Deep Creek Vintage

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The former plantation manor housing the store was built about 1750 and enlarged until the 1860s. Its ghosts, of which there are many, have been heard and seen.

Typical activity includes footsteps, knocking, soft voices and singing, and people (especially women with long hair) being touched. More rarely, objects move and full bodied apparitions have been observed. Nothing dangerously negative has been reported, though teenage males occasionally report feeling extremely uncomfortable in one upstairs room. Some ghosts there appreciate the effort made by investigators to encounter them, and will attempt to interact with investigators by knocking back to knocks made on walls and by giving direct answers to direct questions during EVP sessions. In this way, the names of several ghosts have been recorded: Tuck was a servant; Barbara was a cook; Grace may have been mistress of the house at one point; there is also a spirit named Susan; several female ghosts have mentioned a man named Rev. Edward Crawford whose connection to the families that lived in the house is unclear, but turned out to be an actual historic character from 18th century Virginia.

The proprietor and staff are friendly and approachable, but prohibit any ghost hunting activity during business hours as it “spooks” the antique store’s regular customers.

They do offer a ghost hunting tour during the last weekend of each month, during which guests are encouraged to bring their own ghost hunting equipment. The tour includes a formal 15 minute EVP session, and the recorded audio is immediately reviewed with guests.

(Submitted by Patrick B)

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Geographic Information

9110 Jefferson Davis Highway
Fredericksburg, VA
United States

Get Directions »
38.20798417887323, -77.50856745249621
Spotsylvania County, Virginia
Nearest Towns:
Spotsylvania Courthouse, VA (4.4 mi.)
Spotsylvania, VA (4.4 mi.)
Fredericksburg, VA (7.1 mi.)
Falmouth, VA (8.3 mi.)
Passapatanzy, VA (12.2 mi.)
Bowling Green, VA (14.0 mi.)
Stafford, VA (15.8 mi.)
Fairview Beach, VA (16.5 mi.)
Port Royal, VA (17.4 mi.)
King George, VA (18.1 mi.)


Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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Comments (5)

  1. I went here and we took an EVP session and got some shocking responses. Usually, you could get simple yes or no responses from the apparitions and that is exactly what I and my tour group got. ‘Did you work here’ and we got a muffled yes that sounded like a woman. Just one example. It. Was. Scary

  2. We have received some interesting responses to questions, and recently, have had someone touched by a spirit. During a laser grid setup, someone, not of the living, walked in front of the camera.

  3. I was in a room upstairs and I was looking out a window, taking in the view when my hair was pulled. Not a tug, it was enough to pull my head back. I didn’t even know the place was haunted until I mentioned what happened to an employee. It scared the crap out of me. I guess the ghost liked my long hair

  4. Deborah Beigie-Murphy  |  

    Several years ago, I stopped by Deep Creek Vintage one Saturday afternoon just to see what it had to offer; was not even thinking “paranormal”. After a brief walk around the lower level I went up the central stairway and while standing on the second floor landing trying to decide whether to go right or left, I clearly heard the voices of women coming from the left. I decided to head that way. As soon as I entered the first room I felt the hair on my arms stand up and felt the presence of someone standing close behind me. There was no one there, nor were there any other women on the second floor. I took the small staircase at the side back down to the “kitchen” area and, as I department, told the young man behind the counter in the “dining room” that the ghosts upstairs were coming out to play!

  5. Definitely haunted! My grandparents moved in and started the flea market for the owner of the property. They lived in the house, also with my aunt and uncle, mom says less than a year, she thinks 1983. My uncle was the only one who slept upstairs because no one else was comfortable up there. My mom and aunt shared a room, looking at the front of the house it was the two windows to the left. The door would shake, mom says like someone was holding onto the handle and shaking the door and when they would open the door no one was there. They also had an open clothes rack in the room, and my aunt said she saw the clothes being moved, like someone was looking through them. My Poppy heard humming, a woman’s voice, when he was alone in the bathroom taking a bath. Poppy slept in the back bedroom from the foyer and Grama had to sleep out in the living room, the room with the wood stove, because she couldn’t sleep in the same room with Poppy. She felt uneasy, uncomfortable, like something didn’t want her in that room. Once, a frying pan flew across the kitchen. One of my mom’s high school friends who was “sensitive” came to the house, walked through and said he felt a presence and her name was Minnie. There were snakes in the house too. My mom almost stepped on one when she was walking from her room through the foyer, on the braided rug. When they moved, my grandparents found snake skins under my mom’s bed. My mom says when she was there, she didn’t believe it was haunted, because she couldn’t in order to cope. She blamed the shaking door on her little brother. I first heard the stories from my dad who was dating her at that time. My grandparents told me the same stories my dad did when I asked them about it. My mom says looking back, she does believe something was there and she would never spend the night in that house again!

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