The smell of cigar smoke is attributed to one of the retirement residents who died here long ago, but has till been reported by various guests. Hotel rooms are barricaded by furniture from the inside of the hotel rooms when no one is inside. Apparitions reported at the hotel include a man in a top hat and frock coat, a lady in white who jumped off a hotel balcony, the ghost of a woman in Room 330 and a child who haunts the ground floor where a pool used to be.
(Submitted by Callum Swift)
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 4000 Westcliff Drive
Hood River, OR
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 45.71164643912715, -121.55391812335438
- County:
- Hood River County, Oregon
- Nearest Towns:
- Hood River, OR (1.6 mi.)
White Salmon, WA (3.4 mi.)
Bingen, WA (4.3 mi.)
Odell, OR (5.9 mi.)
Mosier, OR (7.8 mi.)
Mount Hood, OR (12.0 mi.)
Carson, WA (12.8 mi.)
Lyle, WA (13.0 mi.)
Parkdale, OR (13.4 mi.)
Rowena, OR (14.0 mi.)
Contact Information
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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
My husband and I stayed at the Columbia Gorge hotel about 25 years ago. We were awakened by a lot of noise coming from the room above us. It was 3:15 AM and we decided they might be dancing. We went back to sleep. The next morning, after breakfast, we took a walk in the garden and looked up at where we were staying. There was no floor above ours. We quietly asked the help at the desk if they have heard about any ghost activity in the attic. They said they had and everyone tries to avoid the attic!
My husband and I went down to the ballroom after dinner. It was totally dark. I was searching for a light switch and my husband started taking pictures. On the second picture, an anomaly dropped from the ceiling, and disappeared right in front of my husband. He said “Did you see that?!?!” Wow!!!
stayed here for a wedding, one night my husband woke up to use the bathroom and saw the closet light on coming from under the closet door. The scary part is that the light doesn’t go on unless you open the closet door! They have an automatic sensor that turns the light on when the closet door opens and the door was shut! He was so scared that he jumped into bed and hid under the covers and didn’t mention this to me until we got back home because he didn’t want to scare me while I was there.
Hi! I’m currently writing an essay on the hauntings in Hood River. It would be great to interview you to further our research. If interested, Email us at Thank you!
My husband and I stayed there last night (October 16, 2017) on a last minute decision. I’d always wanted to stay here and had no clue of the history til we got curious why access to floor above the third is gated and locked. Then started reading about suspicious things. We were in room 330. I will tell you the closet light turned off and on three different times and my husband felt like someone was tugging on the sheets. I was absolutely terrified. The closet light as mentioned is a sensor and the closet door was closed and all things were off as we were sleeping and it still did it. Idk why or how but I will never stay there again. I will visit but never stay. Didn’t sleep.
Also! When we first checked in, we had to push the door slightly because it was caught on the end table. Tell me how the table is in front of the door and the room was locked with no one inside….the place had shining vibes
I worked there as a maid sometime around 79 or 80. The third floor wasn’t open yet. Part of my job was to go to the third floor and open all the windows and doors to keep the place aired out. I would open the windows, which was HARD to do because they were those old sash windows, with a ton of paint on them. It took forever to finally work them open, then put a stick underneath them to keep them from slamming shut! (Like THAT would happen LOL) Then block the doors open. I would go back downstairs to the maid quarters, then come back up stairs FIVE minutes later and ALL the windows and doors would be closed! I got scared so I went back to the maids room and brought another one with me…when we got there…EVERY one of those windows and doors were OPEN again! Even if there were someone trying to play a prank on us….it would have taken them a LOT longer than five minutes to close every window and door! No way! This happened to me many times in the short time I worked there. Oh, that place is most definitely haunted!!
We just had breakfast today and on leaving wanted a photo taken of our group, a young man in tails and white gloves offered to take a photo, he seemed rather strange.
A few years ago my wife and I stayed at the hotel. I am a bit OCD about lines and edges, so very much appreciated the beautiful molding, perfect paint edges, and all lovely paintings hung perfectly level. These are just things I notice. So when we went upstairs to our room, we passed a painting that was just off; not quite level. I resisted, at the time, the temptation to adjust it. But in the morning as we passed I attempted to straighten it. I found it fixed to the wall, and immoveable. We enjoyed a lovely day, no spooks, friendly staff. That afternoon as we prepared to leave we passed the crooked painting again. It was completely level. And fixed to the wall. : O
Stayed overnight here on November 4th to November 5th as a birthday gift from my grandma. My mom didn’t experience much, but, I had 6 main things happen to me. My favorite is that I caught 3 orbs in 3 separate photographs in the ballroom. I saw the shadowy apparition of a little girl with pigtails in the reflection of a mirror, and in the Simon Cliff House Restaurant, I saw a tall man walk from one side of the door to the center while I was trying to catch a photo of the gorgeous restaurant. In the ballroom I also heard a little girl giggling, and in the restaurant, I heard a woman loudly whisper “Listen!” In my ear. The next day, while I was sitting in bed eating breakfast, my mom went to the restroom, and while she was in there, I saw the curtain on the other side of the bed move, even though the windows were closed and the AC was off! (I stayed in room 328 btw) and when we checked in, the front desk attendant told us it was “The worst room in the house.” I asked why and she said “That room is where all the housekeepers say the most activity is, saying they hear noises to seeing doors opening and closing, they also say the room gets barricaded shut by the side table near it, even though no one is in the room.” I got so excited and I had an amazing time and I will definitely be going back. It was probably the most unforgettable night I’ve ever had.
I also have a picture of the orbs, and a photo of a shadow figure standing behind me when I was taking a photo of the ballroom (I was taking a photo pointing towards the mirror on the opposite side of the ballroom.
rm 328? oh i gotta go if its the worst rm for sure. gotta do a proper investigation lol would luv to play with all my new paranormal toys. thank u for sharing ur experience
Np, it was a fun night, and go to the Ballroom, most definitely the most haunted place in the hotel. Ask some staff as well, they will probably tell you everything you want to know and the ballroom is usually open all night.
The most haunted room is also 330, where the lady jumped to her death. Another haunted place is the tower (It is off limits now, and blocked by a metal gate) but people have claimed to see a lady in a long white flowing dress walking around the top, and looking towards the sunset. Legend says that this lady was getting married at the hotel, but when the time arrived, her groom stood her up and left her at the alter. Distraught, the lady ran from the alter, climbed up the tower (this was when it was opened to the public) and jumped from the top.
I spent the night at the hotel on my wedding night with my new wife. I don’t remember the room we stayed in, but I do remember it being a profoundly strange experience that was like no other. First, when we were assigned a room, we sent to settle for the night. When we got to the room, we were unable to find a bathroom in the room, the doors in the room that may have served as entry to the bathroom, we re firmly locked, we were unable to open them. We went to the reception desk, and rather than figure out the problem, the receptionist simply assigned us another room. I found this to be quite odd and the un-settled nature of the problem left me ill at ease. The rest of the night was spent sleeping fitfully for both of us, and I think neither one of us slept more than a few hours. In the morning we looked around the room and I noticed that there was red liquid (looked like blood) that appeared to be dripping out of one of the pictures on the wall. It appeared to be coming out of the wall at the bottom corner of the picture. When I investigated it, the liquid was dry. I don’t remember hearing any strange noises or seeing anything else, but our experience at this hotel was profoundly odd and off-putting.