Although this historic theatre has been remodeled on several occasions since its opening in the early twentieth century, patrons and staff say the resident ghost has never left. Known fondly as ‘Jimmy’, staff claim the spirit is benevolent, and is occasionally seen seated in the main theatre after closing hours.
(Submitted by Callum Swift)
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 512 Sixth Street
Rapid City, SD
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 44.080577552420664, -103.22678482529227
- County:
- Pennington County, South Dakota
- Nearest Towns:
- Rapid City, SD (0.2 mi.)
Rapid Valley, SD (4.2 mi.)
Ashland Heights, SD (6.1 mi.)
Blackhawk, SD (6.3 mi.)
Green Valley, SD (6.5 mi.)
Colonial Pine Hills, SD (6.7 mi.)
Box Elder, SD (8.2 mi.)
Summerset, SD (9.5 mi.)
Johnson Siding, SD (10.5 mi.)
Piedmont, SD (13.2 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I was there in the theatre when I was about 9 years old and while watching a film with my mother I really needed to go to the bathroom and when I went into the stall the lights were flickering… no one was there… I said, “mom?” no answer… then the sink turned on to cold water… before I could start going bathroom I ran out of the bathroom because I heard… a deep quiet voice… it said… “I didn’t murder the kid… I was framed… it was a man with a trench coat with a fedora… I’m innocent… I swear…” I never told my mother in fear of getting watched by the man with the trenchcoat………
That’s interesting that you mentioned trench coat, because out of the corner of my eye, I think that was what this guy had on. What was bizarre for me, was I saw this dude’s face, but cannot for the life of me actually recall it. such an uncanny and crazy experience.
I used to date Kim Heavner who was the manager there. When she’d get done, I’d wait for her to close down and we’d leave together. I’d heard lots of rumors of course, and never actually saw him. Then one night, when there was about 20 inches of snow, and it was coming down really hard, Kim hurried and let the staff go, and got all the people out, and as she was about to leave, I said “wait, there’s a guy who just walked into the men’s bathroom”. She said, “no, everyone’s out”. I said, “no I just walked by him and I was just in there”. Not listening to her, I went back down stairs and opened the door. Which would’ve been about 15 seconds from time I walked up stairs, and there was no one there. Creepy as hell because it didn’t look like a ghost, it didn’t have any ghostly appearance or anything. Just a dude walking by… But I have never forgotten that moment. AND, even more weird, I can remember walking by him plain as day, and yet I cannot describe him at all. And I’m someone who forgets names, but NEVER forgets a face. Definitely one of the most bizarre moments of my life.
I was in the upstairs theater tonight and I felt my hair move. I dismissed it and kept watching the movie and I felt my hair flip a second time. I jerked around thinking someone seated behind me was doing it. There was nobody there except some people about 4-5 rows back. That’s all that was in the theater other than us. Then I kept goosebumps until the movie was over. I didn’t feel scared or threatened in any way.