I was a former employee of Crabby Bill’s Seafood on Clearwater Beach in the Clearwater Municipal Marina. I wasn’t a server, host, nor did I work as a cook or a dishwasher. I worked from June/July of 2009 up until August of 2011 on the third shift. I was the only cleaning guy at the building, aside from the only maintenance guy who would build shelves, paint floors, grout tiles, etc.
The maintenance guy who worked years before I did, Kenny, is actually a really good friend of mine back then. He was the one who had me hired on because they needed someone from 10:00 p.m. until the job is finished. Mind you, the building is a two-story building but this isn’t what scared people away for a long period of time.
The reason why this company has had an issue with long-time third shift cleaners is because of all the well-accounted paranormal activity that had been reported to management and even the actual business owner himself. None of it had ever been taken seriously though.
Before my first night working as a cleaner, my friend Kenny was telling me on my way to work that the place had a lot of weird stuff that would happen EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT.
He had told me that one time as he was painting the bathroom walls in the second floor restroom, he stepped out of the men’s room to look for a different can of paint but for the life of him, he couldn’t find it at all. He went down to the first floor, checked around in the cabinet where his tools and supplies are it. Nothing. He went back upstairs and checked into the men’s room to see if he had brought it back in. Nothing.
Here’s where it had gotten weird. As he walked out of the men’s room, propped up against the bathroom door was the same can of paint that he had been searching for that hadn’t been there ten seconds before he had walked back into the men’s room. He obviously couldn’t have closed the restroom door, not before laying a can of paint completely flat against it.
He’s had lights flick on and off. He’s been on the first floor and hear loud and notable footsteps on the second floor. He’s heard whispers and the eyes on the back of his head. These are his experiences, mind you. Now let’s hear about mine.
My first night there, I was cleaning the second floor men’s room. As I was scrubbing the bathroom sinks, I hear the toilet in the women’s room flush. At this point, the only two people in this building would have been myself and Kenny. As it turns out, I needed to ask him a question about my new job. As I walked into the women’s room, I called out his name to absolutely no response. I then checked every single stall in the women’s room. There was no one there at all. As I checked the last stall, I noticed that the water in the toilet had been filling itself back up. Meaning, it was ACTUALLY flushed and not just randomly running.
I immediately stepped out of the women’s room to the point where I could hear him behind the restaurant on the ground level, using a table saw to cut wood for shelves. Mind you now, where he was at and where I had heard the toilet flushed, it would have taken him at least a whole minute to get from that second floor bathroom all the way to the first floor, through the entire restaurant, and then out in the back with safety gear on as he was cutting wood.
I went downstairs and I asked him about him being upstairs in the second floor women’s room. He gave me a confused look and shook his head. Then he gave me that look, like the things he had told me about his experiences here were now happening to me. I told him that there had been no one else in the building except me. If there had been someone else upstairs, I would have bumped into them on a few occasions. Alas, it was just me.
That was my first night on my job! My FIRST night! The rest of the 21-months of my time there, things would happen all the time. There would be plates on the first floor kitchen that would just randomly rattle shortly after I would walk by the table. I’d try to recreate the rattling by walking, stomping, and running by that table. It never would never happen. I wasn’t able to debunk that. The table itself was pretty heavy so I know that it wasn’t me making the plates rattle.
I’ve had chairs randomly fall off of tables that were placed there so that I could vacuum and mop under those tables. I’ve had things randomly slam into the walls hard enough to shake the entire building. I’ve heard noises on the stairs, as if someone were walking up or down. This was a nightly thing and this had never bothered me.
That was, until out of curiosity I brought from my home a digital voice recorder. It was a slow night and I had a few friends down from another county. During the time they had visited, I placed the voice recorder on the second floor and then left the building to have a cigarette to chit-chat with my friends as the floor was also drying up top.
About 35 to 40 minutes later, I went back into the building after they had left and headed straight back upstairs. After stopping the recording, I plugged in my headphones and played it as I went through my night. Roughly around 40 minutes into the actual recorder… Something had been picked up.
Mind you, I was outside and my buddy and his fiancee were also outside. The noises of us talking hadn’t been picked up by my recorder. We were the only three people in the entire parking lot, yet you could hear a voice on my recorder sounding like a woman screaming, followed by crying. Exactly a minute later, you could hear what sounded like a male voice laughing.
