Built by a local man long ago who wanted his home to look like a castle, this property is now owned by the city of San Antonio. It is said that strange lights are often seen coming out of the tower.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 15551 Nacogdoches Rd
San Antonio, TX 78247
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 29.583274509295464, -98.36930466801454
- County:
- Bexar County, Texas
- Nearest Towns:
- Live Oak, TX (2.3 mi.)
Selma, TX (3.8 mi.)
Windcrest, TX (4.7 mi.)
Garden Ridge, TX (5.2 mi.)
Universal City, TX (5.3 mi.)
Converse, TX (5.5 mi.)
Schertz, TX (6.4 mi.)
Hollywood Park, TX (7.2 mi.)
Hill Country Village, TX (7.3 mi.)
Kirby, TX (8.3 mi.)
Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
Hello to the folks that are in charge of this great site. Comanche Lookout Tower is and was never a FORT. It was a privately owned structure that is all but demolished and was purchased by the city. The builder was a retired military man who was stationed in Europe and based his “home” on the old structures such as castles and such. However it is a very interesting place and some historians do believe that it was a vantage point for Commanche lookouts….hence the name.
I got scratched on my back got pictures its definately haunted
i live up the road from the tower, i might just have a look with my mother inlaw!
I am a full practicing witch that has done countless peaceful circle rituals on the top North West side of this Sacred Hill back in 2008. I have had numerous spirits follow me on the lower elevations on the back side of the park, and the snakes just love me there! Although the 3 short descriptions are not necessarily ghostly encounters, I was drawn to the spiritual area that compelled me to perform numerous high ceremonial magic ceremonies there, 3 of which I would like to share with you:
APRIL 26, 2008 “Witch Mystery?”
When I arrived at my favorite hill for the second time there was no one there so I had the whole area to myself and decided to cast a medium size circle out of rocks and decided to send love and healing energy out to the World from this location. I usually get very small pebble sized rocks for a tiny circle, but today I wanted fist sized rocks to make a good circle for my Ritual to better concentrate my magick on The World around me. The rocks I wanted for my circle were about half way down from the hill so I kept traveling back and forth picking up the quote “magickal rocks” out of the ordinary ones to better build my circle with ha ha. Now how do I know the rocks I was picking up was magickal? Well for one, they were hot, being exposed to the sun all day and for the other sure clincher? A nice snake was hiding under the very ones I was picking up so yep pretty magickal to me ha ha! What is it about me and snakes ha ha, they love me! Too bad it is a one sided love affair though, ha ha. Anyway, the snake peacefully left the area, and I continued on with my mission, building the best circle I could, with the 5 elements inside the inner circle, and 3 piles of rocks just outside my circle to represent the power of 3. My design kind of reminds me of a very crude Stonehenge built by a 3 year old, hey power of 3 works wonders ha ha. Anyway, the 5 rocks inside the circle have to be able to stand up on their own, to tower above the circle that surrounds them, to represent the elements of the world, and the spirit that is within us all. I carefully placed the 4 rocks in line with North, East, South, West, and place the largest rock in the center to represent the self and the spirit that is within us all for the ritual I am about to perform.
“Peace, Love, Happiness, Joy” were the spells I was releasing in the area and it felt so good to send the love to the people that so need it, in our hurting World! After I finished my Ritual, I closed my circle and noticed a very strange thing that was inside my Sacred area.
It was a quarter and a penny. 26 cents, hm, it magickally appeared out of nowhere just like that loving snake did ha ha, so what does this all mean? Today was the 26 of this month what a strange coincidence! After thinking about this riddle for a few seconds, it came to me! I needed to stay in the area for another 26 minutes to make this a power of 3 day ha ha!!!
