Investigators claim to have captured orbs in photographs taken at this cemetery, and mysterious breathing noises appear on audio recordings.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Concord Cemetery
Wheaton, MO
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 36.704036924363834, -93.99864148988854
- County:
- Barry County, Missouri
- Nearest Towns:
- Exeter, MO (3.9 mi.)
Wheaton, MO (5.2 mi.)
Butterfield, MO (6.0 mi.)
Cassville, MO (7.4 mi.)
Washburn, MO (8.3 mi.)
Purdy, MO (8.9 mi.)
Fairview, MO (9.3 mi.)
Stella, MO (11.4 mi.)
Seligman, MO (13.0 mi.)
Stark City, MO (15.1 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
I lived just a mile or so away for about 4 years 20 years ago. I found this cemetery while back roading. There are no signs and it’s located at the top of a hill on a dead end road. I spooked many of girls and my son driving up there at night. You don’t see it coming until you’re right up on it. Creepy place for sure.
yes, you are correct. In 2023, I and a couple of friends camped out there. and we had seen orbs around us. we have these documented on camera. and by the witch’s grave site, there was a shadow figure about 3ft tall standing on top of the grave. This experience went on for about an hour, then nothing. I went back to my truck to get a tin of chew and while walking the back of my shirt was tugged on. i thought it was my girlfriend messing about but, when i turned around it was that 3ft shadow figure. just a black mass right Infront of me. i stood speechless. then it was gone. i got back to camp and told what happened and of course no believed me until my girlfriend noticed the back of my t-shirt wear i was tugged at was frayed like if you would pull threads out of a clothe. i still go back there to see if i can make contact but no luck. my friend said to bring a wejee board but I’m not into that. your messing with something very bad then. It is true the place is haunted.
the second time I went there I was with my cousin and friend this was just a couple months ago. My cousin waited in the car cause he did not want to get out he had a bad feeling. We watched the same shadow figure from 2 different areas. My friend got freaked out so she went back to the car. I stayed in and started to walk towards the back to find the witch’s grave to see if it was real. That’s when I seen this shadow with bright greenish eyes. I never felt more scared in my life, when people say frozen with fear that was literally me. I was not able to move my legs. It was a different type of fear, it was almost like I was a mouse and this shadow was the cat. I plan on going back with a friend of mine and takes some pictures. If I get anything I will post them.
I kissed the witches grave. The rest is still yet to be revealed.
My friend and I were bored while visiting family in the nearby area, so, after reading a few reviews of this place, we decided to give it a go.
This cemetery is in just the most bizarre location — down rocky dirt roads in the middle of nowhere, and just when you think it isn’t there, there it sits, alone and secluded at the top of a hill.
It was around ten at night when we went, so it was dark with strange fog that seemed to hover over the graves. My friend said that he felt an eerie presence with us, as if we were being watched by someone or *something,* but I shrugged it off and said that we should at least give it a try…
Almost immediately we could hear the sounds of coyotes howling(or crying?) in the surrounding woods, and a breeze swept through the trees and over our bodies, its being oddly cold for a summer’s night.
THEN WE SAW IT: Situated near the treeline, at the back edge of the woods that border the cemetery, stood what looked to be an elderly woman in a black robe. SHE WAS JUST STANDING THERE AND STARING AT US.
My friend and I stood frozen in fear, until I finally mustered up enough courage to holler out, “Hello? Can we help you?” But the old lady said absolutely nothing and instead turned her back to us and began walking into the forest.
My friend and decided not to stick around and instead rushed back to my car and drove out of there!
On our way out, my car’s headlights were flickering, and that’s never happened to my 2019 Chevy before, so I hit the gas because I didn’t want to break down out there! As we neared the highway, we saw another car turning off and heading in the direction of the cemetery. Hopefully they didn’t go there.
Needless to say, we won’t be going back any time soon — I mean, unless we’re with a bigger group of people.
This cemetery is officially the place that holds the record for the scariest experience of my life. Maybe the old woman was a local, idk, but it’s unlikely that a woman her age would be standing silently at the edge of a wood that borders a cemetery, particularly at night.