Enders Hotel and Museum

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There are conflicting stories about who exactly is haunting the Enders hotel. Some claim it was a man who was shot and killed there, others that it was a man who fell down the stairs, still others that it was a prostitute who was murdered there (this is the least likely since all of the sightings seem to revolve around a male figure). In any event most people agree that the basement is the most haunted spot in the hotel.

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    Geographic Information

    76 South Main Street
    Soda Springs, ID 83276
    United States

    Get Directions »
    42.6574842, -111.60364770000001
    Caribou County, Idaho
    Nearest Towns:
    Soda Springs, ID (0.2 mi.)
    Grace, ID (8.6 mi.)
    Bancroft, ID (15.0 mi.)
    Georgetown, ID (16.9 mi.)
    Lava Hot Springs, ID (20.9 mi.)
    Bennington, ID (23.3 mi.)
    Montpelier, ID (27.9 mi.)
    Arimo, ID (29.6 mi.)
    McCammon, ID (30.0 mi.)
    Downey, ID (30.9 mi.)


    Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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    1. My daughter and I stopped here for lunch a few weeks ago and while our meal was being prepared we decided to take a tour of the second floor. Our waitress informed us that there was a museum there. As we walked up the stairs to the second floor at the top of the staircase there is a cross hallway and hanging on the wall are pictures of people who lived there during the twenties and thirties. There were some empty chairs below the pictures. As I walked up there I could feel an unusual energy about the place. It was daytime, around 2 in the afternoon with plenty of sunlight. No cause to be frightened. As my daughter and I went from room to room looking at the artifacts on display we were intrigued by all of the historical collections that they had gathered for the museum. The room with a barber chair and the bookkeeping/office room my daughter refused to enter due to an unpleasant energy she felt. We were standing in the hallway near the war room and the medical room. At the end of the hallway there is a bathroom. The door was wide open and sunlight comming in through the south window. While we were standing there alone in the hallway the toilet flushed all by itself. This is not a motion sensor toilet. The bathroom door was wide open. We were the only people on the entire floor of the hotel. My daughter grabbed my hand and ran for the stairs pulling me as fast as we could go. We went back down to the restaurant and when our waitress came to our table we told here they have unseen company upstairs. She calmly acknowledged the fact and then related to us some of her hair raising experiences while working there. Excellent food. A beautiful museum. But definitely eerie and haunted. I’m not a spooksy person and I don’t seek this stuff out but this place is for real.

    2. While staying on the third floor we had walked across the street to attend the movie at the theater. Upon returning we were on the second floor, walking past the sitting room, which was dark, and heard music and voices coming from the room as though there was a party. We turned on the light in the room, and of course, no one was there. We continued up to our third floor room. Its is an awesome hotel and you never know what is going to happen for sure.

    3. My stay there was brief, stayed only two nights as we were doing a job in town. Anyway, I stayed on the second floor and my phone began to ring around 2:30 am. I answered it and a man’s voice asked,” Hello, may I speak to Dees?” I told him there was no one here by that name. I then hung up and ten minutes later, the phone rang again. It was the same voice asking to speak with “Dees.” Again, I told him there was no one here by that name. I hung up and went back to sleep. The next evening, I had just taken a shower and the phone began to ring again. I answered and it was the same man asking for “DEES”. I asked,” DEES Who?” He then yelled,” DEES NUTZ!!” He then began to laugh in a evil manner. I hung up and told the front desk manager about what happened. He said nothing, only apologized. I checked out later that night. Isn’t that scary?

    4. I have worked at Enders as a waitress. I can definitely say that there are multiple spirits. In the gift shop section, across from the restaurant bathrooms, 2 of my coworkers saw a manikin in there and always saw it until one day they found out that there were no manikins in that section of the hotel. They still don’t know who it is but she hides in one of the corners and has red curly hair. On the second floor in the museum hallway, my coworker and I were exploring the hotel when suddenly I couldn’t breathe but I kept walking as if everything was fine but my coworker said “stay by me, I have a bad feeling” and that’s when I finally said something about my shortness of breath. The other experience I had was in room 333, claimed to be the most haunted. We were waiting for our work netting to start so 3 of my coworkers and I went up there. The way I was wearing my jacket it was just on my shoulders, my arms were not through the sleeves, and it got yanked off me onto the floor then the bed started to shake a bit and the lamp shade started swaying. We bolted out of there. So I can say that it is definitely a place you’d like to explore if you’re into the paranormal. There are many spirits who live there and that is there home.

    5. My wife and I stayed here on our first anniversary in 2012. We stayed on the 2nd floor and I think there was only one other room occupied that night on the top floor by a mother and daughter. On the top floor there were en suite private bathrooms, but the 2nd floor rooms which shared communal bathrooms were half the price. Since there weren’t any other guests on our floor, we took the cheap room. In the middle of the night I got up to relieve myself down the hall. The old hotel had lots of features of bygone eras including flap keyhole covers that hinged above the keyhole on the door. When I got back to our room I went to lift the keyhole cover so I could unlock the door and enter the room. The cover was already rotated up and out of the way. We heard that there were ghosts in the old hotel. At least the ghost that visited us was nice and helpful.

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