Dorr House

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Lots of strange phenomenon here. The house is open to regular visitors as part of the local walking tours. Often female visitors looking in the mirror in the formal sitting room will have their skirts tugged on. Others claim to smell fresh cut roses and feel cold spots throughout the house.

The soft cries of a female can sometimes be heard from the sewing room. The resident ghost(s) seem to particularly hate rude visitors, so mind your manners!

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    Geographic Information

    311 Adams St
    Pensacola, FL 32502
    United States

    Get Directions »
    30.409480125554555, -87.21038668283802
    Escambia County, Florida
    Nearest Towns:
    Pensacola, FL (0.9 mi.)
    East Pensacola Heights, FL (2.3 mi.)
    Goulding, FL (2.4 mi.)
    Warrington, FL (4.2 mi.)
    West Pensacola, FL (4.3 mi.)
    Brent, FL (4.4 mi.)
    Gulf Breeze, FL (4.6 mi.)
    Myrtle Grove, FL (5.8 mi.)
    Ferry Pass, FL (7.0 mi.)
    Bellview, FL (7.2 mi.)
    Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors


    Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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    Comments (4)

    1. I don’t know if the Dorr House is really haunted and I’m not saying it isn’t. But I been inside the house and did’nt see and hear any strange things. UWF owns the house and the president of the college lives in it.

    2. brooklyn guarin  |  

      YES! It has been the most haunted place by far the video of the light is true!! Me and my best friend went one night too just clown around to see if it was true we got there the light sounded like it busted and went black! As we were in the yard of the house we looked close to the windows and SLAM!!! A fist on the window, I then went to the left aide of the house and I got stopped in my tracks heard the most crazy thing and it was made out to be get out! I ran and as I got to my car out of breath and terrified the light turned on full brightness. Be ware.

    3. The Dorr House is owned by Historic Pensacola & is operated as a museum (nobody with a pulse lives in the house). It is a splendid home & from the front door Mrs. Dorr could see her father’s house across the way. The seriously tall windows on both the bottom & top floors are walk out windows (don’t know the technical name), meaning that what you think is the sill, is actually a small door. Simply lift the window up, unlatch the ‘sill’ & walk out onto the porch. The sewing room was also doubled as a sick room (thus the reason for hearing soft crying). The boys were able to access their rooms by a back staircase if they came home late at night & their rooms are directly above the kitchen. Not everyone will smell the scent of Roses which indicates the presence of Mrs Dorr. There is a floor to ceiling mirror in the sitting room where you can see your feet no matter how close to it you get & it’s not uncommon for unseen hands to attempt to ‘correct’ the length of above the knee skirts. Victorians were all about modesty & manners. Politeness matters & being rude while in the house is a sure fire way of ensuring that your ‘Hostess’ will be insisting on your departure from her home.
      When Docents open (before guests arrive) or close the house (at the end of the day), they always say Good Morning or bid Good Night to Mrs Dorr. I know that back in the early part of 2000, a descendant of Mrs Dorr would make periodic visits to the home (she was pushing almost 70 at that time). Oh the memories….. really one of the only places in Pensacola that I actually miss, the other area being an indoor replica of what the area looked like back in the day complete with a Trolley/Print Shop/Toy Store/Music Store/Bakery Shop (replicas only).

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    Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.