The 1874 Crump Theatre , once a vaudeville and opera house, is home to some spooky goings-on. Ghost men and children have been seen along with unexplained noises and fragrances. Music has been heard coming from the top of a stairway. Reports say the building is no longer open to the public.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 425 3rd St
Columbus, IN
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 39.2013952, -85.92067529999997
- County:
- Bartholomew County, Indiana
- Nearest Towns:
- Columbus, IN (0.0 mi.)
Lowell, IN (3.8 mi.)
Clifford, IN (6.2 mi.)
Taylorsville, IN (6.7 mi.)
Elizabethtown, IN (7.4 mi.)
Jonesville, IN (9.9 mi.)
Hope, IN (10.7 mi.)
Edinburgh, IN (10.8 mi.)
Cordry Sweetwater Lakes, IN (12.8 mi.)
Hartsville, IN (12.8 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I have actually had an experience here. Quite small but none the less, an experience. Back when I was in high school they used to have some local bands play at the Crump. I was dating a guy in one if the bands at the time. As I am sitting in a seat quite some ways away from the stage away from every one, I feel a rush of air cold air on the back of my neck. At first I didn’t think a thing if it, then after a few minutes something literally tugged my hair.
They are allowing access and are actually having people pay to do paranormal research there I was just on the website. After looking through the history of the place I highly doubt that you would find much evidence of paranormal activity.
The Crump is still open. Local bands get gigs there. It’s still a spot of interest for our town.
No it not open and I believe in Jesus’s and I believe in ghost too and if I get to go their I am going to get the ghost out and go to a better place
i am doing a project and was wanting to know if this place is actually haunted
When I was younger I worked there. In the early 80’s I had to clean it at night after close . I heard people talking and on each side of the stage there are windows in like fake houses .I have seen shadows and what looked like people watching me.I would look all around the theater and check the doors no one was there and doors always still locked. I asked the owner and he just laughed and said your not the first and that he had seen and heard things too and said they won’t hurt you .Would love to go back love that place
Used to go there to watch movies for many years during the early 60’s. I did always feel like I was being watched and would turn around and look up at the balcony area when I was there watching a movie. I of course never saw or heard a thing. But I was a little girl, and was never told of any hauntings.