This church is the oldest standing building in Powell. In 1948 the building was moved from the corner of 3rd and Bent Streets to the corner of Park and Douglas street. Nothing specific is really known about the history of the building (besides the fact that it used to the Presbyterian Church- which is located at the original site in a new building). I grew up in this church, and so sometimes people ask me odd questions that are obviously trying to get information regarding any paranormal experiences that may have occurred in the building. I have also spoken to several people who I know well enough to be open about discussing the experiences. Most people report that they find the building peaceful unless they are there alone. Even with doors locked the doors can be heard opening and closing, but when a person goes to see who came in the door is still locked and the person is alone (this is a small church- you wouldn’t miss someone). Footsteps and voices can be heard on
the opposite level of where you are in the building, but when you go to the level where the noise is occurring, the noise seems to migrate to the level you were just on. The most common complaint is a horrifying sensation of “someone standing behind you.” This sensation becomes overwhelming to the point that people have been to known to leave the building in haste. For example it is not uncommon to enter the building to find the vacuum plugged in in the middle of a row of pews and no sign of the cleaner. The common visual disturbance is an catching a glimpse of something (the shape is difficult to make out) that is about the size of a cat, but it is just a shadow-type figure. It is either seen running past a doorway or caught “out of the corner of the eye.” Today the church has erected a parsonage for the pastor to live in, but in the past the basement of the church was an apartment for the pastor. On at least two occasions, Pastors living in the church itself fled i
n the middle of the night, and gave no notice, but left resignation letters. The person I spoke to stated that there were no known problems with the pastors in terms of mental/emotional concerns or conflicts with the congregation- they just left for no known reason. When one walks by the church today, nothing is visible, but many report sensing a presence “watching them” from one of the windows- although the window is not always the same (the upper level is really one giant room)- most can identify the exact window that the presence is “watching” from.
(Submitted by Jeremy)
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 364 W. Park Street
Powell, WY
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 44.751405823803, -108.76329007740424
- County:
- Park County, Wyoming
- Nearest Towns:
- Powell, WY (0.3 mi.)
Garland, WY (5.4 mi.)
Ralston, WY (5.5 mi.)
Deaver, WY (12.5 mi.)
Byron, WY (13.0 mi.)
Frannie, WY (16.6 mi.)
Cowley, WY (17.0 mi.)
Lovell, WY (19.3 mi.)
Cody, WY (21.2 mi.)
Burlington, WY (26.6 mi.)

Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
Interesting comments about the Powell Nazarene Church. I attended there from 1951 thru 1964 and occasionally since. This is the first I have heard about it being haunted. I remember cleaning the church as a child so would be in the building alone. I remember meeting in the basement prior to moving the upstairs building from 3rd. and Bent.
Sorry, the Nazarene Church is not the oldest building in Powell. The oldest is probably the Bureau of Reclamation Building which was built when the reclamation project in the area was being constructed in the early 1900’s. Powell was “founded” in 1909 as a ‘reclamation’ town between Garland, Wyo and Cody, Wyo. There are a couple of historical books written by local historians that provide accurate history of Powell and the surrounding area.
The most typical kind of visual disturbance is seeing a dordle dark, elusive creature around the size of a cat, but it turns out to be nothing more than a shadow. It’s caught “out of the corner of the eye” or “running by a doorway.” Unlike in the past, when the pastor used to have his own dwelling in the church’s basement, a parsonage was recently built for the pastor to use.
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