that lived near me i lived on Garfield street. But long story short every time we went there something would hapen like being some voice would whisper to me that one of my friends was in trouble on the bridge my friend Kenney was stuck on the bridge as every one else jumped into the water and kenney was old on to the rail like he was frozen. I thought he was skared of heights but he said for some reason he felt like he was brased against the the side of the the bridge like some one was stopping him from jumping, and when i got to him and reached out my hand to pull him back on to the bridge i felt so cold like winter comes but this was August 2012. So i told kenney to grab my hand and he could not let either of his hands free but when i grabbed his arm i could see imprints on his hand like some one was gripping there hands around his i kept going back to try and get a clue of what went on to this day i have seen more people come foreward i thought i was loosing my mind until i came across your ads thank you so much if you would like to talk more about this yo may contact me at 71/2 east main street Orange mass 01364
I’ve had relatives that lived down the road from there. Heard many stories throughout the years! Always wanted to experience for myself but never had a chance due to living in another state.
The story that I grew up with is that the woman was dragging ass after the raid of old Deerfield and the cut her head off and left her.
I think this story has been hyped for glamor.
From Colrain.
I have family that lives in greenfield including an aunt thats around 5 years older then me. She told me and her friend Gerald I think was his name the story of Eunice from what I was told she had been scalped. Plus she had told us that if you go to the covered bridge at night pull onto the bridge shut off your engine honk your horn 2 times then shut your lights off and wait for Eunice to appear. I really wanted to check it out being that Im really into haunted places. So me and Gerald went in his car. We get there pull onto the bridge he shuts off the car honks his horn then turns off the lights. I started to scream (i was messing with him) and his reaction was hilarious so i started laughing, he said “you bitch” I said sorry lets do it for real I wont do that again and remember honk 2 times. So again the car is shut off, the horn honked twice and the lights get shut off. We wait a few moments maybe a minute and i spot headlights coming towards the bridge I tell him to hurry and start the car there is a car coming he sees the lights too and tries to start the car as lights keep approaching the bridge I say hurry they wont see us we will get killed were gonna get creamed. after a few panicked attempts to start the car it finally starts we pull off the bridge and pull to the side of the road to calm down and no car comes out of the bridge behind us. there was no turn off before the bridge or anyplace the car could have gone and we saw no car around at all. That’s when we figured out there was no car, it was the ghost.
Its too bad the bridge is closed to cars now, nobody will be able to try this themselves and I will never be able to show anybody. Its the only haunted location I have been to where I actually saw something. Other places I can only feel something or sense something. You don’t find a place like that all the time where you actually see something manifest. A very rare find indeed.
I live in Greenfield and as of today the bridge is open we moved here from Ct last summer and the covered bridge is there and I’ve drove through at least 10 times. I’ve never gone at night though. There’s two places where it tells the story of what happened to Eunice it was a massacre and so sad. This is up the road from the famous Mohawk Trail. The Mohawk Indians I’m sure were all over this area. The French Indian war went on here along time ago. It’s so wild how we’ve been where this war and these Indians were and where Eunice lost her life. I can’t even imagine the fear she must of felt and I’m sure her baby who she just had given birth to.
Next time I’m there I’ll take a picture of the two marker and post them here.
Here are pics of one of the markers at Eunice Williams Bridge where Eunice was murdered
Eunice Williams Bridge rebuilt and open
Eunice Williams marker