Crybaby Bridge

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Legend has it a woman drowned her baby near the bridge and you can still hear its death cries.

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    Geographic Information

    Kali Oka Road
    Saraland, AL
    United States

    Get Directions »
    30.8218344, -88.13078189999999
    Mobile County, Alabama
    Nearest Towns:
    Saraland, AL (3.6 mi.)
    Satsuma, AL (4.9 mi.)
    Chickasaw, AL (5.2 mi.)
    Prichard, AL (6.5 mi.)
    Creola, AL (7.3 mi.)
    Chunchula, AL (8.1 mi.)
    Axis, AL (9.7 mi.)
    Mobile, AL (10.2 mi.)
    Wilmer, AL (13.7 mi.)
    Bucks, AL (14.5 mi.)
    Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors


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    Comments (18)

    1. The only thing that makes this place scary is the long walk in the woods to the bridge. There is someone out there almost every night and many high school kids like to hide in the bushes and scare you. Nothing happens at the bridge.

    2. Anonymous in Baldwin county  |  

      Ok. Here goes. Last night we visited the bridge, by car, for the first time. It was a little spooky but nothing major. By the time we got home, I was agitated for no reason. Very angry and upset. I had nightmares. My daughter had nightmares. I felt as if I had a presence follow me home. Today, we (my husband and 3 kids) returned to the bridge during late afternoon. My daughter felt nauseated as we pulled over on the side of the road. My son, husband and I walked under the bridge. I told the “prescence” that it needed to leave me and return to the bridge. Then I said a prayer asking for protection for my family. My husband and I saw a ball of light floating through the trees in broad daylight. We heard a noise very similar to one single baby cry. We both felt incredibly uneasy and decided to leave immediately. Upon returning to the car, we loooked down a path through the woods (a hunting trail) and saw a large black figure moving slowly. Not a dog. A large hog? Panther? Other? Not sure. We left very quickly and said another prayer on our way home. I have never had any experiences like this. I will never forget it and I will not be back to this place.

    3. I heard a baby cry the woman dropped the baby when a cold hand pushed her she fell ago go look for the baby but she was already dead the current swept her away I cried when I heard the babies cries tip bring candy bars for the baby 🙂 or you (WILL) die If you go there and don’t bring candy bars for the dead baby respect 🙁 I’m so sorry I’m sad 2

    4. my ex husband and a ex friend and I went down there one night. we took pictures and two red eyes showed up in the picture not to mention when we got into the truck something clawed the side of the truck. Needless to say that has been about five years ago and I have not been back since at night.

    5. I been to cry baby bridge and the experience I had me and some friends was riding over it about 2 in the morning to drop a girl off by the time we made it in the middle of the bridge the car died we tried for 20 mins to crank it but nothing but once we got it started me cousin turned on the lights and we seen a black figure walking to the car once it got about 10 feet from us we heard the baby and the figure was gone

    6. I don’t know what to believe about it. I had one experience there many years ago.
      I was alone in my car. I lived a few miles down from there so I traveled down it pretty regular. It was dark and I did feel just a little creepy while driving past the area. At the time there were still rail road ties. So I showed the car to go over the tracks and if course I looked both ways. And about twenty yards from me I saw a light bouncing around the track. At first I thought there were people walking with a flashlight. But then I noticed that it was going down to the ground(about a foot) then would slowly rise up about five are six feet. It was a round white ball of fire looking thing. At that time I’d never heard of the stories about the bouncing light. But come to find out someone had made a short documentary on it and was trying to find out what was causing the light. All they could come up with it may be from gases escaping from the ground. I don’t buy it but ok.

    7. Olathe actual story….. This was from an actual relative of the lady who lost her baby. The brige was parallel to the railroad bridge, she was crossing the bridge when the train passed. The horse got spooked and humped over the side of the bridge. The baby was not recovered. That is the true story.

    8. This place Is Really close to my house and one of my best friends used to own the plantation near the graveyard, We would walk down that bridge at night and think it was just a joke. One night we walked down it again and I heard a faint cry, I thought It was my friend so I elbowed him in the arm telling him I already knew it was fake so why bother? He stared at me for a minute and acted like he had no idea what I was talking about. I looked at him in the eyes to see if he was lying but what caught my attention was that he wasnt looking at me anymore. I turned around and saw a mossy, wet, Nasty looking car seat on the side of the bridge. When I walked over I looked under the bridge to see if anyone ( Some high school Kids) Had been trying to prank people but no one was there. I started freaking out and looked at the woods a little to see if anything or anyone was watching and trying to get a laugh. Then the thing that scared me the most, I saw a small baby doll, Almost as if it had been hanged, By a rope on one of the tree braches. We left and came back a week later at around the same time we had been before. Nothing happened.

      • It is very real I have been there on several occasions I live 10 minutes from the bridge every time I’ve been there I’ve heard a baby crying and it gets quiet as the baby floats down the creek the last time I had went there me and two of my friends drove over the water and parked the truck turned the engine off and we heard the baby crying we sat there and listen after about three minutes go buy we heard a very weird strange growl like sound I’ve never heard before at that point we jumped in the truck and got the hell out of there

    9. Alma-Doris E Garcia  |  

      In 1992 my now ex husband took me there to see it late at night with our 3 month old daughter in the car. He parked the car and at first nothing happened then out of no where we heard a baby cry I thought it was my daughter she was sound asleep. Then we heard clawing on the car I begged him to leave immediately and of course our car didn’t want to start when it did we hauled tail out of there. I haven’t been back since. Not sure if he was just messing with me or if it really happened either way no thanks.

    10. Me and my boyfriend went whenever I was 14 years old was my friend and it was a scary experience but I just felt really unsafe.

    11. Ok… First of all why in the hell would you walk?! There’s a road lmao. And I will Never forget the marks on my car the next day! I recommend you do not go alone!!!! Oh and don’t forget to record the sounds

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