Cold Springs Cemetery

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Cold Springs Cemetery, incorporated in 1840, is believed to be haunted by a girl who was murdered here while hitchhiking.

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Geographic Information

4849 Cold Springs Rd
Lockport, NY 14094
United States

Get Directions »
43.1838989, -78.65747390000001
Niagara County, New York
Nearest Towns:
Lockport, NY (1.9 mi.)
South Lockport, NY (3.1 mi.)
Gasport, NY (4.2 mi.)
Rapids, NY (6.0 mi.)
Newfane, NY (7.6 mi.)
Middleport, NY (9.3 mi.)
Olcott, NY (11.0 mi.)
Barker, NY (11.3 mi.)
Sanborn, NY (11.9 mi.)
Clarence Center, NY (12.0 mi.)
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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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  1. I was driving and all of a sudden my radio began jumping and m cell phone lost reception. I suddenly got cold chills and a very eerie uncomfortable feeling. When I got service I called my mother she picked and then I heard static and then a demonic voice saying hello!
    I immediately sped back home to queens but then entire drive til I got off Long Island I felt an eerie uncomfortable, and uneasy feeling as if someone was sliding their cold hands down my back

  2. my father and my grandfather (his father) seen her years and years ago as she put her hands up on the car and said “help me” and they didn’t let her in their car because at that time it was common for a girl to act helpless and a bunch of guys run out and jack the car.. so they locked the doors and drove off and when they looked back she had vanished.. she was spotted on mountain rd I think he said tho, someone came into the bar a few weeks after who had actually picked her up and as he turned to ask her where she was going.. she was no longer in the back seat…. WOAH!!

  3. The grave in the middle, in the far back says “Stay though thy footsteps near this hallow’d spot.” I am pretty sure it is stay and not slay. I love this graveyard. It takes a good few hours to explore. I wish I had a friend that would walk these places with me. The feelings here are definitely spooky and eerie, yet peaceful at the same time. I get the feeling that it is indeed haunted.

    • I love this cemetery also.. When we were kids, my friends and I used to ride our bikes here, park, talk, or see which of us could see the most of the many different bird species here. We used to see red tailed hawks all the time. Also, mice, chipmunks, groundhogs (there was a guy who worked out here, who told us he was wishing he could bring his 22 in the cemetery, as he was sick of filling in all the groundhog holes! People were always turning their ankles in them, and he was scared someone would break a leg, and sue the cemetery. We used to wander around, looking at the gravestones, marveling that this person or that, had been old enough to fight in the Revolutionary War, or that another person had been our age, when they died. We’d wonder how they died-accident? Illness? I read on another site, an account by a group of ghost hunters who went through Cold Springs, looking for ghosts one night. They heard all sorts of sounds, like something running. Of course they did! Cold Springs is full of deer! These guys were probably scaring them, so that they were running away! Seriously, you have to be careful when driving past here, on Cold Springs Rd, or Chestnut Ridge, because the deer like to run out in front of you. I think I do believe in ghosts-I’ve had a few weird occurances in my life-but I’ve never felt followed, or seen anything but wildlife in this cemetery. I think, that “after life’s fitful” existence, these dead are happy, and with their loved ones, who went before them.

  4. I stopped there yesterday to visit my aunt’s grave,as if seeing the spot next to her where my uncle is to be buried dug up and someone else buried there by mistake it looks like..,,(big rectangle dug up fresh mound of dirt covering casket) HESSTILLALIVE…..(we called about that waiting for a call back)as if that was shocking enough.. I had my 4 year old almost 5 yr grandson with me.. he said I’m waving to that lady Grandma…(hairs stand up on back of neck) I said what lady?? He said that lady right there.. I’m waving to her she’s waving to me.. I said A Real lady???? He said yes she’s standing right there….. There WAS no lady,nobody anywhere but us and the graves.. I know I should have asked him more but I got creeped out and

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