At this historic hotel, there is a quirky ghost who has been seen on the stairway and in the dining room. What’s quirky about him? He loves to untie unsuspecting guests’ shoes!
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 500 Doe Run Hotel Rd.
Brandenburg, KY 40108
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 37.949715471221054, -86.12986314303271
- County:
- Meade County, Kentucky
- Nearest Towns:
- Doe Valley, KY (0.9 mi.)
Ekron, KY (3.0 mi.)
Brandenburg, KY (4.0 mi.)
Laconia, IN (6.2 mi.)
Mauckport, IN (6.5 mi.)
Muldraugh, KY (7.6 mi.)
Irvington, KY (9.7 mi.)
Fort Knox, KY (9.9 mi.)
West Point, KY (10.7 mi.)
Radcliff, KY (12.4 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:
- http://doeruninn.com/

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I lived in Meade County and after moving away, had the opportunity to spend a night with my cousin at Doe Run Inn. I had heard it was haunted when I was a teenager, but no one I knew who had worked there ever saw a “ghost”. My cousin and I woke up after midnight to the sound of someone stomping up the stairs. We thought it was one of our boys that were staying across the hall, so I jumped up to scold them and get them back to bed. When I opened my door the stairway lights were out and everything was pitch black. I went across the hall and opened our children’s room door and found them asleep. i ran back across the hall to get my cousin, telling her something was strange. We turned on all our lights and started getting dressed. We couldn’t find our shoes! Anywhere! We both were completely frightened by this point and went to the boys’ room and laid on the floor beside their beds trying to sleep for the rest of the night. The children never woke up through the night. In the morning we got them up and got ready to get out of there. Except we couldn’t find their shoes either! I went downstairs barefoot to ask the manager (employees didn’t stay there at night then) if anyone had seen any shoes and he looked at me funny and said ” we found 5 pairs of shoes in the freezer this morning when the cook started fixing breakfast. Looks like our ghost was busy” . I think the ghost was disturbed that our shoes were slip on and the boys were Velcro straps! We had a great breakfast and plenty to talk about as we left!
My parents own a property in Brandenburg on the river, which they visit periodically to maintain. On one of these occasions in December of 2006 when I was only 16, they thought it would be cute to stay a night at the inn. We took a large room on the second floor with 3 beds. Being a teenager cold and bored in the middle of nowhere, I complained openly all night about the room. After my parents had fallen asleep, I was unable to do so due to my fathers relentless snoring. I found myself shouting “Shut up!” for a good two hours before dozing off. There was a moment around 3am when my phone, my mom’s, and sisters all died one by one. I could hear the virgin mobile jingle as they shut off. Then maybe 15 minutes after I finally fell asleep, something very angrily and aggressively lunged at my neck causing me to sit up screaming. It still throbbed as I yelled for everyone to wake up. I blame my teenage self for this, but it left me frightened and fascinated.
These are some very interesting and amazing stories glad I stumbled across this website
i used to live in brandenburg.. the inn was closed down. has it opened back up? the site i found stopped being used in 2011
Doe Run Inn was sold to a private entity that is now using the facility for a wildlife refuge and rehab. Talks are ongoing to relinquish the property back to Meade County
I went with Mom one day to Doe Run Inn. My older sister was getting married and my Mom & Dad were renting a room there for my sister & soon to be brother in law to stay the night they got married. While my mom was taking care of business, I decided to be a nosey preteen and walk around the Inn. I went to the third floor and walked down a narrow hallway and opened the door. It looked like a storage room so I turned around to walk back and halfway down the hall the door slammed…. hard. Scared me to death! It was a very eerie feeling I will never forget.