Built in 1867 by William S. Culbertson, the mansion, which cost $120,000 to build at that time, is said to be haunted. Witnesses have heard doors shut by themselves and footsteps upstairs when no one is up there. Its Carriage House has a dark story attached to it. It burned down in an 1888 lightning strike, killing everyone inside, and it is said to be haunted by those who lost their lives. Clanging sounds, unpleasant smells, and a dark man’s apparition were repeated occurrences in the 1900s when the Webb family and Dr. Webb’s office occupied the building. The hauntings continued until Dr. Webb began to lose his patience — and his patients, too, many of whom went missing. After a period of inactivity at the house, investigators from the local police found the place abandoned and Dr. Webb’s family members violently murdered in every room. In the basement they found Dr. Webb’s torture chambers where he had perpetrated unspeakable experiments on his patients. The house was boarded up for 30 years after this, until the American Legion bought the property in the 1940s. It is still said to be haunted, with witnesses citing electrical problems, missing objects, strange noises after closing time and dark shadow figures that walk from room to room. The Carriage House is sometimes open for a haunted house during Halloween.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 914 E Main St
New Albany, IN 47150
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 38.28651411803078, -85.81273865270919
- County:
- Floyd County, Indiana
- Nearest Towns:
- New Albany, IN (0.6 mi.)
Clarksville, IN (2.9 mi.)
Louisville, KY (3.7 mi.)
Jeffersonville, IN (4.1 mi.)
Shively, KY (6.0 mi.)
Oak Park, IN (6.4 mi.)
Parkway Village, KY (6.4 mi.)
Saint Dennis, KY (7.0 mi.)
Mockingbird Valley, KY (7.1 mi.)
Audubon Park, KY (7.4 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:
- http://www.hauntedculbertson.org/

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Hey, I went their on a tour, felt eerie and on the way out I snapped a picture and caught a spirit of a woman.
Wheres the picture?
I heard on a tour once that the Legion had a dance in the third floor ballroom (this was in the 50s or thereabouts) and they had decorated it with balloons and locked up for the night. When they returned Saturday all the balloons had been released all over the stairwell.
All doors and windows had been closed. I always thought that was a creepy story.
Yes my detective aunt went after the motion detector went off and one of the balloons was wrapped around the dead wives wedding dress
Sorry, but the stories about the lightening strike killing people and Dr. Webb are all just that: STORIES! These tales were made up by the organizers of “Literally, A Haunted House” as back stories for different themes for the annual haunted house held in the carriage house every week-end in October.
NO they are not just stories. Historical facts, read up.
was helping decorate the house for Christmas we had finished the third floor nursery, no one would have returned to the floor as it was done. Two guides were in the servants hall on the same level one was in the basement myself and another volunteer were on the first floor both in the same room when from the third floor landing we hear someone call “giiirls” (no males were in the house) . we gathered everyone in the house at the time and all went upstairs the Christmas tree in the nursery had fallen over.
Picture available from the outside. I witnessed the scale in what would be the office, moving on one side only. The tour guide smiled and shrugged it off. handprints appeared on the bed in the children’s room, which all on the tour witnessed and I had to be removed from the upstairs room that is used as a museum with pain in the center of my chest and unable to breath. Once out of the room I was fine within about 10 minutes. I have not been back since.
My aunt is a detective for new Albany and her officer friend, let’s say officer pat, was called down after the motion detector on the 3rd floor went off. The tour guide woman, let’s say Lucy, was the person that saw that the motion detector was going off. It was around 12 and she wanted a police officer to go to the mansion just Incase there was any body that could possibly hurt her. Lucy got there about 15 minutes before pat to unlock the doors. When pat got to the mansion, Lucy checked the first floor and pat checked the second floor. When Pat went up stairs into the old wives room, where her wedding dress is, he saw another worker. He supposed she came with Lucy before he got there. He asked if the worker had seen or heard anything. The worker said no and pat went back to the first floor. He went up to Lucy and said “ I already asked the worker upstairs but did you hear or see anything “ Lucy all of a sudden turned pale and she said “what women, it’s just u and me here…” I always love hearing my aunts stories I have several more about the mansion but that one is my favorite!
My grandmother swore it was haunted and I believed everything that women ever said.