Cornstalk Hotel

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This Victorian hotel building is rich with history. For one thing, it was the 1800s home of Judge Francois Xavier-Martin, who was the first Chief Justice of the Louisiana Supreme Court and the writer of the first history of Louisiana. It is also where Harriet Beecher Stowe became inspired to pen “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” as she witnessed the slave markets nearby.

Witnesses say there are ghostly children who have been seen and heard running through the building and the grounds. But the most startling thing some guests have discovered is that when they looked at the photos from the camera they had with them, among the photographs were pictures of themselves asleep in their beds. Who took the photos?

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Geographic Information

915 Royal St
New Orleans, LA 70116
United States

Get Directions »
29.960065, -90.06325090000001
Orleans Parish, Louisiana
Nearest Towns:
New Orleans, LA (0.8 mi.)
Gretna, LA (3.2 mi.)
Arabi, LA (3.5 mi.)
Terrytown, LA (3.9 mi.)
Harvey, LA (4.0 mi.)
Marrero, LA (4.7 mi.)
Jefferson, LA (5.4 mi.)
Metairie, LA (5.6 mi.)
Timberlane, LA (6.0 mi.)
Westwego, LA (6.0 mi.)

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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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Comments (7)

  1. When my husband and I stayed here on our honeymoon in 2010 I was woken during the the night by the bed shaking as if someone were standing at the foot shaking it. I sat up and it lasted about 10 more seconds then I went back to sleep. I don’t remember the room number but it was the southeast corner room.

  2. When we first moved to New Orleans we went venturing around and got a little drunk. We decided to sit down for a few in the courtyard out front the gate was open n we thought it was pretty though we probably weren’t allowed to just sit in the yard. The Werid this is some of the pictures had a blue light in them n some didn’t. This was 4 years ago

  3. The one I have a cig which I would just assumed it was smoke but it was taken after other pictures had the blue light in it when no one was smoking

  4. I stayed at the hotel in March 2016. I was with my cousins and they were all asleep except for me. I was up reading on my phone when heard the sound of the doorknobs shaking and turning like someone was trying to get in. I freaked out but was like nah it’s chill I’ll just go to sleep maybe it was someone messing around. Five minutes after I close my eyes I feel like someone is shaking the bed. I thought it was my cousin but she as well as everyone else was sleeping. I didn’t know what to do so I just thought if I ignored it it would go away. It stopped but then I felt a hand touch down from calf to my foot. This freaked me out so I finally screamed and woke up my family. I couldn’t sleep the rest of the night. Whatever was in our room wanted to get my attention and it definitely did.

  5. My husband and I stayed at the Cornstalk on the second flood at the back of the building for our wedding on Halloween 2016. We were there for 3 nights and the entire time, despite it being very warm outside and comfortable in the hallways, our room was always significantly colder than anywhere else. We turned off the AC when we arrived and nothing helped. One day, we left for the day and the thermostat was off and read 74 degrees, and when we returned about 4 hours later (all during the day) the thermo read 67 degrees. Also, early one morning while I was still asleep, my husband sat in a heavy armchair on the other side of the room. As he sat there, the chair started to shake of its own accord, while nothing else in the room moved at all. This went on for about 2 minutes then stopped. Very cool.

  6. Yes, it is haunted. On a Christmas eve we stayed in the front room by the driveway. It was a beautiful room so I was taking video of it and an orb passes by on my phone camera. All within 10 minutes of the video there was a knock from the wardrobe cabinet and also the door and no one was there. My daughter witnessed this as was a little freaked out because I was talking to it asking it to move in certain directions and it did. I did this several times throughout the stay and caught video.

    About to years later I visited and said hello to the lady working there and told her my story and may I go i to the rooms to look and take video again. She took me on a tour of the unoccupied rooms but I did not catch any activity. Before leving I asked if I could please use the restroom and she let me in the room to the left of the desk when fcing the desk. I want in alone and I felt as if someone was watching me so I started my video on my phone and caught an orb again. I am a believer this place is haunted but I must say I never felt uneasy or scared, just highly intrigued. Looking forward to another visit there to do it again.

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