Currier Hall - University of Iowa

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Students like to tell of a triple suicide that occurred on the 4th floor. The reason? Three roommates fell in love with the same man. It is said that if roommates get into arguments, their ghosts will step in to restore harmony. Rumor also has it that the ghost of an stern-looking older gentleman has been seen in the E300 section; in life he was said to be the father of a former tenant.

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Geographic Information

100 Currier Hall
Iowa City, IA ‎
United States

Get Directions »
41.6663892, -91.53496029999997
Johnson County, Iowa
Nearest Towns:
Iowa City, IA (0.4 mi.)
University Heights, IA (1.4 mi.)
Coralville, IA (2.4 mi.)
North Liberty, IA (6.6 mi.)
Tiffin, IA (7.1 mi.)
Hills, IA (7.8 mi.)
West Branch, IA (9.7 mi.)
Solon, IA (10.0 mi.)
Frytown, IA (12.2 mi.)
Riverside, IA (13.1 mi.)
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  1. Hi guys,

    So I’m not sure who is going to see this comment- admins of the page or anyone who comes here- but I have first hand experience with the haunted room. Matter of fact, I’m sitting in it right now.

    I submitted my housing application really late, and from my understanding they only use the haunted room when there’s an overflow of students (aka, me). I was assigned this room as a single, but there’s no way that it was originally anything but a triple, because it’s massive. And I’ve only been moved in for two weeks, but I’ve already had contact with the spirits.

    Also, sidebar: I asked the RA about what room was haunted, and he looked me in the eyes and told me it was mine. All the walls are freshly painted, the carpet and air conditioner is brand new, and the light fixtures have all been recently changed. This is not true of any of the other rooms on my floor, lending further proof to my belief that I’m in the haunted room and they had to fix it up for me to move in.

    Okay, on to the hauntings.

    If you really want an in-depth dig into what I’ve experienced in the past two weeks, check out the blog I’m linking to this. It’s one I started to give real advice/ descriptions of real college life, but my most recent post covers the hauntings. It will also serve as proof that this isn’t a hoax comment, because I founded this blog over the summer, before I even moved in to the room.

    The general outline is that my stuff has been moved around my room, I’ve heard the girls speaking to one another, and, in one instance, I felt one of them touch me. It freaked me out so badly that I one of my friends offered to bless my room, and now one of them walks me back to my door every night. I also regularly wake up at around 2 in the morning, which is not a paranormally significant time but still too regular and too different from my normal schedule to be because of me.

    Anyway, feel free to comment on the blog post if you have any questions. I know these ghosts aren’t supposed to be dangerous, but this whole time I’ve been writing this, I’ve felt them standing around me. I’m going to head over to a friend’s room now.

    Wish me luck,

    • Sydney,
      That is terrifying you were placed in that room. As a graduate of Iowa, I can safely say that I was – and still am – terrified of Currier. I won’t step foot inside. As a side note about waking up at 2 AM – between 2 and 4 AM are the most haunted hours at night, and supposedly this is the time of night that Christ died on his cross. This is also when most paranormal things take place.

      Maybe start leaving a tape recorder out to see if you capture any voices, or set up a camera or two during the day and/or night to see if you capture anything. May I ask, what do the voices of the girls say? Is there anything you hear that you can make out what they say?

      Best of luck, and remember – burning sage is a purification ritual.

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