The original chapel was built in the 1860’s, and was rebuilt in early 1926. Within the chapel there are sightings of spirits that lurk in the nearby cemetery and within chapel. Spotting of mysterious things occurring have been reported, such as strange glowing lights drifting through the forest. Voices and scratching noises are also heard in the chapel.
(Submitted by Callum Swift)
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 15507 South East Webfoot Road
Dayton, OR
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 45.1467928, -123.09567730000003
- County:
- Yamhill County, Oregon
- Nearest Towns:
- Dayton, OR (5.2 mi.)
Amity, OR (5.9 mi.)
McMinnville, OR (6.7 mi.)
Lafayette, OR (6.8 mi.)
Saint Paul, OR (7.3 mi.)
Brooks, OR (9.6 mi.)
Dundee, OR (10.0 mi.)
Gervais, OR (10.0 mi.)
Labish Village, OR (10.7 mi.)
Carlton, OR (10.9 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I am a local paranormal investigor….being how the park is open during the day and we did not go into the chapel…..we invistgaed the area….and recorded a series of events that defy logic….we are in the process of producing a documentay…….
You may already have finished your documentary, but if you would like to see the picture I commented about and hear our experiences feel free to contact me at
We have had a few really strange experiences there I do have a picture that shows a very creepy face, I would put it on here but I am tech challenged.
This cemetery is my family’s pioneer cemetery. It is not haunted, it is simply old. Caring for old cemeteries in remote places is an extremely time-, money-, and labor-intensive project, so the cemetery may seem creepy or abandoned but it isn’t. The upkeep this cemetery requires is made much more difficult by the constant vandalism and trespassing that is encouraged and perpetrated by sites such as this that describe the place as haunted, which attracts thrill-seekers and promotes disrespect. Please be respectful of my family’s history and of this sacred resting place, and leave this fragile historical space undisturbed. And, trespassers, be forewarned that not only is trespassing illegal, but the entire cemetery is also infested with poison oak.
I am most certainly not disrespectful of this or any cemetery. When visiting we have always stayed on the path and never have we gone into the structure. As for no trespassing signs there are none, and in fact it has the hours as to which the cemetery is open. If it indeed is not open to the public maybe your family should invest in signage to that effect.
Linda – We appreciate that you have treated our family cemetery with respect. The cemetery is on private land, but open to the public daily from dawn to dusk. The chapel is restricted (there is a chain and a no trespassing sign across the door), but thus far we are still allowing the public to visit the cemetery despite frequent acts of vandalism, theft, and damage to the property. We ask that If you visit the cemetery, please stay on the path. There are many graves are sunken and/or that have had their headstones knocked down, broken, or removed, and if you stray from the path you could inadvertently end up walking over one (not to mention the poison oak).
The cemetery and chapel are not abandoned or forgotten – our family and other volunteers in the area have worked for years to do what we can to preserve this piece of local history. The property is monitored to help prevent additional acts of vandalism. For anyone else who might be reading this and aren’t clear about the laws regarding pioneer cemeteries: it is a Class A Misdemeanor to desecrate, damage, vandalise, or steal from an Oregon Pioneer Cemetery, subject to a fine up to $50,000. If you do visit, we ask you to be respectful of the fact that these are our family’s ancestors and local historical figures, people who gave up everything to cross the country in a wagon and settle in Oregon.
Thank you for clarifying Katie, I do enjoy spending time there. The strange thing that happened were in photos I took at first they were a little odd this face appears in 2 different photos but to be honest if it is potentially a spirit which I know people don’t always believe in, I get the feeling it’s a friendly one that likes to be in pics, I actually feel very peaceful when I am out there. As far as damage it disgusts me when people damage cemeteries as they are such a beautiful part of history and I do appreciate being able to see them. I grew up in Albany near an old cemetery as a child I would spend hours looking at all the graves and wondering who everyone was and what there stories are, maybe it’s why I enjoy going to various ones now.
this information is what makes pioneer cemetery’s extremely interesting. and i do agree haunted may be kind of offensive to some people. i have more in common with the spirit realms than i do the living so i can honestly say that spirits are all around us 24-7 365 days a yr. connecting with our past generational history at a completely different level is what my team does. and i enjoy it very much. would you consider giving my team permission to do a proper investigation perhaps?? we would obviously do it with the upmost respect. we never want to disturb the gravesites or surrounding areas and we would be very quiet while communicating and using are high tech equipment. we wouldnt stay long but would want to be there just as sun sets and shortly after because i cannot see them with my eyes until the sun starts to set. please let me know if we can work something out? i do not trespass for any reason. . i dont go without permissions prior to. please email me thank you for ur time
I went because it is a old cemetery -I am on board of Deadwood, OREGON cemetery.
The cemetery is very interesting -love the stones and names. Is there a list of names some where? Who built the church and info??
I am a family history searching – thanks ladypatricia
PS is this cemetery on Pioneer register??
Hi, Yes – it is on the pioneer registry. A list of known graves can be found here:
The original chapel was built by John Odell (and friends and family). It caught fire and burned, and the current chapel was rebuilt in the 1920s by John Odell’s son W.H. Odell.
We are currently putting together a website for the cemetery & chapel that will have more detailed info.
Hi Katie, this is a very out there request, some people that I go to college with, including myself are trying to go to different supposedly haunted places in Oregon and interview people who know the area.
I’ve seen you pop up on a couple message boards about this place and it would appear that you have a different story to tell in regards to the ‘Ebenzers Chapel’ legend
Would it at all be possible to interview you, completely up to you, about the history of the graveyard in regards to your family?
Anybody who knows the history of Amity can someone get ahold of me through text or call. I was born with some weird gift…or a curse of a median. I’m 24 years old and have gone through so much since I was born and have seen and felt things as a little girl and now. I’m capable of doing things that I didn’t understand before and I naturally talk to spirits and I’ve been in the world within the world. It’s dark and scary. If anybody knows more about this shit can you call me or message me my number is 9713129575 I need help channeling what I do
I just got back from there. And something horrible happened to me. And alot went down. I have pictures of the demons and or ghosts. I was stupid and fell on a grave and disturbed Logan. So we call upon hades to help us and protect us. He did. Although alot went on. Everything was all good in the end.
I actually used to live like a mile away from the chapel and I would walk or bike there almost everyday. (Just want to note that I was always respectful and didn’t cause any damage or disrespect the souls buried there). Whenever I would go there I would always feel this sad or angry presence and I would never go there at night alone because it was just that creepy. I would also hear this legand about this crazy cult leader named Ebenezer would had seven wives and burned all 13 of his children (hence the name) but idk how true that story was. Thankfully, me and my family moved away awhile ago, but I still had some good memories from that place.
this information is what makes pioneer cemetery’s extremely interesting. and i do agree haunted may be kind of offensive to some people. i have more in common with the spirit realms than i do the living so i can honestly say that spirits are all around us 24-7 365 days a yr. connecting with our past generational history at a completely different level is what my team does. and i enjoy it very much. would you consider giving my team permission to do a proper investigation perhaps?? we would obviously do it with the upmost respect. we never want to disturb the gravesites or surrounding areas and we would be very quiet while communicating and using are high tech equipment. we wouldnt stay long but would want to be there just as sun sets and shortly after because i cannot see them with my eyes until the sun starts to set. please let me know if we can work something out? i do not trespass for any reason. . i dont go without permissions prior to. please email me thank you for ur time