It’s on my Facebook page so feel free to send me a message and I’ll link you to my uploads.
The EVP caught me completely off-guard but that wasn’t the scariest part. THE scariest part that had happened to me was roughly around 3:00 in the morning. I was entirely alone and I had just finished mopping the first floor. Since it’s the main entrance of the restaurant, I wanted that spot to look the absolute best and brightest.
Once I had finished mopping, I went out to smoke a cigarette while I waited for the floor to dry. I played on my iTouch, listened to music, made a phone call, smoked another cigarette, and then went back inside. That’s when the worst happened.
There is a lift inside this restaurant in the event that a customer wants to eat on the second floor but is in a wheelchair. Obviously they couldn’t force the patron in a chair to dine outside, so that’s where the lift comes into handy. It isn’t an elevator, mind you. The host/hostess will push you into the lift, go in the lift with you, and press to HOLD the up-button until you reach the second floor. The door will unlock and you can then leave the lift. The host/hostess will then press and HOLD the down-button to take it to the first floor. Once the lift hits bottom, the door unlocks again to which they return to his or her position at the hostess stand.
My experience: as I walked back inside of the front door to check on the drying of the floor, I heard the lift coming down from the second floor all the way to the first. Like I said, you have to hold the button down. If you let go of the button between floors, it stops. Something had held the button until it had reached the first floor because you could definitely hear the lift door click loudly as it unlocked.
I grabbed the closest item I could find as a weapon (in the event that someone had broken in and were using the lift to get heavy stuff downstairs) and moved to the lift door. I ripped the door open and found that it was entirely empty. As I poked my head into the lift room, I could hear something bump into the door on the second floor.
I immediately assumed that Kenny might have been messing with me. So I ran back to the hostess stand and called him from the phone. He told me that he’s sitting on his couch, drinking a beer, and catching up on his DVR. As I was on the phone with him, I could hear footsteps directly above me on the second floor. At this point, the hair on the back of my neck went up.
The noises were so loud, even Kenny on the phone could hear that. He told me to call the security guard. I hung up and called security. Security shows up and we walked through the second floor of the building. Mind you, the lights were off because I was done upstairs but I had to turn the lights back on. We went through the kitchen, behind the bar, and through the restrooms; nothing. We were the only two (living) folks in the building.
He presumed that I was on drugs or that I was just messing with him because I was bored. As he was walking down the stairs, poking fun at me, the lights to the second floor cut off on it’s own. His face went white as a ghost. We both ran down the steps.
The was the worst experience that I had ever had. Even the security guard believed me when I had told him what had happened. It obviously wasn’t me messing with anyone. He knew that I had told the truth.
After that night, my usual encounters went back to normal: rattling plates, footsteps on stairs, chairs falling. That wasn’t bad at all.
Submitted by K.R.
If you've had a paranormal experience here, or have any additional information about this location, please let us know!
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 37 Causeway Blvd
Clearwater, FL
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 27.97691, -82.82738999999998
- County:
- Pinellas County, Florida
- Nearest Towns:
- Clearwater, FL (1.8 mi.)
Belleair, FL (3.1 mi.)
Belleair Beach, FL (3.8 mi.)
Belleair Bluffs, FL (3.9 mi.)
Belleair Shore, FL (4.3 mi.)
Dunedin, FL (4.5 mi.)
Harbor Bluffs, FL (4.7 mi.)
Largo, FL (5.3 mi.)
Ridgecrest, FL (5.7 mi.)
Indian Rocks Beach, FL (7.2 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:
- http://www.crabbybills.com/

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I was the one who wrote this article on Crabby Bill’s Seafood. If you need to contact me about questions, or links to the video that I have uploaded my EVP experience to, hit me up. I’d be more than happy to answer any questions.
I would definetly like to hear the EVP.. My mom once was an employee there so I spent a lot of my childhood there.
If you’re interested in the video, I can upload it to YouTube and email you a link. I always enjoy showing the experiences.
Though if you decide to listen to it, I recommend using headphones or ear buds.
Could you email me a link? I’ve been involved in this place business wise. I have had odd feelings while walking this location.