So this is where the title of this blog comes in handy. A mystery is about to happen to a Witch. What is going to happen in 26 minutes in this area I was at. Time started ticking as I was looking around wondering what was going to happen in such a short amount of time. I Spiritually closed my circle with peace and love, but I kept my circle of rocks intact, as I stood there waiting for it to happen. Time was ticking and it was getting interesting, the wind picked up, the birds flew by in nearby trees singing their hearts out. A plane flew above the area, a distant car honked their horn from far below. Every little noise was noticed by me and the magick felt like it was growing as each second passed closer to the appointed time. 1 minute to go and then I felt the presence of several things coming my way. I quietly went around the other side of the trees as they entered my Sacred area. Luckily they did not see me and just as the 26 minutes were up, I heard him say those haunting words:
“Uh oh, what is this? Look at these Satanic rocks, take that Satan!!!” and I heard the kid kicking my Sacred Rocks and scattering them all over the place! Ha ha, it was hilarious, a young kid scattering the rocks he thought was evil. I had to bite my tongue just to keep from laughing so that I would not give away my position from them. As quickly as the group came to my area, they left just as quickly! It was incredible how they came in exactly 26 minutes, completing my power of 3 day.
Ha ha, so what is the moral of this story? Well for one, if you happen to find a strange pile of rocks in the wilderness, don’t automatically assume it is evil. It might be for love and healing. Also if you happen to be a Christian, try not to be so violent! Wow, that kid had some energy kicking those rocks around ha ha. Also, if Witchcraft bothers you, it is probably best to leave strange rocks alone, especially if you haven’t been properly introduced ha ha!!! You may have unintentionally helped a Witch close their Sacred ritual by returning the rocks to their natural state, and the main moral for the day ends with a question!!! Can a Witch every have a normal day?!? Never!!! (smiling)
APRIL 6, 2008 “Blessed Evening”
Anyway speaking of Witchcraft, I really haven’t been doing too much of it lately so I decided to go to Church today, and really had a blast being one with The Earth. In case you are wondering, my church happens to be all over The World, since everything is sacred to me, ha ha, but lately, I been spending most of my time on top of Lookout Park and just love it there.
I circle cast at my favorite spot, and placed my small circle of rocks with A Pentagram Star inside, to represent The elements of The Earth and the Spirit that is within us all, and blessed the area with Peace, Love, Happiness, Joy. The Blessing Spell, is one of my favorite spells to do, and amazing how it draws people and animals to me. A butterfly rested near my shoulder as I completed my Ritual, just amazing how that happens! However, that is the purpose of the spell though, to bring joy to the area and find the peace within each individual that passes by, butterflies included lol! Today was a great day I really enjoyed, hope my presence made a difference in the people I met today, only time will tell I suppose.
NOVEMBER 25, 2007 “A Witches Vision”
November 25, My Vision Quest day: A Native American friend of mine heard I did Vision Quests before and wanted to help me with the one I had planned for today by contacting a medicine man to keep the evil spirits away from me ( Remember, I warned you about my life being interesting). I planned my Vision Quest on the top of Comanche Lookout Hill, the 4th highest hill in Bexar County. It is an incredible park, and I was drawn to it the first time I went to that special magickal place. There is so much energy there, I decided it would be a perfect place for a Vision Quest. At exactly 8am, I started my Quest, and the rain started pouring down magically, as if on cue. it was a very cold day here in San Antonio, around 40 degrees, and since the rain kept most of the people off of the hill, I knew it would be a good day to try my Quest. So I went to the Northwest side of the hill under a large oak tree and began my journey. I performed a circle cast ritual, used candle magic to mark the 4 corners of the circle of a Witch: Earth, Air, Fire, Water. I blessed the area with Peace, Love, Happiness, Joy, and began my chants. it was a very intense time for me, and the falling rain water was feeling very cold to me while I was lying down inside my circle with shorts and a small windbreaker jacket. After an hour of chants I could not completely connect with the spirits in the area, but I did feel warmth and love surround me during my sacred time. I felt something remind me of the time I was in Guam, and the incredible beauty of the world that I saw that day. The living waters of the Pacific Ocean, with the thousands of shades of blue, contrasted by the white clouds above, and the green vegetation below that surrounded me. Oh that was a great day, the day I saw just how beautiful and sacred our world really was! My eyes were open to an incredible beauty that was around me, and I felt humbled by all the life forces that was around me. Everything that surrounded me had purpose and meaning, and on that faithful day, I realized that I was part of this incredible sacred world that surrounds us and is within us. This is what I saw today in my Vision Quest, the reminder of how important life is, and how important it is to share it with the ones you love. Well my Vision Quest is over for the day, but my year long journey has just begun! I’m not sure where my life will be at the end of the year, but I’m certain where I plan to take it. Back home to where I started on this days journey, in peace and love! Take care family, and thanks for coming along with me on my journey!
