Rumor has it that the hauntings here have to do with a boy who was murdered in the men’s bathroom, where witnesses have seen blood reflected in mirror, and the owner’s daughter, who fell to her death from the upper balcony and now haunts that area.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 170 High St. SE.
Salem, Oregon
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 44.938858, -123.03693699999997
- County:
- Marion County, Oregon
- Nearest Towns:
- Salem, OR (0.3 mi.)
Four Corners, OR (2.7 mi.)
Keizer, OR (3.6 mi.)
Eola, OR (4.1 mi.)
Hayesville, OR (4.2 mi.)
Labish Village, OR (6.4 mi.)
Turner, OR (7.8 mi.)
Brooks, OR (8.5 mi.)
Rickreall, OR (9.4 mi.)
Independence, OR (9.5 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Just wondering when the two tragic events were supposed to have happened ? My sister worked at this theater for several years and I never heard about anything strange going on at all and she would have told me for sure.
But now the old Elks Club building located down the street from there built in 1925 now known as the MICAH building is another thing all together. When it was the Elks – it contained several bars, some public and some not. I believe it was the red bar that my sister was cleaning years ago – all of a sudden the bar stools began falling backwards from the bar one at a time and when it got near to her – she ran as fast as she could out the door and locked it up.There were also tales of hearing a lady say her name over the PA system and she worked with two men – no women were there and no one was using the PA system at that hour.
I never heard anything about the ghost boy or girl and I grew up going to the Elsinore when it was still used as a movie theater. However, My parents always warned us not to go to the bathroom by ourselves when we were young because they’re was a rumor about a child molestation that took place in that very same bathroom. And whether or not that was true I always had a vision of a man with dark curly hair with a mustache wearing those shaded late 70s early 80’s style glasses with brown eyes and tall average build hairy male figure had always been the vision I got from imagining what exactly he looked like. And now that I know about this boy, I’m curiouse to look into it and see if my intuition was onto something or not….I’ll check back to let you know.