Your Facebook page is gone. can you put the link on here?
I would love a link to the evps or YouTube videos
Did anyone ever get a youtube video of the recording? I really want to hear it!!!!
I’m a different Paul than the other one commenting, thank you for your detailed recounting. Do you know nay history of the place that might have accounted for the haunting?
K.R. I would be interested if you could send me the link please. My family and I were there not to long ago and I had an weird feeling when we walked in and was eating on the second floor there. Thank you for sharing my kids and I are always looking for places with Paranormal activity we would actually like to start a group to go around to places and investigate.
I would love it if you could send me the link for the video my fiance and I would definetly love to listen to the EVP!! Please and Thank you.
I would love to hear the video
My name is Michel Allen from Knight Raven Paranormal could you please contact me on FB about your experience there.
Thank you
I have been to this establishment as a patron several times and I have a friend that worked there as a server. I would pick her up because she did not have a car (2010-2012). Normally, she would close the place in the late evening and her experiences sort of mirror what K.R. is stating in his description. The weirdest thing she recounted for me was that she was waiting for me and the phone rang. She picked it up and the voice on the other side sounded like me to state I was running late. The deal is, if I would have called her, I would have called her cell and not the restaurant’s phone line. At this point, she just sat down at a table and waited near the front door. What happened next left her horrified. She stated she heard voices all around here like the restaurant was packed out, but no one was in the restaurant. She began to step toward the door and she stated she felt a presence right behind her. She, then, called my cell phone and I was only 2 miles away. She asked if I could come as soon as possible. I told her I would be there in less than 5 minutes and she hung up. After she did, whatever was near her only said “RUN”. She headed out the door, locked it, and left. I drove up, the lights on the first level was flashing on and off and she nearly scared the crap out of me when she hopped into my car. I asked “What happened” and then she told me. I told her that I did not call her at the restaurant and I was there, on time. After that, she only worked during the day time and rarely worked at night. She also insisted on never being alone in the restaurant.
K.R., if you can, please email me your EVP experience or I can go on YouTube or I can do a search on it.
This entire building has been torn down in the past couple weeks. So this is where the stories end lol
Grrrrr all the good buildings in Floroda for hauntings get torn down
Jesse, the spirits don’t go when a building gets torn down…if anything, it might piss some of them off even more,
I agree, MK. My husband and I were there for lunch yesterday (on the 3rd floor) and everyone suddenly heard an extremely loud crashing of multiple plastic glasses, I mean it was very loud. The bartender immediately yells, “Was anyone in there?”. The other three workers were visible and they all responded, “No!”. I immediately asked the bartender if this restaurant is haunted (I had never seen her there before and live on Clearwater Beach and frequent that restaurant often however, I had never heard of the haunting history). She replied she was new to this area however, she stated she heard the former Crabby Bill’s building was haunted, “but this is a new building here-only 3 years”. I said that doesn’t matter at all. The spirit(s) most likely will remain here as the new building, (Crabby’s Dockside), was built in same location as Crabby Bill’s (which we used to frequent as well). I was immediately convinced it was a spirit or ghost that caused the glasses to fall which is what prompted me to google this restaurant for haunted history! And sure enough, it is! So cool!
I was wondering if you could comment what the link is for the recording so I may hear. Also I have background on paranormal activities and would like to investigate at Crabby Bills Seafood if possible. Please respond to this post. Thank you.
Posted by A.P
If it is too late just let me know
I worked for the family for a couple of years the family has had there share of hard ships from there son to one sister backing her car into a pond I worked all over they at that time had several locations I did every thing from mantance to running the sea food market at one location to bussing tables to working the sports bar had several strange things happen in that time I was painting the main offices and was always missing brushes and would put a new coat on to come in the next morning and it wasn’t painted and at first just thought I might have not painted that wall but old man bill said the offices didn’t need paint any way and elly would say let him do his job it was the first of many strange things at not just one of there places but a few of them I personaly think the family has been cursed like the kenndys
I worked as a server at IRB Crabby Bill’s and also Clearwater Beach later 0n . I agree the family has a curse. I have also had weird things happed at both locations. Also other employees shared stories that would give anyone goosebumps.