At this 1826 former hotel building, a restuarant called Sugar ‘n Spice occupies the first floor and the second and third floors are a history museum. Mysterious sounds have been reported here, such as voices calling your name when no one is there, and a baby crying. Items are moved when no one is at home, floor mats are turned upside down, and gusts of cold air may rush past you.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 32 High Street
Waterford, Pennsylvania
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 41.939971, -79.98356100000001
- County:
- Erie County, Pennsylvania
- Nearest Towns:
- Waterford, PA (0.2 mi.)
Mill Village, PA (4.4 mi.)
Union City, PA (7.6 mi.)
Edinboro, PA (8.9 mi.)
Middleboro, PA (9.1 mi.)
Wattsburg, PA (9.9 mi.)
Cambridge Springs, PA (10.1 mi.)
Canadohta Lake, PA (11.6 mi.)
Lincolnville, PA (12.6 mi.)
Elgin, PA (12.6 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
i have been to this place several times and every time i go there i hear a baby in the upstairs that cries the hole time i am there and you can hear footsteps walking all around the last time i was there i say a women walking up the stairs and u could see right through here and she looked very sad and my husband said while he was in there rest room a elderly man asked him if he had seen his wife but he said the man was almost see through and had a very old looking outfit on he said maybe the late 1800s but when we asked about it we were told there was never an elderly man there so idk i believe with every fiber of my being that it is haunted
I’m working on a book entitled “Ghosts of Waterford” and would be very interested in speaking with anyone who has had an experience at the Eagle Hotel. Thanks!
I worked there 20 years ago and so did my mom. We both have experienced many different things!
I will be turning 13 years old soon and for my birthday party I want to stay at a haunted hotel over night. Is this place really haunted?? I am absolutely terrified of ghost.
hi im tim king and im very inerrested too visit the egale hotel you can call me 8144312147
I once went here in a field trip with my class since my school was nearby. We all went into different groups and looked around different places in Waterford. When my group went to the Eagle Hotel, we kept hearing strange creaking noises directly above us, no matter where we were. We went up the stairs, and I got up there first. I swear I saw the face of a lady looking at me from the window for a split second before disappearing. Nothing else weird happened to my group, but when all the groups met up again, one of the groups was claiming that they had an encounter with a ghost. They said the adult chaperone waited for all of them to go down the stairs, then went down behind them. Apparently, she was nearly pushed down the stairs. Upon asking her, she confirmed this, and said that she felt somebody forcefully shove her down the stairs, and she grabbed the railing just in time.
I use to live there and it is most defiantly haunted!! As a child I would talk to the maid that tried to burn the building down. She was always moving stuff and turning on and off lights. There is also a man that would whistle at the waitresses when it was busy.
I know the lady in charge of the Hotel, and it is built directly in the middle of what once was Fort LeBeouf, a French and Indian war Era Fort that was eradicated by George Washington. (He also eradicated the Native American population immediately surrounding the fort that were French allies..)
There also a man who is in the left dining room an will walk up the stairs.. Seen him many times
I agree that this location has something going on–been there and felt the child and mother.
My Husband and I had dinner there was evening 2 years ago. We were talking when his glass moved across the table. I had my knife on the plate and it would not stay there. After the third time it had fallen I left it on the table.
I haven’t been there recently but when we were there, me and my sister brought a few friends. We all got chocolate milk because that’s our favorite drink form there. Well one of the cups on the table moved across the table and the table was not wet or anything. We asked the waiter and she told us all about the history there. E
Hi I’m going to be there Friday and intrested to see some ghost and will give more details about your hotel
Hi I’m at the experience of the eagle hotel ready to give more information soon!
Hi I’m back and I did hear a noise and It was a little hiss noise and I got scared so I said let’s go back down stairs mommy
I stayed in this hotel and i woke up and at the foot of my bed there was this little girl and this women the girl said hi to me and the lady dragged her out in to the hall and i followed them they went in to the bathroom and the lady drowed the little girl and the lady looked at me and stared running torwds me and then i ran in to a wall and i blacked out till my boyfriend found me i tried to tell him what happened but he didn’t believe me
Lived next to this place for a couple years now. I believe that I have heard glasses and movement at night. The aura of the place has a lot of energy. I would love to investigate this place someday.