The 1800s Cloverdale Cemetery is rumored to have the graves of seven beautiful witch sisters. Many urban legends center on the sisters, such as that those who walk around their graves seven times by the light of a full moon would awaken the sisters’ ghosts, which would chase them away. Witnesses also have reported orbs that seem to follow them.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- E Robert Weist Ave
Cloverdale, IN
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 39.515396298945625, -86.7898828982652
- County:
- Putnam County, Indiana
- Nearest Towns:
- Cloverdale, IN (0.2 mi.)
Greencastle, IN (9.8 mi.)
Fillmore, IN (10.7 mi.)
Stilesville, IN (11.9 mi.)
Gosport, IN (13.1 mi.)
Coatesville, IN (13.5 mi.)
Paragon, IN (14.7 mi.)
Amo, IN (15.2 mi.)
Spencer, IN (15.9 mi.)
Stinesville, IN (16.7 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Tonight is September 14, 2015 and it is now approximately 1152 pm on aon day evening. Myself and my roommate TJ have just left the Cloverdale grounds of the cemetary. We have given multiple EVP reading’s and magnetic energy trackers to coincide with the area. I will add that the myth behind circling the witches grave is definitely false HOWEVER it is an active ground for readings and some sightings. One of which u will come across a very distraught and angry pilot saying he will never leave, and a voice towards the main entrance peacefully crying out “help me”. If you would like these recordings, I’ll gladly send you our evidence, we are still however investigating this area. But that’s all we have for now. Any questions feel free to email me at rikadotgee@gmail.con
Hello, I just wanted to share my recent experience at the Cloverdale Cemetery with you, and also it’d be cool if I could see the evidence you guys have collected.
So my friends and I decided we’d go check out the cemetery because it’s supposed to be haunted, and we were in Cloverdale camping at my friend’s family farmhouse. So it was around 12 am when we set out to find the cemetery, we used my friend’s GPS and took my friend C’s van, and my friend H’s truck. there were 5 of us total. After a while we found the cemetery and pulled into the drive that goes through the cemetery. We all got out and immediately there was an eery feeling about the place. One of my friends was already starting to freak out, but we convinced him to just walk a little bit with us. So we began walking the main road that goes through the cemetery, and nothing really happened. My friend was trying to find out what to do to see stuff on the internet, and I suggested that we go over to the older part of the cemetery, near the building. So we went back to the cars, and decided we’d turn onto the road that goes in front of the building and older part of the cemetery. At this point my friend who was freaking out is freaking out, and he convinces my friend H to drive him in the truck back to the main road. So, me and my friends C and W decide that we’re going to go ahead and park in front of the older part, turn the car off and wait, but first we send W down that street to see if there was a place for us to turn around if something went weird. A few seconds later he comes running back, yelling that he saw something. We didn’t really believe him, and we got in the van and pulled up in front of the old cemetery. we turned the car off and waited. Right away I felt freaked out and told him to leave and that I didn’t want to do it anymore. Then he told me to wait just 5 minutes. That’s when stuff started happening. It sounded like muffled groans coming from the ground. I faintly saw something move near some of the headstones, and my two friends claimed they saw something walking around the graves. Then something happened that made us all freeze. It sounded like someone was dragging their fingernails across the roof of the van. When we snapped out of it my friend struggled to get the van turned on and then we drove fast towards the main cemetery road. We turned on to the road and we were about to make it to the main road when something. And I still don’t know what it was, but it looked like a black figure, crawling, like it was draped in black fabric, like maybe a dress, crawled across the street at a rapid pace, and my friend slammed on the brakes. Then it just disappeared, My friend floored it and we got the hell out of there fast. When we regrouped at a gas station one of my friend’s suggested we check the roof to see if there were nail marks, and there were. We all started freaking out, and my friend got a picture of it. I’ll try to get the picture next time I see him. I swear this stuff happened, and it completely freaked everyone out, and we all slept in the van together that night. Sorry for the super long story but I was wondering if you’d possibly know anything about this, offer any advice, warn against going back, etc., and I’d like to see what you’ve come up with. Thanks
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I am a member of Paranormal Truth Society my group seen figures. My nephew was scared and he doesn’t get scared that easily. We didn’t go to the house. But I felt drawn to the house. As we were about to leave one of the members trunk was opened and his cars hood was hit. And we all saw a couple of figures by the house and in the windows. We all were a little frightened. We also heard a voice angrily say get out and leave, so we did. On the way out two of us saw a figure. Also at one of the grave we saw a figure. When we arrived I saw a hanging flower pot on one of the graves swinging and the wind wasn’t blowing.
I would like to investigate this location with the the team I’m apart of. But I would like permission first. Who should I ask for permission.
Who do you ask for permission to go onto the cemetery?
Cloverdale Cemetery is public property, the hours are generally dawn-to-dusk.