As a full practicing witch I vow to haunt and protect this place as well as the guests that visit this wonderful sacred area when I die if I am permitted to. You will hear me whispering in the trees to let you know I am watching over you.
That’s unhealthy. You need to go into the light, if you are able. Also, not go be rude, but I’ve read several of your posts, and i know a few wiccans, and they don’t talk like this at all.
Hi Amber blessings, Labels are so overrated, I am Wicca friendly, but I am not Wicca, I don’t follow any particular coven, group or individual I am my own religion. I am from the Earth and I love it here! Lookout park has a special place in my heart, I held many peaceful rituals there in my church with perfect love and perfect trust in mind. I don’t have anything against any religions as long as they worship in peace and respect the rights of others to worship in peace as well.
I agree it is unhealthy for someone like you to attempt what I have done, but it is perfectly natural for me, each individual must find their own path in life and part of my existence was touched by Lookout Park. It left it’s imprint on me in a good way so I in turn will imprint part of my soul there as well. Don’t worry I will go to the light of the Christian God when I am called home, but if I have an opportunity I will be at the park to watch over it for awhile and connect to others who are blessed to see me.
I’m sorry I don’t understand your post? You know a few wiccans but they don’t talk like the way I do? It would be wrong for anyone to criticize my individual path that would be a mockery of my personal sacred religious beliefs, but I welcome anyone with an open heart and good intentions to observe and participate with me if this is their calling. When I went to Lookout Park for the first time I was drawn to the spiritual entities and sacredness of the area, so much so that I felt compelled to give my thanks to Mother Earth and the Divine that created Her in this incredible area.
Do you know of the Wicca Sabbaths and Esbats that are observed during the year? I am going to hold an Esbat on top of the Northwest corner of the Hill on March 31st, 2018 at exactly 7:27am central time. I am going to honor our Full Moon and call upon the spirits in the area to bring the comfort and peace to an area we are attracted to and love with all our hearts! Hope to see you there and are able to enter my circle in peace, but then again be warned, when your eyes are opened you will be prone to have spiritual entities follow you wherever you go. hope to see you there and peace be with you! *Attached is a picture of my ritual circle I will place on the ground on that date*
tonight around 11:30 me and my best friend went to this park, it was past close sobwe parked down the street, noone was there except us it was absolutely quiet. were walking the trail when you hear a girl scream, then a man almost sound like hes attacking someone we fuckin raaannn. we ran for a while then walked more when a short while later on god you hear a witch laugh, unreal sounded perfect like outta movie we fucking rann!!! & after both those happened you cant hear absolutely anything like nobody was there. scariest thing that ive ever fucking experienced and i put this on my life it happened. when we got in the car and drove by it the police were outside it.
i came here with a friend at night and we heard a scream as well as a very real witches laugh. something youd hear out if a movie. noone believes me when i tell them this story but Lord knows im not lieing. scared me out my mind. i turned to a track star that night never ran faster in my life.
https://youtu.be/_fqb4ak0dRE pay close attention right after I say “if there is anyone that wishes to speak, speak now” and you will here a whispered spirit voice in the wind say “Let us pray on his,,,,,,,,soul!”
If you listen carefully you can hear a spiritual voice whisper in the wind “Let us pray on his,,,, soul” immediately after I ask “If there is anybody that wishes to speak, speak now”
https://youtu.be/_fqb4ak0dRE<— highlight and paste link to see short video just to left of arrow, for some reason it seems this site does not like to post links.
I’d follow that link if you werent so annoying.